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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Kocemba, Karolina

Max Weber Fellow

European University Institute, Italy


Max Weber alumnus

Department of Law

Cohort(s): 2022/2023, 2023/2024

Ph.D. Institution

University of Wroclaw, Poland


Karolina Kocemba is a researcher at the Centre for Legal Education and Social Theory, University of Wrocław. There, she defended her PhD thesis, 'Interactions in spaces of legal education,' devoted to the spatial influence on interactions in places of legal education (mainly in Poland but compared to the law faculties in the Czech Republic, Netherlands, and Australia). At the same university, she graduated with two master's degrees in law and administration. She is also a graduate of The International Master in Sociology of Law of the International Institute of Sociology of Law, Oñati (Spain).

In her work, Karolina focuses on women's rights, constitutionalism, strategic litigation, legal education, and sociology of law. At the EUI, she will examine the constitutional litigation undertaken to limit women's rights in CEE countries in the populist moment. The research object is the actors' participation in constitutional cases on women's rights and their legal strategies and arguments. She will analyse the participation of actors, especially right-wing organizations and churches, the type of participation, their legal strategy and arguments, and convergence with the arguments in the Constitutional Courts' rulings.

Karolina mainly taught the sociology of law classes for law students (MA) and co-led a three-year seminar series on strategic litigation at the University of Wrocław. Karolina was also a teacher and tutor of the Empirical Legal Research course in the International EDELNet+ PhD Training Programme.
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