Pierre Werner Chair Programme > Papers: EUI-Banque de France Conference, 18-19 October 2018

Papers: EUI-Banque de France Conference, 18-19 October 2018

Preventing global and domestic risks with fiscal and monetary policies

Banque de France – EUI conference

Hosted at the EUI in Florence, 18-19 October 2018


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The conference covered a variety of themes related to preventing or tackling global and domestic risks using fiscal and/or monetary policies. Topics of the conference included: 

  • Assessing the effects of unconventional monetary policy
  • Modelling macro-prudential policy and evaluating its effects
  • Stabilization policies in crises and in normal times
  • International spillovers’ risks from fiscal and monetary policies
  • The role of international organisations (IMF, ESM, etc.) in preventing crises
  • Reducing risks in the International Monetary System

Vitor Gaspar, Director of the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department, and Hélène Rey, Lord Bagri Professor of Economics at the London Business School, gave keynote lectures.

The event was hosted by the European University Institute, and co-sponsored by the Banque de France and the Pierre Werner Chair at the EUI.



Page last updated on 25 October 2018