Workshop Programme
Ahead of the event
On the day before the event, the Pierre Werner Chair is organising two panels at the conference of the University of Luxembourg The Werner Report, 50 Years On - EMU in Uncertain Times: Learning from the Past to Navigate the Future. >> More information
Thursday, 8 October
Session 1: Debt and Internal Devaluations
Chair: Daragh Clancy (ESM)
Session 2: Unions with Default
Chair: Mark Aguiar (Princeton University)
Session 3: Fiscal and Monetary Policies
Chair: Hugo Rodríguez (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE)
Keynote speech
Friday, 9 October
Session 4: Monetary and Financial Unions
Chair: Pedro Teles (Católica University Lisbon and Bank of Portugal)
Session 5: Automation and Labour Mobility
Chair: Giancarlo Corsetti (University of Cambridge)
Keynote speech
Scientific Committee
- Mark Aguiar (Princeton University)
- Daragh Clancy (European Stability Mechanism)
- Ramon Marimon (European University Institute and UPF - Barcelona GSE)
- Hugo Rodríguez (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE)
- Frank Smets (European Central Bank)
- Pedro Teles (Católica University Lisbon and Bank of Portugal)