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Ettore Recchi

Part-time Professor Migration Policy Centre

Recchi EttoreEmail:  [email protected]  

Tel [+39] 055 4685 - 825  

Office: Villa Malafrasca, VM009

Biographical Note

Ettore Recchi is currently Director of the MA and PhD program in sociology at Sciences Po. He is also a member of the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC).

His main research foci are mobility, social stratification, elites, and European integration.
Ettore Recchi received his PhD in Social and Political Sciences at the European University Institute.
He has taught and researched in the Universities of Firenze, Chieti-Pescara, Michigan (international program). Between 2005 and 2009 he was co-director of the Summer School on Migration and Development at the European University Institute.

Over the last decade, Ettore Recchi directed three major EC- funded international research projects on migration and transnationalism in the EU (the PIONEUR, MOVEACT and EUCROSS projects).
He also designed and directed national quantitative and qualitative surveys of migrant populations in Italy and coordinated the part on migration and spatial mobility of the French ELIPSS longitudinal study (the SPACE-SET project).

Research Interests

  • Mobilities
  • Migration
  • Transnationalism
  • Europe


Page last updated on 07 September 2020

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