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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Lashchuk, Iuliia

Research Fellow

European University Institute, Italy


Max Weber alumnus

Robert Schuman Centre

Cohort(s): 2022/2023, 2023/2024

Ph.D. Institution

University of Warsaw, Poland


Iuliia Lashchuk is a researcher and migration activist. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy (cum laude) from the University of Warsaw. Iuliia is focusing her research on the categories of otherness and strangeness with the specific focus on gender issues and female migration. She is interested in issues of identity, belonging, and diversity, as well as ethical dimensions of hospitality. In her interdisciplinary research, she is exploring alternative methods of speaking about migration, such as contemporary art practices. During her Ph.D. she was an intern at the University of Federico II in Naples and the Academy of Fine Arts of Catania.

Iuliia has taught undergraduate courses on Ethics at the University of Warsaw and Sociology of Communication and Digital Cultures at the Academy of Fine Arts of Catania.

As a Max Weber Fellow she will continue her research on Ukrainian female migration analysing its dynamic and changes in a context of current political situation. In her research she will focus on the analysis of receiving and integration of Ukrainian female refugees at the three levels such as policies, civil society and diaspora.
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