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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Bostoen, Friso

Assistant professor (of competition law & digital regulation)

Tilburg University, Netherlands


Max Weber alumnus

Department of Law

Cohort(s): 2022/2023

Ph.D. Institution

KU Leuven, Belgium


Friso Bostoen completed his PhD at KU Leuven as a fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (2021) and subsequently stayed on for postdoctoral research. He completed his initial legal studies at KU Leuven (2016), including an exchange at the University of Sydney, and went on to obtain an LL.M. degree from Harvard University as a Fulbright scholar (2019).

Friso's research focuses on the regulation of online platforms under antitrust law and sector-specific regulation. He takes a decision-theoretic approach and infuses his legal research with insights from economic, business strategy and technology literature. Friso's work has resulted in numerous international publications and presentations. In addition, he edits the CoRe Blog on competition law and hosts the Monopoly Attack podcast.

As a MWF Friso plans to build on his work on platform regulation with at least two substantive projects: the first concerns decentralization of the digital economy, i.a. through interoperability; the second zooms in on a specific type of online platform, i.e. app stores.

Friso has taught competition law—and EU economic law more broadly—at KU Leuven, London School of Economics, Erasmus University (Rotterdam), Waseda University (Tokyo), University of Trento and University of Liège. His classes have generally been aimed at masters' students, with whom he prefers to take a Socratic approach.
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