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Prometheus search engine • European University Institute
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Prometheus search engine

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is the EUI search engine, fully developed by the EUI Web Unit at the Badia Fiesolana. Using advanced and high-performance technology, we make the digital information of the EUI centralised websites more accessible.

Prometheus is a tangible and user-oriented outcome of our data integration model; it provides accessible results from our network of websites, blogs and personal pages.

We developed Prometheus to provide a concrete answer to some important issues with the previous search engine (Google custom search for websites), and to improve the user experience (UX) of internal and external users.

In particular, the main strengths of Prometheus, compared to the previous search system are:


Full control on ranking and search results

Prometheus allows us to intervene in a timely way in case of issues or urgent needs. 


Network search and filtering

The previous search, was limited to the main EUI website ( Prometheus provides results from all the EUI centralised web services network, and we can offer our users the possibility to filter and funnel search results into several categories.


Approximate search

We have introduced the possibility (by default) to have a tolerance on typos or misspelled search keywords.

While guiding our web editors on a proper search engine optimisation (SEO), this feature (approximate search) helps us to provide clear reuslts from the  EUI centralised web services network.


Dynamic results

The main page of Prometheus offers a quick links section that is dynamically generated on EUI members individual profile (only for logged in users).

We provide different quick links for administrative staff, professors and researchers and their related department.

This feature will be further developed in the next upgrades of Prometheus (2018), eventually including the possibility to personalise quick links or even search results.



Prometheus is significantly faster that the previous search engine. This has a positive impact on its usability and in general, on the User Experience.


Immediate feedback

Prometheus makes the EUI content more accessible and this can significantly increase the need for support required by our web editors or our end users.

We offer the possibility to request support or report any issue easily from the search results page. Each result features a button to contact the EUI Web Unit through a preset form.


Visit Prometheus


Page last updated on 19 November 2018

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