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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Sage, Lucas


CNR, Italy


Max Weber alumnus

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Cohort(s): 2022/2023, 2023/2024

Ph.D. Institution

Sorbonne Université & University of Trento, Italy


Lucas Sage is a sociologist whose research interests span the areas of social stratification and inequality. He holds a PhD in sociology and social research from Sorbonne University and from the University of Trento (double degree) in 2022. In his dissertation he analysed the mechanisms generating wage inequality both between and within sociodemographic groups. He identified assortative sorting, i.e. the tendency for highly-skilled workers to be overrepresented in high paying organizations and occupations. This produces a cumulative (dis)advantage phenomenon that contributes to explaining both between- and within-group wage differences.

As a Max Weber Fellow Lucas will work on a new project dissecting inequality formation in the scientific realm. Notably he will study how co-authors can learn from each other through interactions and how this mechanisms may interact with team formation mechanisms to exacerbate divergences in career trajectories. In his work, Lucas uses both statistical modeling on large scale administrative and digital sources data and agent-based modeling. He is particularly interested in creating fruitful synergies between the two techniques, always focusing on how micro decisions aggregate to form macro-level patterns of inequality.

Lucas has taught statistics and social stratification courses at Sorbonne University at the undergraduate level.
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