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Roescu, Andra

Research Fellow

University of Southampton, United Kingdom


Max Weber alumnus

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Cohort(s): 2018/2019

Ph.D. Institution

SNSPA, Romania


Andra Barbu-Roescu is a political scientist interested in public opinion and attitudes, voting behaviour, policy responsiveness and policy feedback effects and quantitative research methods.
During her Fellowship, she will focus on welfare and health care policies, aiming to research how changes in policy affect public opinion and voting behaviour and vice-versa. Moreover, she will also look at the role institutions and electoral competition play in this process.
Andra holds a PhD in political science from the SNSPA (2013) with a thesis on the effects of electoral systems on voting behaviour. During her PhD, she has spent time as a visiting fellow at Mannheim University (2011-2012) and at the Central European University (2013). She has also worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Southampton University (2015-2018), studying health care attitudes and policy effects as part of HEALTHDOX, a Norface funded project focusing on the future of Health Care Systems across Europe.
During her PhD and after, Andra has taught research design and quantitative methods in political science and electoral systems and public policy courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
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