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Charitopoulou, Effrosyni

Hannah Seeger Davis Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Princeton University, United States


Max Weber alumnus

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Cohort(s): 2022/2023

Ph.D. Institution

University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Effrosyni Charitopoulou completed her DPhil (PhD) in Sociology at Nuffield College, University of Oxford in 2020. Her doctoral thesis investigates intergroup attitudes and behaviour in the context of the European refugee crisis in Greece. From 2021-2022, she served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. Her research interests lie in the field of intergroup relations, with a focus on local and migrant populations. Particularly, she investigates social dynamics that contribute towards the elimination of intergroup prejudice and to the development of intergroup assistance and trust. Her sociological approach is empirical, yet also aims at advancing sociological theory. She mostly uses ethnographic methods, but also employs quantitative and experimental research techniques.

As a Max Weber Fellow, Effrosyni will be working on her ongoing project on patterns of long-term refugee integration on the historical case of Anatolian Greek refugees in Greece as well as towards publishing her doctoral thesis.

Effrosyni has contributed to teaching a wide range of sociological and methodological courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level at the University of Oxford and at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. This included courses in sociological theory, sociological analysis, and advanced research design.
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