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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Kilic, Gozde


CIVICA Fellow - European University Institute, Italy


Max Weber alumnus

Department of History and Civilization

Cohort(s): 2021/2022, 2022/2023

Ph.D. Institution

University  of Trent , Canada


Gözde Kılıç is a scholar of cultural studies. She obtained her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Trent University in Ontario, Canada (2017). Her dissertation engages in a psychoanalytic interpretation of the crisis of paternal authority within a theoretical and literary-historical framework. As a Max Weber fellow, Gözde will initiate a new project that offers a genealogical study of love in Turkey’s modern history by tracing the transformations the concept underwent in the Ottoman/Turkish imagination in the early twentieth century. Some of the questions that inform her project are: How did the Ottoman intellectuals forge a modern understanding of the individual as an autonomous agent? How was the language of gender, sexuality, and desire reconfigured during this process? How was the construction of new individual and collective identities embodied in the changing meanings of love?

At the European University Institute, Gözde aims to produce a monograph on the history of psychiatry and psychoanalysis in Turkey that focuses on the intersections between gender, sexuality, medicine, and nationalism. As she spent more than half a decade in North America during her graduate studies, it will be her first time extending her work to a European setting.

Expertise for Teaching and Mentoring of Ph.D. Researchers
Gözde worked as a teaching assistant for Cultural Studies and English departments in Canada (2008-2014). She also taught courses on cultural analysis, gender and identity, and feminist literature at Başkent University, Turkey (2015-2021).

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