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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Finn, Victoria

Postdoktor (Assistant Professor)

University of Oslo, Norway

United States

Max Weber alumnus

Robert Schuman Centre

Cohort(s): 2021/2022, 2022/2023

Ph.D. Institution

Universidad Diego Portales (CHL) and Leiden University (NLD), Netherlands


Victoria (Vicki) Finn is a second-year Max Weber Fellow, researching migrant political participation, (non)citizenship, and migration governance in South America. Her publications appear in Citizenship Studies, International Political Science Review, Bulletin of Latin American Research, and Latin American Policy, and in Spanish in Colombia Internacional, Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, and Revista Andina de Estudios PolĂ­ticos, among others.

Victoria is the recipient of the 2022 Best Dissertation Award from the Migration & Citizenship Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) for her dissertation, 'Migrant Rights, Voting, and Resocialization: Suffrage in Chile and Ecuador, 1925-2020' stemming from her PhD in Political Science from Universidad Diego Portales and PhD in Humanities from Leiden University. She also holds an MA in International Affairs from the George Washington University.

Victoria serves as an elected Co-Convener for the ECPR Standing Group on Migration & Ethnicity and elected Executive Council Officer for the APSA Migration & Citizenship Section. Previously a 2021 Visiting Doctoral Fellow at Tallinn University, she collaborated on a migration-related EU Horizon 2020 project. She has also assisted in qualitative methods courses and has taught undergraduate courses in international relations, economics, and migration.

This year, Victoria will continue her research agenda through completing articles under review, alongside finishing her manuscript, 'The Theory of Political Embedding: Why Im|Emigrants Vote'.
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