Microeconomic and Sociological Data
CESSDA Data Catalogue - Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives
Data catalogue and service provider for European social science data, with a searchable index of over 40,000 data collections in 20 European countries, including quantitative, qualitative, mixed, cross-sectional, longitudinal and historical data. [Full details]
Competitiveness Research Network - CompNet Europe
CompNet, an initiative of the ECB and partners, generates (i) European firm-level data in micro-aggregated format and (ii) a diagnostic toolkit for competitiveness indicators. Variables include employment, trade, productivity, mark-ups and financial constraints. [Full details]
Compustat North American company data - Standard & Poor's
Database of financial information on over 28,000 U.S. and Canadian publicly-held companies from the 1950s to present; including a wide range of income, balance sheet, flow of funds and supplemental data, across 340 annual and 120 quarterly items, with point-in-time snapshots from 1987 to present. Compustat is published by S&P Global Inc. [Full details]
Consumer Expenditure Survey - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data on U.S. household spending on goods and services, prepared for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau, consisting of an interview survey and a diary survey, from 1984 to present. [Full details]
Current Population Survey - U.S. Bureau of Census
Monthly data on employment, earnings, educational attainment, income, poverty, health insurance and other socio-economic variables for approximately 50,000 American households, based on interviews with household members over fifteen years of age. [Full details]
Data Repositories Registry - re3data
Global registry of research data repositories, with browse and search functions, covering all academic disciplines, maintained by Humboldt University and partners. [Full details]
Datastream - equities, markets and macro data
Global financial and macroeconomic platform providing data on equities, stock market indices, currencies, company fundamentals, fixed income securities and key economic indicators for 175 countries and 60 markets. Equity data from IPO to present is updated daily. Macroeconomic time series are monthly, quarterly and annual, with up to 60 years of coverage. [Full details]
DNB Household Survey - Netherlands
Financial information on 2,000 Dutch households, covering work, pensions, accommodation, mortgage finance, income, assets, liabilities, health, perception of personal financial situation, perception of risks and other variables. [Full details]
EUDO data - European Union Democracy Observatory, EUI
Data on democratic practices in Europe: (i) 2019 data from the EUDO euandi European Parliament online voting advice application comprising (a) political party data and (b) voter profile data (anonymised); (ii) 2014 data from the EUDO euandi European Parliament online voting advice application and (iii) 2009 data from the EUDO EU Profiler project. [Full details]
EU-LFS - European Union Labour Force Survey - Eurostat
Cross-sectional and longitudinal household sample survey, coordinated by Eurostat, based on data from the EU member states, EFTA countries and EU-candidate countries, comprising observations on labour market participation and persons outside the labour force. [Full details]
EU-SILC - European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions - Eurostat
Cross-sectional and longitudinal sample survey, coordinated by Eurostat, based on data from the European Union member states and other European countries, containing comparable, multi-dimensional data on income, poverty, social exclusion and living conditions. [Full details]
Eurobarometer Surveys - European Commission
Pan-European surveys conducted for the European Commission on attitudes towards European integration, institutions, policies, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information technology, the environment and other topics. [Full details]
EUROMOD - EU tax and benefits simulator
Tax and benefits' microsimulation model for the European Union developed by the University of Essex Institute for Social and Economic Research, enabling researchers and policy analysts to calculate comparable effects of taxes and benefits on household incomes in each member state and for the EU as a whole. [Full details]
European Community Household Panel
Longitudinal household panel survey covering 14 EU member states over eight years from 1994 to 2001. (See also EU-SILC above.) Subject interviews covered overall financial situation, income data, working life, housing, social relations, health and biographical observations. [Full details]
European Credit Research Institute - ECRI
European Credit Research Institute database of observations on credit to households in 38 European countries, compiled by the European Credit Research Institute, covering EU member states, 4 EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland); 2 EU candidate countries (Macedonia and Turkey) and Australia, Canada, Japan and USA. [Full details]
European occupational health and safety data - ESENER
European surveys on new and emerging risks in the workplace are carried out by the European Union Occupational Safety and Health Agency (EU-OSHA), covering work-related accidents, worker ill-health, work-related stress, harassment and workplace conditions. [Full details]
European Social Survey
European survey covering public trust; political interest and participation; media use; political orientation; governance and efficacy; moral, political and social values; social exclusion, national, ethnic and religious allegiances; well-being, health and security; demographics and socio-economic variables. [Full details]
European Values Study - Tilburg University
Cross-national and longitudinal survey covering European attitudes, opinions and values, using national adult population samples and face-to-face interviews. [Full details]
Eurostat micro public use files
Eurostat and the Collaboration in Research and Methodology for Official Statistics (CROS) provide public use files (PUFs) for the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). [Full details]
German Socio-Economic Panel - SOEP, DIW Berlin
Longitudinal socio-economic panel survey of private households in Germany since 1984 (eastern German länder since 1990), issued by the Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin. Variables include household composition, employment, occupations, earnings, health and satisfaction indicators. [Full details]
GESIS social sciences data archive
European and German social sciences' data service providing access to social, political and survey data including Eurobarometer (standard and special topics); European Values Study; International Social Survey Programme; Comparative Study of Electoral Systems; Studies from Eastern Europe; German General Social Survey; Election Studies and data on childhood and adolescence. [Full details]
Google Dataset Search
Google Dataset Search helps find open datasets and data series by searching data repositories worldwide. This resource searches both open public data repositories (governments; international organisations) and open research data repositories (universities, research institutions). [Full details]
Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Administrative individual-level data on both employment and unemployment trajectories on a daily basis since 1975 build the core of these data, including information on socio-demographic characteristics and employers in Germany. [Full details]
ICPSR Data Archive - University of Michigan
Data on U.S. and international socio-economic conditions, population, government policy and structure, political behaviour and attitudes, social indicators and behaviour, conflict, education, environment, health and legal systems. [Full details]
LIS Cross-National Data Center
Comparative international income and wealth surveys covering inequality, employment and expenditure at individual and household levels, undertaken by the Cross-National Data Centre, based in Luxembourg. [Full details]
National Longitudinal Surveys - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data on labour market experiences and other aspects of the lives of seven cohorts of men and women, provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. [Full details]
Orbis Europe - European Company Data - Moody's analytics
Database of comparable financial and business information on Europe's largest 600,000 public and private companies by total assets. 43 countries are covered. Orbis Europe is published by Moody's Analytics. [Full details]
Panel Study of Income Dynamics - USA
Longitudinal survey of a representative sample of U.S. citizens and their families since 1968, focusing on income sources and amounts, employment, family composition changes and demographic events. [Full details]
Survey of Consumer Finances - U.S. Federal Reserve
Data on family balance sheets, pensions, income and demographic characteristics of American households, issued every three years by the U.S. Federal Reserve, with observations on household relations with financial institutions. [Full details]
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe - SHARE
Cross-national panel database on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 45,000 Europeans aged 50 and over. [Full details]
Survey of Household Income and Wealth - Italy
Survey of household composition, age, education, labour market variables, income, savings, consumption and wealth of Italian households and household members. [Full details]
Survey of Income and Program Participation - U.S. Census Bureau
Longitudinal survey of the impact of state and federal government programmes on the well-being of American families, with observations on the income and programme participation of individuals and households. [Full details]
UK Data Service & Archive
Large-scale repository of social science and economic micro data, providing access to over 6,000 series, including UK Census data, government-funded surveys, longitudinal studies, qualitative data and business microdata. [Full details]
U.S. Census data - Census Bureau
Decennial census data covering demographic characteristics of the USA, its regions, states and other geographical units; covering social, economic and other characteristics of the U.S. residental population. [Full details]
Work Histories Italian Panel - WHIP
Database of individual work histories derived from the Italian social security administration (INPS) database maintained by LABORatorio Revelli and the Università di Torino. [Full details]
World Values Survey
Comparative, international survey of socio-cultural and political change, undertaken by social scientists and coordinated, since 1981 by the World Values Survey Association (Stockholm). [Full details]
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Page last updated on 10 February 2025