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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Donnaloja, Victoria

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship

University of Essex, United Kingdom

Max Weber alumnus

Robert Schuman Centre

Cohort(s): 2021/2022

Ph.D. Institution

London School of Economics, United Kingdom


Victoria Donnaloja’s research addresses questions related to citizenship, national identity and migration. She completed her Ph.D. in demography in the department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics. Her doctoral thesis centres around investigating what it is to become a citizen from the point of view of the general public in Europe, both immigrants and natives. To this end she used a host of innovative data sources and methodological approaches, including an experimental research design, survey analysis, and discourse analysis of text. Her thesis contributes to our understanding of how the function and value of citizenship is changing in response to migration.

At the EUI she will continue to study migration and the attitudes of the majority population. She will work on identifying emigration patterns and relating them to policy (e.g. Brexit). She will also start on a project aimed at addressing challenging puzzles in the study of attitudes towards minorities, e.g. on the mechanisms that explain the positive relationship between educational attainment and warmer attitudes.

Expertise for Teaching and Mentoring of Ph.D. Researchers
Victoria has taught four courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate level in the departments of Social Policy and Methodology at the LSE. These include compulsory courses in methodology, sociology and social policy, as well as a specialised module in migration.
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