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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Vojinović, Miloš

Visiting Fellow

European University Institute, Italy


Max Weber alumnus

Department of History and Civilization

Cohort(s): 2021/2022, 2022/2023

Ph.D. Institution

Humboldt University, Germany


Miloš Vojinović studied history at the University of Belgrade, and worked at the Institute for Balkan Studies. His first book Political Ideas of Young Bosnia examines the emergence of the radical anarchist and nationalist student movement known as Young Bosnia on the eve of the Great War. In 2017 Miloš moved to Berlin where he was a fellow of the Global Intellectual History Graduate School. He was awarded a PhD degree by Humboldt University after defending his dissertation, 'Science for Statecraft: the British Empire and New Sciences 1890-1920'.

In recent years Miloš was awarded a research scholarship by the German Historical Institute in London, he was a research visitor at the Centre for History and Economics in Cambridge and a visiting scholar at the Department of History of Princeton University. He is interested in contributing to two bodies of historical scholarship: histories of imperialism and histories of human sciences.

During his time at the EUI, Miloš will analyse the research made about the Balkans in three different countries (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Russian Empire) starting from the 1870s up until the end of the First World War, a period when the foundations of modern Balkan studies have been set up.

Miloš has explored nationalism, imperialism and general history of the 19th century with cohorts of undergraduate students.
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