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EUI Western Balkans Initiatives

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EUI Western Balkans initiatives

The EUI is developing academic activities concerning the Western Balkan region (constituted by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia and targeted by the European Union enlargement policy), involving academics and policymakers from the region, with the aim to address shared challenges and opportunities for EU-Western Balkans cooperation.

1 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244(1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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EUI scholars and staff working on initiatives and activities in the Western Balkans

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Executive Education

Courses for practitioners in the public and private sectors open to participants from the Western Balkans

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Books in library


EUI publications on Western Balkan-related Topic in Cadmus, the EUI Research Repository

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Palazzo Medici Riccardi - Group Picture

Preparing Western Balkan Diplomats for EU integration

The Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) hosted the third edition of the “Capacity Building Programme for Junior Diplomats of the Western Balkans”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Read more Preparing Western Balkan Diplomats for EU integration

The EUI signs a new partnership with ReSPA

The European University Institute (EUI) and the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) signed a new partnership agreement, supporting the EUI's engagement with academia in the Western Balkans.

Read more The EUI signs a new partnership with ReSPA

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