Posted on 12 March 2019
Thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding signed on 7 March, the School of Transnational Governance of the EUI will participate in a newly formed European and Transnational Governance Network.
The Network will bring together several important higher education institutions in Europe to carry out joint activities in the area of advanced training.
Bocconi University, Central European University, College of Europe, L’ École nationale d'administration, Hertie School of Governance, and the European University Institute have agreed to join forces on a number of shared initiatives, including the development of an Executive Training Certificate in European and Transnational Governance.
The joint certificate will be awarded to participants who complete a set of relevant trainings organised across the partner institutions.
Praising the new initiative, Professor Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the EUI’s School of Transnational Governance, said ‘the network will mobilise the different resources of leading European governance schools to provide top level training on how governance is changing.’
In a comment about the role of the EUI School of Transnational Governance, Dr. Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the STG, said that ‘the network could help leverage the complementarities of some of Europe’s best schools, with the goal of elevating the overall quality of the existing offer of executive education in the sphere of governance. Today we have taken an important step in this direction. I am thrilled for this new initiative and grateful to our partners for their engagement.”

Staff and representatives of Bocconi University, Central European University, College of Europe, L’ École nationale d'administration, Hertie School of Governance, and the European University Institute.