Posted on 03 May 2012
On 2 May, Etienne Davignon and Jean Quatremer gave a Debating Europe lecture on "Effets de la crise de la zone euro sur le processus d'intégration".
In the lecture, Davignon (former Vice-President of the European Commission and businessman) and Quatremer (Brussels correspondent of the French newspaper Libération) addressed the broader consequences that the current crisis of the eurozone has for the European integration process. They focused above all on the roles of the EU institutions and the changing institutional balance of the Union. Furthermore, the speakers portrayed recent decision-making procedures, the role of the German-French alliance, challenges to democratic legitimacy and the public support and opinion in Europe.
In the debate that followed, which was moderated by Prof. Stefano Bartolini (Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies), questions on the possible impact of the French Presidential elections, the reforms in the area of European economic governance and the meaning and implications of a fiscal union were discussed.