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EUI alumni weekend

Posted on 25 September 2013

CareerThe 2013 Alumni Weekend will be held from 3-6 October.  A full programme of events has been scheduled for members and alumni of the EUI Community.

Thursday 3 October is Careers Day, an event open to EUI researchers, fellows and alumni.  Here, alumni working in international organisations, NGOs, private companies, and European Institutions such as the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European External Action Service, and the European Environment Agency will make presentations on their careers in three separate panel discussions.

The theme of Friday 4 October will be ‘History and the EUI’.

The first General Assembly of the newly created association ‘Friends of the Historical Archives of the European Union’ will take place in the morning session. The meeting is open to all alumni who are interested in preparing its programme for the next year.

The afternoon session is dedicated to ‘Memory and History of the EUI (1972-2013)’.  Here, researchers will discuss  historical research about those years with a lecture about Max Kohnstamm, first President of the EUI, and the contents of the newly opened archives of our Institute at the Historical Archives of the EU.

The General Assembly of the EUI Alumni Association will be held in the evening.

A ‘first cohorts’ dinner will be held on Friday night for invited participants.

On Saturday 5 October the Alumni Association has planned a conference on ‘Europe’s role in the world’. This event brings together academics and practitioners working on this topic from among our alumni membership.

Finally, on Sunday 6 October the EUI community is welcome to participate in a guided visit to the Medici Villa Poggio a Caiano.

To participate in any or all of these events, please register with the Alumni Association

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