Argentin G., and Triventi M. (2015). The North–South divide in school grading standards: New evidence from national assessments of the Italian student population. In: Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(2), 157–185.
Ballarino G., Panichella P. & Triventi M.(2014). School expansion and uneven modernization. Comparing educational inequality in Northern and Southern Italy, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Vol. 36, June, pp.69-86.
Bäumer, T., Blossfeld, H.-P., Janik, F., and von Maurice, J. (2012). Lebensläufe im Längsschnitt. Der Beitrag des Nationalen Bildungspanels für ein Monitoring des Lernens im Erwachsenenalter. In: Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, 19(4), 35–39.
Blossfeld, H.-P. and Buchholz, S. (2012). Schwerer Einstieg ins Berufsleben. In: Akademie Aktuell, l(3), 34–39.
Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Das Nationale Bildungspanel (NEPS) als Beispiel. In: Forschungsverbünde in der Wissenschaft – Chance oder Zwang? (pp. 49-54) Debatte, Heft 11. Berlin:Berlin - Brandenburgissche Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Globalisierung, wachsende Unsicherheit und die Lage der Berufseinsteiger in modernen Gesellschaften. In: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 59(2), 299–316.
Blossfeld, P. N., Blossfeld, G.J., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2015): Educational expansion and inequality in educational opportunity: Long-term changes for East and West Germany, European Sociological Review, 31: 144-160.
Blossfeld, H.-P. and Roßbach, H.G. (2012). Neue Herausforderungen für die Kindertagesstätten: Professionalisierung des Personals in der Frühpädagogik. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 24(2), 199–224B
Blossfeld, H.-P., Bos, W., Daniel, H.-D., Hannover, B., Lenzen, D., Prenzel, M., Roßbach, H.-G., Tippelt, R., Wößmann, L., and Kleiber, D. (2014): Psychische Belastungen und Burnout beim Bildungspersonal. Empfehlungen zur Kompetenz- und Organisationsentwicklung. Gutachten. Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. , Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
Blossfeld, H.-P., Bos, W., Daniel, H.-D., Hannover, B., Lenzen, D., Prenzel, M., Roßbach, H.-G., Tippelt, R., Wößmann, L., and Kleiber, D. (2015): Bildung. Mehr als Fachlichkeit. Gutachten. Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
Blossfeld, H.-P., Bos, W., Lenzen, D., Hannover, B., Daniel, H.-D., Prenzel, M. and Wößmann, L. (2012). Professionalisierung in der Frühpädagogik. Qualifikationsniveau und – bedingungen des Personals in Kindertagesstätten. Gutachten. Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., Münster:Waxmann Verlag.
Blossfeld, H.-P., Bos, W., Lenzen, D., Hannover, B., Daniel, H.-D., Prenzel, M., and Wößmann, L. (2012). Internationalisierung der Hochschulen. Eine institutionelle Gesamtstrategie. Gutachen. Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
Blossfeld, H.-P., Buchholz, S., Hofäcker, D. and Bertolini, S. (2012). Selective flexibilization and deregulation of the labor market. The answer of Continental and Southern Europe. In: Stato e Mercato, 96(3), 363–390.
Blossfeld, H.-P., Leuze, K., Schneider, T., and von Maurice, J. (2011). Das Nationale Bildungspanel – Grundstruktur und Analysepotential unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Erwachsenenbildung und lebenslangem Lernen. In: Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung, 61(4), 323–331.
Blossfeld, H.-P., Leuze, K., Schneider, T., and von Maurice, J. (2011). Das Nationale Bildungspanel –Grundstruktur und Analysepotential unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Erwachsenenbildung und lebenslangem Lernen. In: Hessische Blätter für Volksbildung, 61(4), 323–331.
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Buchholz, S., Imdorf, C., Hupka-Brunner, S., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Sind leistungsschwache Jugendliche tatsächlich nicht ausbildungsfähig? Eine Analyse zur beruflichen Qualifizierung von Jugendlichen mit geringen kognitiven Kompetenzen im Nachbarland Schweiz. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 64(4), 701–727.
Bukodi, E., Eibl, F. in collaboration with Buchholz, S., Marzadro, S., Minello, A., Wahler, S., Blossfeld, H.-P., Erikson, R. and Schizzerotto, A. (2015). Linking the Macro to the Micro: A Multidimensional Approach to Educational Inequalities in Four European Countries. Barnett Papers in Social Research (WP 15–02).
Dämmrich, J. (forthcoming 2016 in English, Spanish and Catalan). Does preschool matter? The role of preschool attendance in the reduction of immigrants’ reading disadvantages in the early school career, Observatorio Social de La Caixa, 1.
- Dämmrich, J., Kosyakova, Y. & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2016): Gender and job-related non-formal training: a comparison of 20 countries. In: ‘International Journal of Comparative Sociology’, 56(6), 433-459.
Dechant, A., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2015). Changes in the division of labor within highly educated German couples when the first child is born. In: Journal of Family Research, 27(3), 373–396.
Denny, K., Doyle, O., McMullin P., and O'Sullivan V. (2014). Money, mentoring and making friends: The impact of a multidimensional access program on student performance. In: Economics of Education Review, 40 (June), 167–182.
Heath, A,. and Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2012). Immigrant children’s age at arrival and assessment results. In: OECD Untapped Skills: Realising the Potential of Immigrant Students, (pp. 67–78). Paris: OECD Publishing.
Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2012). Does Finnish educational equality extend to children of immigrants? Examining national origin, gender and the relative importance of parental resources. In: Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 2(2), 167–181.
Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2014). Citizenship and educational attainment amongst the second generation: An analysis of children of immigrants in Finland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(7), 1079–1096.
Kilpi-Jakonen, E., D. Vono de Vilhena, and H.-P. Blossfeld (2015): Adult learning and social inequalities: Processes of equalization or cumulative disadvantage? In: International Review of Education, 61(4), 529–546.
Kilpi-Jakonen, E., Vono de Vilhena, D., Kosyakova, Y., Stenberg, A., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). The Impact of Formal Adult Education on the Likelihood of Being Employed: a Comparative Overview. In: Studies of Transition States and Societies, 4(1), 48–68.
Kilpi-Jakonen, E., D. Vono de Vilhena, and H.-P. Blossfeld (2015): Adult learning and social inequalities: Processes of equalization or cumulative disadvantage?, in International Review of Education, online (unique Digital Object Identifier): http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11159-015.9498-5.
Kilpi-Jakonen, E., Vono de Vilhena, D., Kosyakova, Y., Stenberg, A. and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012) The Impact of Formal Adult Education on the Likelihood of Being Employed: a Comparative Overview, in: Studies of Transition States and Societies,
- Kosyakova, Y., Kurakin, D., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2015): Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation in Russia – Changes upon Labour Market Entry Before and After the Collapse of the Soviet Regime. In: European Sociological Review, 31(5), 573-590. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcv060.
Kosyakova, Y., Dämmrich, J., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2016). Participation in formal adult education and its impact on inequality over the life course in contemporary Russia. In: World Studies in Education, 17(1), (accepted February 1, 2016).
Kosyakova, Y., Skopek, J., and Eckman, S. (2015). Do Interviewers Manipulate Responses to Filter Questions? Evidence from a Multilevel Approach. In: International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(3), 417–431.
Kulic, N. (2013). The type and duration of family unions and income sharing: The implications for women's economic well-being. In: The Journal of Socio-Economics, 44(June), 7–15.
Kulic, N. (2014). European Women: The Link Between Money, Career, and Financial Satisfaction. In: European Sociological Review, 30(3), 287–301.
Leopold, T., and Skopek, J. (2014). Gender and the Division of Labor in Older Couples: How European Grandparents Share Market Work and Childcare. In: Social Forces, 93(1), 63–91.
Leopold, T., and Skopek, J. (2015). Convergence or Continuity? The Gender Gap in Household Labor after Retirement. In: Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(4), 819–832.
Leopold, T., and Skopek, J. (2015). The Delay of Grandparenthood. A Cohort Comparison in East and West Germany. In: Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(2), 441–460.
Leopold, T., and Skopek, J. (2015). The Demography of Grandparenthood: An International Profile. In: Social Forces, 94(2), 801–832.
Minello A., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2014). From mother to daughter: changes in intergenerational educational and occupational mobility in Germany. In: International Studies in Sociology of Education, 24(1), 65–84.
Minello, A. and H.-P. Blossfeld (2016): From parents to children. The impact of mothers’ and fathers’ educational attainment on those of their sons and daughters in West Germany, In: British Journal of Sociology of Education, (accepted February 2, 2016).
Panichella N. & Triventi M. (2014): Social Inequalities in the Choice of Secondary School. Long-term trends during educational expansion and reforms in Italy, European Societies, vol. 16, n. 5, pp. 666-693.
Passaretta G., and Triventi M. (2014). Il lavoro durante gli studi universitari e gli esiti occupazionali dopo la laurea. Il caso italiano in prospettiva comparata [Working during university and postgraduation occupational outcomes. The Italian case in comparative perspective]. Sociologia del Lavoro, vol. 136, 203–220.
Passaretta G. & Triventi M. (2015): Work experience during higher education and post-graduation occupational outcomes. A comparative study on four European countries, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, vol.56, no. 3-4: 232-253.
Relikowski, I., Ylmaz, E., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Wie lassen sich die hohen Bildungsaspirationen von Migranten erklären? Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie zur Rolle von strukturellen Aufstiegsprozessen und individueller Bildungserfahrung. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Sonderhefte, 52, 111–136. 28.
Roßbach, H.G., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Einführung in das Schwerpunktheft Frühe Förderung in der Familie. In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 24(2012), 112–114
Teräs, M., and Kilpi-Jakonen, E. (2013). Maahanmuuttajien lapset ja koulutus [Children of immigrants and education]. In: T. Martikainen, P. Saukkonen, and M. Säävälä (Eds.), Muuttajat: Kansainvälinen muuttoliike ja suomalainen yhteiskunta [Migrants: International Migration and Finnish Society] (pp. 184–202). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Triventi M. (2013). The gender wage gap and its institutional context: a comparative analysis of European graduates. In: Work Employment and Society, 27(4), 563–580.
Triventi M. (2013). Stratification in higher education and its relationship with social inequality. A comparative study on 11 European countries. In: European Sociological Review, 29 (3), 489–502.
Triventi M. (2013). The role of higher education stratification in the reproduction of social inequality in the labour market. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 32(2), 45–63.
Triventi M. (2014). Does working during higher education affect students’ academic progression? In: Economics of Education Review, 41(August), 1–13.
Triventi M. (2014). Higher education regimes. An empirical classification of higher education systems and its relationship with student accessibility. In: Quality & Quantity, 48(30), 1685–1703.
Triventi M. (2014). Le disuguaglianze di istruzione secondo l’origine sociale: una rassegna della letteratura sul caso italiano [Educational inequalities by social background: A review of the literature on the Italian case]. In: Scuola Democratica, 2(maggio-agosto), 321–342.
Triventi M., Panichella N., Ballarino G., Barone C., and Bernardi F. (2015). Education as a positional good. Implications for social inequalities in educational attainment in Italy. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, (published online 18, April 2015).
Triventi M., J. Skopek, Y. Kosyakova, S. Buchholz & H.-P.Blossfeld (2015): Gender inequalities at labor market entry: A comparative view from the eduLIFE project, in Christian Imdorf, Kristinn Hegna, Liza Reisel (ed.) Gender Segregation in Vocational Education (Comparative Social Research, Volume 31) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 25 - 51.
Vono, D., and Vidal, E. (2012). The impact of informal networks on labour mobility: Immigrants’ first job in Spain. In: Migration Letters, 9(3), 237–247.
Vono de Vilhena, D., Kosyakova, Y., Kilpi-Jakonen, E., and McMullin, P. (2016). Does adult education contribute to securing non-precarious employment? A cross-national comparison. In: Work, Employment and Society, 30(1), 97–117.
Bernardi, F. and Triventi, M. (in press). The transition from school to work, in G. Ritzer (Ed.), Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (S: in press). Wiley-Blackwell, (accepted May 13, 2015).
Bills, D., and Kosyakova, Y. (in press). Adult education. In: G. Ritzer (Ed.) Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (S: in press). Wiley-Blackwell, (accepted May 13, 2015).
Blossfeld, H.-P. (2013). Bildungsungleichheit im Lebensverlauf. Herausforderungen für Politik und Forschung. In: R. Becker, P. Bühler, and T. Bühler (Eds.), Bildungsungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit. Wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen, (pp. 71–100). Bern: Haupt Verlag.
Blossfeld, H.-P. (2013). Kompetenzentwicklung, Bildungsentscheidungen und Chancenungleichheit in Vorschule und Schule – Neuere Ergebnisse aus der Forschung zur Bedeutung von Familien im Bildungssystem. In: D. Deißler (Ed.), Chancen bilden. Wege zu einer gerechteren Bildung - ein internationaler Erfahrungsaustauch (pp. 37-55). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Blossfeld, H.-P. (2014). Bildung im Lebenslauf. Ausgewählte Thesen und Befunde aus der modernen Bildungsforschung. In: O. Güntürkün, and J. Hacker (Eds.), Geist - Gehirn - Genom - Gesellschaft. Wie wurde ich zu der Person, die ich bin? (pp. 143-161). Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Blossfeld, H.-P. (2014). Der Einfluss der Familie auf die Bildungsverläufe der Kinder. Ausgewählte Thesen und Befunde aus der modernen Bildungsforschung. In: M. Rupp, O. Kapella, and N. F. Schneider (Eds.), Zukunft der Familie. Anforderung and die Familienpolitik und Familienwissenschaft (pp. 113-129). Opladen, Berlin and Toronto: Barbara Budrich Verlag.
Blossfeld, H.-P., and Blossfeld, G. J. (2014). Event history analysis. In: H. Best, and Ch. Wolf (Eds.), Regression analysis and causal inference, (pp. 359-385). Los Angeles et al.: Sage.
Blossfeld, H.-P., and Blossfeld, G. J. (2015). Life course and event history analysis. In: J. D. Wright (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, (pp 51-58). Second edition, Vol.14, Oxford:Elsevier
Blossfeld, H.-P., and Buchholz, S. (2014). Social inequality and mobility. In: M. Sasaki, E. Zimmermann, J. Goldstone, and S. K. Sanderson (Eds.), Concise Encyclopedia of Comparative Sociology (pp 113-120) Leiden and Boston: Brill.
Blossfeld, H.-P., and Shavit, Y. (2015). Persisting barriers: Changes in educational opportunities in thirteen countries. In: R. Arum, I. R. Beattle, and K. Ford (Eds.), The structure of schooling. Readings in the sociology of education (pp. 274-287). Third edition, Sage: Thousand Oaks et. al
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- Blossfeld, H.-P., U. Trautwein, and von Maurice, J. (2013). Studying disparities in access to higher education: input of the German Educational Panel Study. In: N. McElavy, and H. G. Holtappels (Eds.), Empirische bildungsforschung. Theorien, Methoden, Befunde und Perspektiven (109–124). Münster: Waxmann.
Blossfeld, P. N., Blossfeld, G. J., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (forthcoming). The speed of educational expansion and changes in inequality of educational opportunity. In: B. Gniewosz, and T. Eckert (Eds.), Bildungsgerechtigkeit. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Blossfeld, P.N., G.J. Blossfeld, and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2016). Changes in educational inequality in crossnational perspective, in: M. J. Shanahan, J. T. Mortimer, and K. Johnson (Eds.): Handbook of the life course, (pp. 223–247). Volume II. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Buchholz, S., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Changes in the economy, the labor market, and expectations for the future: What might Europe and the United States look like in twenty-five years. In: X. Chen, V. Christmans-Best, P. F. Fitzmann, and K. Weichold (Eds.), Youth success and adaption in times of globalization and economic change, New Directions for Youth Development (pp. 17–25). Hoboken: Jossey-Bass.
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Kurz, K., Buchholz, S., Rinklake, A. and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2013). Die späte Erwerbskarriere und der Übergang in den Ruhestand im Zeichen von Globalisierung und demographischer Alterung. In: C.Vogel, and A. Motel-Klingbiel (Eds.), Altern im sozialen Wandel: Rückkehr der Altersarmut? (pp.313–334). Berlin: Springer VS.
Leuze, K., von Maurice, J., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). Bildung und lebenslanges Lernen im Erwachsenenalter: Die Konzeption des Nationalen Bildungspanels. In B. Dippelhofer-Stiem, and S. Dippelhofer (Eds.), Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online. Erziehungs- und Bildungssoziologie (pp. 1–19). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.
Mills, M. and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2012). The second demographic transition meets globalization: A comprehensive theory to understand changes in family formation in an era of uncertainty. In: A.Evans, and J. Baxter (Eds.), Negotiating the life course. Stability and change in life pathways (pp. 9–33). Berlin: Springer.
Skopek, J. (2016). Data Dissemination, Documentation and User Support. In: H.-P. Blossfeld, J. von Maurice, M. Bayer, and J. Skopek (Eds.), Methodological issues of longitudinal surveys (pp. 597-690). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Skopek, J. and Munz, M. (2016). Life Course Data and the Longitudinal Classification of Educational Attainment. In: H.-P. Blossfeld, J. von Maurice, M. Bayer, and J. Skopek (Eds.), Methodological issues of longitudinal surveys (pp. 669-690). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Skopek, J., Koberg, T., and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2016). RemoteNEPS – An Innovative Research Environment. In: H.-P. Blossfeld, J. von Maurice, M. Bayer, and J. Skopek (Eds.), Methodological issues of longitudinal surveys (pp. 611-626). Wiesbaden: Springer.
Zielonka, M., I. Relikowski, L. Kleine, N. Luplow, E. Yilmaz, T. Schneider, und Blossfeld, H.-P. (2013). Migrations- und geschlechtsspezifische Disparitäten in der Primar- und Sekundarstufe. Befunde aus der Längsschnittstudie BiKS-8-14. In: A. Hadjar and S. Hupka-Brunner (Eds.), Geschlecht, Migrationshintergrund und Bildungserfolg, (pp. 133–158). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa.
Zielonka, M., L. Beier, and Blossfeld, H.-P. (2014). Schulverläufe während der Sekundarstufe. In: M. Mudiappa and C. Artelt (Eds.), BiKS – Ergebnisse aus den Längsschnittstudien. Praxisrelevante Befunde aus dem Primar– und Sekundarschulbereich, Schriften aus der Fakultät Humanwissenschaften der Universität Bamberg (pp. 119–130). Bd. 15. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.
Dämmrich, J. & Blossfeld, H.P. “The gender gap in holding supervisory positions. The role of horizontal gender differences and country-specific characteristics in a cross-national perspective.” Roundtable presentation at the conference ‘(Persistent) inequalities reconsidered: Social origin, education, and social mobility’, Ascona, July 26-31, 2015.
Dämmrich, J. & Triventi, M. “From primary school to young adulthood: A cross-national analysis of cognitive competencies and related social inequalities.” Presentation at the SLLS conference, Dublin, October 18-21, 2015.
Kosyakova, Y., Kurakin, D., Yastrebov, G. (2015): “Slipping Past the Test: Exploring an Overlooked Loophole to Social Advantage in Russia’s Educational System”. (Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered: Education and Social Mobility. Switzerland, Monte Verita, 26-31 July.
McMullin, P. & Kulic N. “Differentiation in Secondary Education and Inequality of Educational Opportunities in England”. (Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered: Education and Social Mobility. Switzerland, Monte Verita, 26-31 July.
McMullin, P. & Kulic N. “Gender differences in early subject choice and its significance for later educational decisions and type of occupation in England”. ECSR Conference 2015. Tallinn University, Estonia, 10-12 Sept.
Triventi M. & Dammrich J. "From primary school to young adulthood: A cross-national analysis of cognitive competencies and related social inequalities", ECSR Conference, Tallinn, 6-8 September.
Triventi M. and Skopek J. "Ability sorting or freedom of choice? Secondary school tracking and inequalities in educational achievement in Germany and Italy", ECSR Conference, Tallinn, 6-8 September.
Triventi M.& Skopek J. "Educational assortative mating and children’s early schooling performance", ISA-Rc28, Tilburg, 28-30 May.
Vono de Vilhena, D., Kosyakova, Y., Kilpi-Jakonen, E,. McMullin, P. (2015). “Does adult education contribute to securing non-precarious employment? A cross-national comparison”. Leibnitz Institute für Bildungsverläufe e.V. Bamberg, Germany, September.
Wahler, Susanne, Sandra Buchholz and Stine Møllegaard Pedersen (2015) "Educational Inequalities in Tracked Danish Upper Secondary Education". SGS-SSS Conference 2015: (Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered: Education and Social Mobility. July 2015, Ascona, Switzerland.
Dämmrich, J., Kosyakova, Y. & Blossfeld, H.P.(2014) “How country-specific contexts influence gender patterns of participation in job-related non-formal training across OECD countries.” Presentation at the 2014 Spring Meeting of Research Committee 28 ‘Old and new social divides: social stratification research in the 21st century’, Budapest, May 8-10, 2014.
Kosyakova, Y., Kurakin, D., Blossfeld, H.-P.. (2014): “Education and its consequences for gender differences in early labor market career in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia”. RC28 Spring 2014 Meeting. Budapest, Hungary, 8-10 May.
Kosyakova, Y., Skopek, J., Saar, E. (2014): “Gender differences at labor market entry in Estonia, Russia and East and West Germany – the effect of educational pathways and institutional structures”. How do educational systems shape educational inequalities?Luxemburg, Luxemburg, 2-4 July.
Kosyakova, Y., Kurakin, D., Yanbarisova, D., Yastrebov, G. (2014): “Воспроизводство социального неравенства через образовательные траектории в России” [engl. "Reproduction of social inequalities through educational trajectories in Russia"]. Seminar of Institute of Education at National Research University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow (Russia), 13 November
Schührer, S. (2014) “Parental Transmission of Noncognitive Skills and Educational Outcomes”, 11th International GSOEP User Conference,Berlin, Germany July, 1.
Triventi M. and Skopek J. (2014) "Gender, social class of origin, and track allocation in upper secondary education. Long-term trends in Germany and Italy", Paper presented at the AMCIS Conference, Amsterdam, 13-14 February.
Triventi M., Ballarino G., Barone C., Bernardi F., Panichella N. (2014) "Trends of social inequality in educational attainment when education is treated as a positional good. Evidence from Italy", Paper presented at the ISA-Rc28 Conference, Budapest, 8-10 May.
Wahler, S., Buchholz, S., Myrup Jensen, V. and Unfried, J. (2014) Adult Learning in Denmark: Patterns of Participation in Adult Learning and Its Impact on Individuals’ Labor Market Outcomes. ECSR Conference 2014:Social Inequalities in Europe - On the Rise Again? September 2014, Berlin,Germany.
Weiss, Felix, Schührer, Susanne and David Bills.(2014) “Long-Term Consequences of Labor Market Entry in the US – Does a Good Start Make Everything?”, ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 09. May
Dämmrich, J. “The influence of country-specific characteristics on gender segregation of the first job. A comparison of European countries.” Presentation at the conference ‘ECSR European Consortium for Sociological Research – Developments in Social Inequality and Social Cohesion’, Tilburg, Netherlands, October 14-16, 2013.
Kosyakova, Y. & Dämmrich, J. “Formal adult education and patterns of inequality on the labor market: evidence from post-Soviet Russia?” Presentation at the ‘ISA-RC28 2013 Spring Meeting’, Trento, May 16-18, 2013.
Schührer, Susanne. "Parental influence on non-cognitive skills and stratification outcomes" to be presented at the ECSR Conference, 14.-16. October 2013, Tilburg, Netherlands
Schührer, Susanne, Felix Weiss and Michael Kühhirt. "Gender Specific School-to-Work Transitions in the US and the consequences for long term gender inequality", TIY Workshop, 11.-14. September 2013, Berlin, Germany
Schührer, Susanne. "The role of non-cognitive skills on stratification outcomes", Atiner Conference, 6.-9. May 2013, Athens, Greece