Posted on 16 November 2012

The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) has awarded its annual Energy Transparency Award to the trading platform European Energy Exchange (EEX).
The award ceremony took place on 13 November in Brussels, where FSR director Jean-Michel Glachant praised EEX as an “exemplary initiative by a private actor to promote transparency in the European energy market”. In 2009 the Exchange launched its Transparency Platform, where market data is published and viewable online.
The FSR, a partnership between the European University Institute and the Council of the European Energy Regulators (CEER), presents the award to highlight the work of a company or institution for their contribution to the transparency of energy markets in Europe.
Alongside the EEX, the shortlist included the National Energy Commission (CNE) of Spain, praised for its successful price comparison tool introduced in 2011, and the Brussels-based European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG), which has developed its own transparency platform.
The selection committee was made up of Professor Glachant, Professor Péter Kaderják, Director of the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK) at Corvinus University of Budapest, Jan Moen previously at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate and Jorge Vasconcelos, chairman of the company New Energy Solutions. The award longlist include seven additional companies and institutions.
Glachant said that transparency will continue to be a priority at the FSR: “Transparency will also over the next years be high on our research agenda; we think it is a crucial pillar to create a truly European Energy Market."