I am a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. I hold a PhD in Sociology from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. Before joining the EUI, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam, and held visiting academic appointments at the University of Oxford, University of Antwerp, and Center for Demographic Studies (UAB) in Barcelona.
My research focuses on the fields of family and social stratification. I have conducted studies on topics like parenting, work-family balance, the gender division of labour, children, and ethnic inequalities, paying particular attention to how these phenomena differ across socioeconomic groups or national contexts. As a Max Weber Fellow, I am active in several projects in my fields of expertise, using different types of datasets for several European countries.
As for teaching, I have taught courses at different academic institutions in areas like Family Sociology, Gender Relations, Social Inequality, Social Policy, Demographic Analysis, Cross-National Research, and Quantitative Methods. As a Max Weber Fellow, I am gaining additional teaching knowledge and experience in my academic fields.
I have published articles in several leading journals in sociology and related fields. My research has been published in, among other journals, the European Sociological Review, Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Science Research, and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.