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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Dominik, Paulina

Max Weber Fellow

European University Institute, Italy


Max Weber alumnus

Department of History and Civilization

Cohort(s): 2022/2023, 2023/2024

Ph.D. Institution

Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany


Paulina Dominik works at the intersection of global history and area studies. She was awarded a PhD degree by the Freie Universität Berlin where she was a doctoral fellow at the Graduate School 'Global Intellectual History' from 2017 to 2021. Prior to that, she received her BA and MSt degrees in Oriental Studies from the University of Oxford. Her research interests include the Ottoman and post-Ottoman Mediterranean, pan-nationalisms and anti-imperialisms, the history of nationalism, the transregional entanglements between East-Central Europe and the Middle East and the history of Orientalism.

As a Max Weber Fellow, Paulina will be revising her doctoral dissertation into her first monograph, tentatively titled 'For our freedom and yours: a global biography of Seyfeddin Thadée Gasztowtt (1881-1936)'. It examines the emergence and dissemination of anti-imperial discourses and critiques of a Eurocentric world order, the cross-cultural transfer of ideas as well as transimperial activism through the biography of a Polish-French activist based in the Ottoman Empire and its former provinces in North Africa in the first two decades of the 20th century.

At the EUI, Paulina also plans to develop her postdoctoral project that studies Pan-Islamism in the trans-Mediterranean context from the 1870s to the 1920s as a frame for the quest of independence and anti-imperialism.

Paulina mentored undergraduate students in global history and the history of the late Ottoman Empire and of the Republic of Turkey.
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