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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Parihar, Parth

Max Weber Fellow

European University Institute, Italy

Max Weber alumnus

Department of Economics

Cohort(s): 2022/2023, 2023/2024

Ph.D. Institution

Princeton University, United States


Parth Parihar completed his PhD in Economics from Princeton University in 2021. He comes to the EUI after a one-year postdoc at the Wallis Institute of Political Economy at the University of Rochester. Parth's research interests lie in applied microeconomic theory, particularly in political economy. His work studies the forces that impel cooperation and conflict amongst agents with heterogenous interests in dynamic settings, with a focus on bargaining and contribution games along with dynamic contests.

At the EUI, Parth aims to collaborate with the faculty and other Max Weber Fellows on a new research agenda that centres around the 'Crisis of Expert Knowledge and Authority' inter-disciplinary research cluster. He hopes to contribute to the cluster by analysing its guiding research questions from an information economics lens. Additionally, he hopes to continue to work on and complete several current working papers and works in progress. He looks forward to fruitful research discussions and collaboration with his peers and faculty.

Parth has experience teaching graduate-level political economy theory at the University of Rochester, and serving as a teaching assistant for Introduction to Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, and a topics course in microeconomic theory (Economics of Uncertainty), as a graduate student at Princeton University.
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