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Bouwer, Kim

Assistant Professor in Law

Durham Law School, United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Max Weber alumnus

Department of Law

Cohort(s): 2018/2019

Ph.D. Institution

University College London , United Kingdom


Kim Bouwer completed her PhD at UCL under the supervision of Professor Maria Lee.  Her thesis, ‘Building Disappointment’, examined the limits and potential of private law to address problems arising from domestic energy efficiency improvements.
In her current research she continues to examine small and overlooked issues in climate change law and litigation.  While at the EUI, Kim intends to examine the possibilities for small actions in private law, arising from a failure to adapt to climate change.  Her broader research interests lie in energy and climate change law and the governance of natural resources.  She is particularly interested in litigation in the context of climate change, the regulation and governance of energy efficiency and low carbon technologies, and climate finance.
Before returning to UCL to pursue her doctoral research, Kim worked as a lawyer.  She is a qualified attorney and solicitor and has experience of practice in two jurisdictions, England and Wales, and South Africa.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, and a postgraduate LLB from the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg).  She holds an LLM, specialising in Human Rights, from the University of London.
Kim has taught English tort law at undergraduate level at UCL, King’s College London and in her most recent post at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, where she was course convenor.  She has also taught environmental, energy and climate change law at postgraduate level at UCL, UCL Australia, and at Strathclyde.
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