Posted on 03 March 2021
The EUI is among twenty-four Italian universities who have signed on to the UN project ‘University Corridors for Refugees’, or UNICORE. Under the project, now in its third year, up to 43 refugees from Ethiopia will be selected to begin degree courses in participating universities across Italy.

2019 UNICORE participants. Photo by Alessandro Penso for UNHCR.
The selected students will be exempt from tuition fees at the universities participating in the programme. UNICORE will also provide financial support for plane tickets and visa-related expenses, as well as a study grant to help them during their stay in Italy.
At the EUI, eligible candidates may apply for the Institute’s Master of Arts in Transnational Governance. Participants will be selected by the EUI’s School of Transnational Governance (STG) according to merit and motivation, under the usual admission criteria.
The project supports the UN Refugee Agency’s objective to strengthen legal routes of entry for refugees, and to promote their enrolment in higher education. It also reflects the aims stated in the European Commission’s 2020 Pact on Migration and Asylum encouraging member states to create legal study and work pathways for refugees to enter the EU.
UNICORE is supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the UN Refugee Agency, Caritas Italiana, Diaconia Valdese, Centro Astalli and Gandhi Charity.