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EUI in Brussels 2019
EUI in Brussels 2019
The European University Institute (EUI) plays a distinctive role in engaging with the world of practice, notably with the Brussels beltway as the European Union struggles to respond to and manage the multiple challenges it faces. The EUI has collaborated with EU Institutions in Brussels for many years, one of its founding aims being to 'foster the advancement of learning in fields which are of particular interest for the development of Europe'.
‘EUI in Brussels’ is therefore not a new programme, but its mission is to gather all of the Institute's relevant activities taking place in Brussels, under the same umbrella.
Below is a dynamic list of EUI initiatives in 2019 which seek to maximise the impact of our research at the policy-making level.
10 December 2019
'EU institutional dynamics: Ten years after the Lisbon Treaty'. EUI Secretary General Vincenzo Grassi is among the speakers at an event organised by the the European Parliamentary Research Service, the Former Members Association and DG Communications. Location: House of European History, European Parliament. Read 'The European Council under the Lisbon Treaty. How has the institution evolved since 2009?'
28 November 2019
Conference on EU State Aid Policy, organised by the Florence Competition Programme with Bird and Bird LLP. Location: Bird & Bird LLP, Avenue Louise 235, 1050 Brussels
26 November 2019
Meetings at the European Central Bank, Frankfurt
e-learning National Active Charter Training (e- NACT), final project conference by the Centre for Judicial Cooperation, in Brussels
25 November 2019
The Practice of Judicial Interactions in the Application of the EU Charter, conference by the Centre for Judicial Cooperation, in Brussels
20 November 2019
European Parliamentary Research Service Book Talk: Europe's Future: Where next for EU institutional reform? RSC part-time Professor Gaby Umbach will moderate a panel on Sergio Fabbrini's volume. Library Reading Room, Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP 05D) European Parliament, Brussels
15 November 2019
11th FSR-BNetzA Forum on the Legal Issues of Energy Regulation. Conference organised by the Florence School of Regulation (RSC) and Bundesnetzagentur on prospective energy regulation priorities for the European Commission's new mandate. Location: CEER - Council of European Energy Regulators, Cours Saint-Michel 30a – 1040 Brussels
11 November 2019
European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) Roundtable: Social mobility and equal opportunities: The challenge for Europe. SPS Professor Fabrizio Bernardi participates as a panelist. Location: Library Reading Room, Altiero Spinelli Building
6 November 2019
The European Parliamentary Research Service's Annual Lecture. Professor Wolfram Kaiser will deliver a speech entitled 'Clash of Cultures: Transnational governance in post-war Europe'. Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSC, is a discussant. Location: Library Reading Room, 5th floor, Altiero Spinelli Building.
16 October 2019
Rethinking EU migration and asylum policies: Managing immigration jointly with countries of origin and transit Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM) conference, with the Migration Policy Centre (partner to MEDAM). Location: CEPS, Place du Congrès 1, Brussels
10 October 2019
The State of the Union after the Juncker years jointly organised by the European University Institute, Sciences Po and the College of Europe. Loction: Library Reading Room (ASP-05D), European Parliament, Place du Luxembourg - 1047 Ixelles, Brussels
3-4 October 2019
Tampere 20 Year Anniversary - Achievements and Future Priorities for EU AFSJ Agenda. This special conference reviews the current facets of the AFSJ framework of cooperation and assess new ways forward in the EU justice and home affairs domains. Co-organised by CEPS, the EUI's Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the Robert Schuman Centre, and the EUI Law Department, in cooperation with the Finnish Permanent Representation to the EU.
26 June 2019
Competition Law and the Energy Sector, The annual workshop in Brussels co-organised by the Florence School of Regulation (FSR Energy Union Law) and Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton will focus on key themes surrounding competition law policy and the energy transition. Leigh Hancher, FSR Energy Union Law Director and Fabien Roques (Part-time Professor, EUI) will speak at the event.
7 May 2019
Europe’s turning point on migration? Politics, policy and predictions ahead of the 2019 elections organised by the Migration Policy Centre's (MPC) Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration (Robert Schuman Centre), with Director of the MPC Andrew Geddes. Location: Polak room of the Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels.
19 March 2019
What agenda for the next European Parliament? organised together with Yougov, brings together academics and experts, policy makers, and journalists to discuss policy papers on a range of the issues that will face the new European Parliament after the 2019 elections.
19 February 2019
European Energy Transition: a year ahead of the twenties will look at the most important issues related to energy for the next few years. The event will coincide with the launch of the book ‘The European Energy Transition: Actors, Factors, Sectors’ and an ENTSO-E – FSR online course on the same topic.
18 February 2019
The FSR – GIE – Eurogas Workshop Gas as an integral part of the EU decarbonisation strategy will discuss the role and long-term prospects for conventional gas in the decarbonisation strategy and the next challenges in Gas Market Design. Location: GIE – Gas Infrastructure Europe, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, Brussels
11 February 2019
European Policy Workshop organised by the BestRes project and the Florence School of Regulation: RES Aggregators as Enablers of Prosumers and Active Market Participation. This seminar will focus on the business models for renewable energy aggregation, providing an overview of the business models and legal framework available to aggregators acting in future markets. Location: Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), Cours Saint-Michel 30a, box F (5th floor), Brussels
28 January 2019
Policy Dialogue Roundtable 'Brexit: which way forward?', organised with the European Policy Centre. Speakers include Tony Connelly, Europe Editor, RTE, Jennifer Rankin, Brussels Correspondent, The Guardian, Sabine Weyand, Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator, European Commission, Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive, European Poilicy Centre, and Brigid Laffan, Director, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. The roundtable takes place in Brussels.
25 January 2019
Seminar 'Ensuring Predictable Market Regulation in an ever-changing environment'. The seminar is organised 'by the Florence School of Regulation Communications & Media on behalf of the European Commission, DG CNECT, and will take place at the European Commission’s premises in Brussels.
12 April 2019
Florence School of Regulation Executive Training on REMIT will provide a critical understanding of how REMIT is currently being implemented and enforced, and equip participants with the necessary tools to anticipate practical issues and ensure compliance.The course is directed by Leigh Hancher and will take place in Brussels.
1-5 April 2019
FSR-CEER Training on Introduction to Fundamentals of Energy Regulation
Florence School of Regulation Energy
Co-directors: Koen Locquet, CREG Director of Administrative Affairs and Ilaria Conti, Head of FSR Gas
Location: CEER - Council of European Energy Regulators, Securex Building, 30a, Cours Saint-Michel – 1040 Brussels
Page last updated on 20 January 2020