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EU Energy Law and Regulation Workshop

This project has ended in 2008.
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  • 18-19 September 2008
    7th EU Energy Law and Regulation Workshop
    Benefiting from Competition - in the EU's Volatile Energy Markets 
    Download Programme

On 6 June a general agreement on the Third Energy Package was reached, but on the same day the price of oil rocketed by almost US$11 to nearly US$ 140 a barrel. Electricity and gas markets are already responding to the impending new legislation, and to enforcement measures by the EC competition authorities.

On 5 June the Commission brought actions before the European Court of Justice against two more Member States for non-compliance with the previous Directives. Yet, major questions remain about the interface between these ongoing internal market measures and the proposed Energy and Climate Change package, with the additional uncertainty brought about by the impacts of the largest oil price rises for 30 years.

How are legislators, government ministers and officials and regulators going to make sense of the mix of 'security of supply', 'diversity of supply', 'market abuse prevention', emissions reductions, price control and energy efficiency measures they should take in the face of the oil market developments?

This workshop examines the ways in which market players are seeking to benefit from the growing competition in EU energy markets, and at the same time to cope with the significant uncertainties of law, regulation and markets that are becoming part of the same landscape.

It examines the impacts of competition law enforcement, unbundling, the various initiatives by ERGEG and the Commission on congestion management, the Energy and Climate Change package, and particularly how the Renewable Energy Directive can work in the face of diverse Member State regimes.


Objective of the Annual EU Energy Law and Regulation Workshop

Director: Professor Peter Cameron

The objective of the Annual EU Energy Law and Regulation Workshop, under the direction of Prof. Peter Cameron (CEPMLP, University of Dundee), is to contribute to the ongoing debate on the creation of an EU internal market for energy by offering to the actors involved—market players, energy regulators, specialised law practitioners and authorities charged with implementing policies that have a bearing on the energy sector—an alternative and informal forum for the discussion of critical issues in EU energy policy.

The discussions are governed by the so-called Chatham House formula: there is no attribution to any individual speaker of remarks made at this workshop. It is also a meeting that is open only to those specially invited to attend and, for participants from within the University, those who have registered in advance.


Sponsorship and cooperation

This Annual Workshop recieves sponsorship from several leading European law firms and benefits from close cooperation with the Council of European Energy Regulators, and associations of stakeholders in the EU, as well as the main EU institutions.

The agenda of the Workshop is planned in close cooperation with the Florence School of Regulation.

The second edition of Peter Cameron's book Competition in Energy Markets, published by OUP, draws also on his work at the RSCAS and with the FSR. 

Page last updated on 18 August 2017

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