Posted on Tuesday 15th July 2014

Hans-Peter Blossfeld , Elina Kilpi-Jakonen , Daniela Vono de Vilhena , Sandra Buchholz
Hans-Peter Blossfeld, PI of the ERC project eduLIFE, and his co-editors are pleased to announce that the first book in the eduLIFE Lifelong Learning series, 'Adult Learning In Modern Societies: An International Comparison from a Life-course Perspective', has just been published by Edward Elgar.
As industrial societies increasingly evolve into knowledge-based economies, the importance of education as a lifelong process is greater than ever. This comprehensive book provides a state-of-the-art analysis of adult learning across the world and within varying institutional contexts. The expert contributors examine the structures of formal and non-formal adult learning in different countries, and investigate the levels of success those countries have experienced in encouraging participation and skill formation.
The book offers a cross-section of international perspectives, with chapters focusing on Australia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United States. Using empirical, longitudinal data from each of these countries, the contributors identify which types of learning are converted into positive labor market outcomes and assess the potential of adult learning for reducing social inequalities.
This book will be of great use to both academics and policymakers with an interest in adult learning, sociology, education and inequality, and the economics of work.
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