![divorce conference](/Images/Images-2011/SPS/Conferences/divorce-conference-Cropped-407x47.jpg)
Divorce Conference, Florence
17-19 October 2019
Since 2002, yearly conferences have been organized by the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce. The 2019 edition of the Divorce Conference will be organized by FloPS – Florence Population Studies, a newly established collaboration between the European University Institute and the University of Florence.
FloPS – Florence Population Studies invites all scholars working in the field of demography and sociology (and related disciplines) to contribute to the next Divorce Conference. The 2019 conference will take place at the University of Florence, Italy, 17–19 October, 2019. The format of the conference will be similar to the previous ones with keynote speakers, plenary sessions, and poster sessions.
Keynote speakers:
Philip N. Cohen, University of Maryland
Aart Liefbroer, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute
Scientific committee:
Marco Albertini, Fabrizio Bernardi, Alessandra De Rose, Raffaele Grotti, Raffaele Guetto, Juho Härkönen and Daniele Vignoli
Organizing committee:
Raffaele Grotti, Raffaele Guetto, Juho Härkönen, Camilla Matera and Daniele Vignoli
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