The deadline for submission of the final version of the LLM thesis is normally 1 October of the year following admission to the EUI. The final version of the LLM thesis should be submitted to the supervisor's administrative assistant as one single PDF file.
The EUI print-shop will print and bind 8 copies of the thesis (3 for the readers, 3 for the researcher and 2 for the Library after the degree is awarded) at the EUI's expense.
The LLM thesis may be written in any language agreed with the supervisor. If language correction of the thesis is required, see the Guidelines for Thesis Correction.
All LLM theses theses should be between 25,000 and 35,000 words, including footnotes, unless specified otherwise by the supervisor.They should be presented in a perfect academic format and the EUI template for the cover page must be used. Please also see the Guidelines for thesis formatting.
Researchers are encouraged to publish the thesis electronically in the EUI repository by submitting the text to [email protected]