Factiva news and company database
Dow Jones Factiva is a digital archive of global news content covering 18,000 sources from 159 countries in 22 languages.
In addition to news content, the Factiva Companies & Markets database provides five years of headline economic data. (EUI members requiring longer data series should use the Library databases listed under 'Time period' below.)
Users of Dow Jones Factiva can locate, elaborate and export data on single companies, or a selection of companies, by peer group. The database also provides news items about companies and tracks changes in company structure over time. Filings' reports for public companies include balance sheets, cash flow data, income statements, geographical location information and key ratios. Custom reports can be generated in the Snapshot feature - including news, key developments and financial information.
In addition to economic and financial statistical data, quantitative trend analysis can be performed on news item search results on the Factiva platform. A key-term frequency graphic is available at the upper left of the search results’ screen. The free text search function, and Boolean Operators, are explained in this guide. The Factiva left menu allows the delimitation of news content by time period; by language; and by category (eg. newspapers, newswires, industry publications, websites and company reports). Other news resources are listed on this Library page.
Dow Jones Factiva company database provides five years of data. For longer time series, EUI members should use these resources:
The Standard and Poor's Capital IQ Pro platform provides data on banks, insurance companies, financial institutions and financial markets worldwide. Coverage includes ownership information, market analysis, filings, financial statements, mergers and acquisitions' data and sectoral news. EUI members can create an account by following the instructions at 'How to access data'. The EUI provides access to the S&P Market Intelligence Financial Institutions Group (MIFIG) dataset. (Prior to 2021, Capital IQ Pro was known as 'S&P Global Market Intelligence.' [Full details]
Compustat provides financial information on over 28,000 U.S. and Canadian publicly-held companies from the 1950s to present. The database includes a wide range of income, balance sheet, flow of funds and supplemental data, across 340 annual and 120 quarterly items, with point-in-time snapshots from 1987 to present. Compustat is published by S&P Global Inc. The database is updated weekly, with archive from the 1950s to present; and from 1987 to present for point-in-time observations. [Full details]
Datastream is a global financial and macroeconomic time-series database, providing data on equities, stock market indices, currencies, company fundamentals, fixed income securities and key economic indicators for 175 countries and 60 markets. Equity data from IPO to present is updated daily. Macroeconomic time series are monthly, quarterly and annual, with up to 60 years of coverage. Datastream is published by Refinitiv, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange Group plc. [Full details]
The Global Financial Database provides long-range historical financial data on stocks, bonds, bills and other instruments, covering approximately 200 countries from the early modern period to the present. EUI members can create an account by following the instructions at 'How to access data'. The GFD platform is called 'Finaeon.' Data series are assigned nine metadata descriptors: Series ID; Description; Start date; End date/most recent; Periodicity; Country/territory; Currency; Series type (eg. government bond yields) and GFD sector designation (eg. equity). [Full details]
The IMF provides statistical data on government finance, monetary relations, financial stability, international trade, exchange rates, balance-of-payments and global economic prospects. IMF data is available via the IMF data homepage; via Datastream (for integrating IMF data with other international series); and via the UKDS.Stat platform. Supporting documentation and IMF publications are available via the IMF eLibrary. Headline series include; Balance of Payments Statistics; Direction of Trade Statistics; Government Finance Statistics; International Financial Statistics; Coordinated Direct Investment Survey and; World Economic Outlook data. [Full details]
Orbis Europe is a database of comparable financial and business information on Europe's largest 600,000 public and private companies by total assets. 43 countries are covered. Orbis Europe is published by Moody's Analytics (formerly published by Bureau van Dijk as 'Amadeus'). The database provides standardised annual accounts (consolidated and unconsolidated), financial ratios, sectoral activities and ownership data. Orbis Europe is suitable for research on competitiveness, economic integration, applied microeconomics, business cycles, economic geography and corporate finance. [Full details]
Enter Dow Jones Factiva via this Library Catalogue link.
- Click on the 'Companies-Markets' tab at the upper right of the top-bar
- The 'Get Company Snapshot' and the 'Quick Company Selector' will open
- Search for a company using a company name or metadata
- 'Company Snapshot' provides an overview of fundamentals
- 'News' and 'Key Developments' can be accessed for media coverage and key structural changes over time
- 'Peer Comparison' facilitates comparisons between listed comparison by type (up to 100 peers)
- 'Financial Results' provides filings reports for public companies, including balance sheets, cash flow, income statements, geographic segment breakdown and key ratios
- Custom reports can be generated from contents in the 'Snapshot' resource, including news, key developments and financial information
- Market data charts, and comparative company charts, can be generated with up to ten variables.
Data homepage
Contact: [email protected]
Page last updated on 11 November 2024