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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Call for contributions: FEMETRICS Lab

The FEMETRICS research project is accepting contributions to its conference on 'Visible Women: Gender | Data | Social Europe', taking place on 11-12 November 2024 at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.

13 May 2024 | Event


FEMETRICS - Visible Women: gender, data, social Europe addresses gender data gaps by assessing official statistics providers, highlighting the non-economic aspect of gender data availability, capturing the broader wellbeing of women and girls, and analysing policy and legal frameworks.

The research project, funded by the EUI Widening Europe Programme, is led by EUI Professor Gaby Umbach, Jaromir Harmáček (Palacký University Olomouc), and Bogna Kietlinska (University of Warsaw).

Researchers are invited to submit proposals and discuss their findings in a FEMETRICS Lab, funded for selected participants, taking place on 11-12 November 2024 at the EUI.

Proposals can have the form of data analysis, reports, explorative academic reflections, research papers, or proposals for upcoming research on the topics of FEMETRICS. They shall focus on the quality of data used to assess women's well-being, the structure and governance of data, open access to data, and data sharing by policymaking bodies for the public good.

Applicants must be residents within Europe and be from one of the following fifteen targeted EUI Widening Europe Programme EU Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Applicants are invited to assess or propose work concerning existing institutions, processes, networks, and data collection patterns to identify best practices and relevant gender-disaggregated data gaps in the above-mentioned fifteen countries.

The submitting author (i.e., an ESR) of the selected contribution will be invited to participate in person in the FEMETRICS Lab in Florence. FEMETRICS will offer travel and accommodation costs for the participation of submitting authors. Other authors of both selected and non-selected contributions are invited to participate online.

Proposals should be submitted in a single email addressed to both Professor Gaby Umbach ([email protected]) and Mira Tiwari ([email protected]) with the subject line 'FEMETRICS Proposal'.

Learn more in the call for contributions. The deadline to submit a proposal is 15 September 2024.

Last update: 06 September 2024

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