Posted on 06 April 2020
Alexander Stubb will lead the EUI's School of Transnational Governance from May 1st.
The European University Institute (EUI) has appointed Alexander Stubb as Director of its School of Transnational Governance (STG). The EUI looks forward to working with Stubb, who brings in a wealth of expertise across national government and EU policy-making.

A former Prime Minister, Finance Minister, Foreign Minister, Trade and Europe Minister of Finland (2008-2016), Alexander Stubb most recently was Vice-President of the European Investment Bank. Stubb also served as Member of the European Parliament (2004-2008) and was involved in the European project in several other roles.
Alexander Stubb will take up his duties as STG Director on 1 May 2020.
“Alexander Stubb has a wide experience in policy-making, both at national and at European level, which is a key asset for the STG,” said EUI President Renaud Dehousse. “This is a pivotal moment for the School, which is establishing itself as the EUI’s window on the world, providing excellent training on policy-making beyond the state. Such a time calls for enthusiastic leadership and strategic thinking. Alexander has what it takes to take the STG to the next level.”
Alexander Stubb is looking forward to the challenge: “It is with great excitement that I join the School of Transnational Governance during these difficult times. I have always believed in the interdependence of theory and practice. And now, more than ever, we will need to bring together all the expertise from government, academia, civil society, companies and journalism to solve the most pressing challenges of the day. That is what our School is all about.”
Stubb will replace Miguel Poiares Maduro whose term as Director came to an end. The Institute extends its gratitude to Professor Miquel Poiares Maduro for his outstanding work as the STG’s first Director. Maduro played a pivotal role in the school’s establishment in 2017 and its successful roll-out.
Senator Mario Monti, Chair of the STG External Advisory Board, commented: “The transnational dimension - key in today’s challenges such as pandemics, climate change or inequalities - is crucial for effective governance, not only in the case of governments at all levels but also of corporations and NGOs. This makes the School of Transnational Governance a highly promising initiative. I can think of no one as qualified as Stubb to lead the School as new Director. With his impressive achievements in politics, his thought leadership in policy debates, his vision and enthusiasm, Alex has the credentials to bring the School towards global prominence at the crossroads of education and government.”