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EUI in the Press

11 December – 17 December

Spotlight: How Ranking Performance Can Hurt Women

Klarita Gërxhani, Chair in Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review on her recent research on gender equity in the workplace and how ranking employees can hinder it.



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Research: How Ranking Performance Can Hurt Women, an article written by Klarita Gërxhani, Chair in Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Harvard Business Review, 13 December 2021.

Il pensionato, la ricercatrice e il disoccupato: “Lavoro e parità, le nostre idee per l’Europa”, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 11 December 2021.

"Uguaglianza, diritti e collaborazione". Ecco come i giovani vedono l'Europa del future, a TV broadcast featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, including Franca Feisel, Mario Pagano and Marc Steiert, PhD Researchers in the LAW Department, La Repubblica, 11 December 2021.

Più Europa, più Unione, a video broadcast featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, including an interview with Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, TGR - RAI Toscana, 11 December 2021. 

Tre giorni di democrazia e diritti, si chiude il panel dei cittadini a Firenze, an article and video report featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, quoting Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, and Elda Brogi, Member of the Executive Board and Coordinator Policy Analysis and Research of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), ANSA, 12 December 2021.

Olivier Roy: "Europa, parliamo di valori. Siamo sicuri che li condividiamo tutti?", an article featuring an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, during the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 12 December 2021.

Clima, lavoro, agricoltura: cittadini di tutta Europa a Fiesole per disegnare il futuro dell'Ue, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, quoting Elda Brogi, Member of the Executive Board and Coordinator Policy Analysis and Research of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), La Repubblica, 12 December 2021.

Can the Middle East Fulfill Europe’s Security Provider Aspirations?, an article written by Mahmoud JavadiMaster student at the School of Transnational Governance, National Interest, 12 December 2021.

Sono 483 i libri votati A Franzen 364 punti, an article mentioning Pieter M. Judson, Full-time professor at the Department of History and Civilization, Corriere della Sera, 12 December 2021.

The developing world can’t access vaccines: Is it ethical to mandate them for international travel?, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceFast Company, 13 December 2021.

Let's call the EU's wishy-washy support of Palestinians what it is: Complicity with Israel, an article written by Tariq AzeezMaster student at the School of Transnational Governance, The New Arab, 13 December.

Melfi nel ricordo di Spinelli, un profeta dell’Europa che ha pagato un caro prezzo per la libertà, an article quoting Andrea BecherucciArchivist at the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Vulture News, 13 December 2021.

Careers Weekly: All The Other Names For The ‘Great Resignation,’ Omicron Is Crashing Return To Office Plans And More, a newsletter mentioning Klarita Gërxhani, Chair in Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Forbes, 14 December 2021.

Daniel Yergin: Why the energy transition will be so complicated, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Financial Post, 14 December 2021.

Conference on the Future of Europe: Citizens' Panel delivers recommendations, a press release on the Conference on the Future of Europe, an event hosted at the European University Institute, European Commission, 14 December 2021. 

Ne laissons pas aux écologistes radicaux le monopole du vert, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Express, 15 December 2021.

Between politics and inconvenient evidence, an article co-authored by Andrew Fallone, Master student at the School of Transnational Governance, CEPS, 15 December 2021.

CoFoE could cause disquiet in Commission over citizens’ wishes to change treaties, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Euractiv, 15 December 2021.

Ban politician-owned media, citizens’ panel tells EU, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Newsbook, 15 December 2021.

Grote ideeën, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, and the EUI Forum on Democratic Participation and Future of Europe organised by the School of Transnational Governance, De Groene Amserdammer, 15 December 2021

Reforming the EU macroeconomic policy system: Economic requirements and legal conditions, an article co-authored by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), and  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre,, 16 December 2021.

Présidentielle en Libye : chronique d’un report annoncé, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreLa Tribune Afrique, 16 December 2021.

Future of Europe: Citizens’ panel proposals on democracy and EU reform, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Eureporter, 16 December 2021.

Is parenting scarier than ever?, an article featuring an event hosted by the Max Weber Programme, BBC, 16 December 2021.
Also available in Spanish: ¿Es este el momento más aterrador de la historia para ser padres?

Emploi, pouvoir d'achat, investissements... Les vrais coûts de la transition énergétique, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Express, 16 December 2021.

Putin vaatii YYA-ajan paluuta – Suomi on vaarassa, jos KGB-miehelle tehdään myönnytyksiä, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltalehti, 16 December 2021.

Inizia il terzo anno di "Tutto Merito Mio", borse di studio per 104 nuovi talenti, an article mentioning Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, Go News, 17 December 2021. 

CoFoE: deliberative democracy more accountable than elections and polls, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Euractiv, 17 December 2021.

Libia e Sahel, l’asse Roma-Parigi reggerà? Parla Roy, an article featuring an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Formiche, 17 December 2021.

Another year like no other, an article mentioning Thorsten BeckDirector of the Florence School of Banking and FinanceEconomics Observatory, 17 December 2021.
Also available in French: CoFoE : la démocratie délibérative plus fiable que les élections et les enquêtes d’opinion

Democrazia Futura. Dal miracolo di Ferragosto al miracolo di Natale: rimpannucciato il vestito alla vecchia Gasparri, an article written by Giacomo Mazzone, Member of the Advisory Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Key 4 biz, 17 December 2021.




4 December – 10 December

Spotlight: What’s in an Experiment? Participatory Democracy Comes to Town

Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Chair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational Governance, co-authored an article for La Repubblica on the final session of the European Citizens' Panel 2 in the context of the Conference of the Future of Europe, hosted at the EUI.


Photo credit: EUI


What’s in an Experiment? Participatory Democracy Comes to Town, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, co-authored by Kalypso NicolaïdisChair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational Governance, La Repubblica, 6 Decemebr 2021.
Also available in Italian: Il valore di un esperimento. La democrazia partecipativa arriva a Firenze.

Olaf Scholz en passe d'opter pour un patron de la « Buba » plus diplomate, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Echos, 5 December 2021.

El dilema de Christine Lagarde, an article quoting Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreEl País, 6 December 2021.

Well-known economist warns of dividing lines in EU: "Violent demonstrations are a foretaste of what's to come", an article Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreKauppalehti, 6 December 2021.

EUI Event Explores “Geneva Effect” on WTO Reform, an article featuring an event hosted at the European University institute and a paper by Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsIISD, 6 December 2021.

Oikeusoppinut toruu Marinia ja Haavistoa vastuuttomuudesta ja huonon esimerkin antamisesta: ”Hölmöilyä molemmilta”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentIltalehti, 6 December 2021.

The EU's democratic problem – and what can be done about it, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute and quoting Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Chair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational Governance, The Loop, 7 December 2021

Future of Europe: Panel recommendations on European democracy and values, a press release on the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, European Parliament, 7 December 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Futuro de Europa: recomendaciones del panel sobre la democracia y los valores europeos.

Πολλά τα οικονομικά κενά καθώς η ΕΕ εγκρίνει ένα αμφιλεγόμενο έγγραφο που το υπονομεύει, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePentapostagma, 7 December 2021.

Trade with China: massive job losses but purchasing power gains, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Echos, 8 December 2021.

Przyszłość Europy: zalecenia panelu w sprawie europejskiej demokracji i wartości, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Polska Agencja Prasowa, 8 December 2021. 

How Delhi HC upheld tech developer’s right to property, an article written by Igor Nikolic, research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Hindi Business Line, 9 December 2021.

Il Futuro dell'Unione Se ne discute a Fiesole – Cronaca, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, La Nazione, 9 December 2021. 

A Firenze il confronto tra 200 cittadini europei sul Futuro dell'Ue, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, AGI, 9 December 2021.

Future of Europe: final round of European Citizens' Panels begins this weekend in Florence, Italy, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2021, 9 December 2021.

Conferenza sul futuro dell'Europa sabato in città, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Redazione Nove da Firenze, 9 December 2021. 

Democrazia europea/valori, diritti, governo di diritto, sicurezza temi al centro III incontro raccomandazioni cittadini europei sul "Futuro dell'Europa”, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Italian Network, 9 December 2021.

La ronda final de los paneles de ciudadanos europeos arranca este fin de semana en Florencia, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Diario Singlo XXI, 9 December 2021.

CNMC prepara un examen a RTVE para medir su papel como servicio público, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, La Información,9 December 2021.

Al via i lavori del panel dei cittadini a Firenze, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, quoting Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, ANSA, 10 December 2021.

Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa: a Firenze 200 cittadini per definire le raccomandazioni sui temi della democrazia e dei diritti, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, AgenSir, 10 December 2021. 

Διάσκεψη για το μέλλον της Ευρώπης – Αποστολή του στη Φλωρεντία, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, quoting Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI,, 10 December 2021.

Brussels Playbook: Johnson in trouble — Spain’s startup splash — Greening Gazprom, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Politico, 10 December 2021.

New: Priti Patel’s powers to revoke citizenship are the broadest in the G20, an article quoting a Dataset provided by Globalcit, The New Statesman, 10 December 2021.

Wirusy, covidowa dezinformacja i paląca lista problemów. "Znajdujemy się w samym środku burzy", an article referencing an analysis from the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), 10 December 2021.





27 November – 3 December

Spotlight: GIFs Were the Last Straw: Facebook Gets First Order to Unwind Completed Deal

Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre, was quoted in Bloomberg on the effects that the adoption of a stricter Mergers and acquisition policy would have on Big Tech companies.



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GIFs Were the Last Straw: Facebook Gets First Order to Unwind Completed Deal, an article quoting  Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreBloomberg, 30 November 2021.

Sostenere le famiglie può salvare il nostro paese, an article co-authored by Anton HemerijckChair in Political Science and SociologyDomani, 27 November 2021.

Why the Energy Transition Will Be So Complicated, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Atlantic, 27 November 2021.

Šefčovič: A CoFoE elindította az összeurópai eszmecserét, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Bumm, 27 November 2021.

Briton released from death row accused of inciting genocide in Ethiopia, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Telegraph, 28 November 2021.

Därför är det farligt att mäta allt, a column written by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Dagens Industri, 29 November 2021.

‘Europa moet kiezen: een belangrijke speler zijn in de wereld, of een speeltje’, an interview with Brigid LaffanFormer director of the Robert Schuman Centre, NRC, 29 November 2021.

Are we ready for the next pandemic?, a broadcast featuring Adam Kamradt-ScottChair of Global Public Health at the School of Transnational GovernanceABC, 29 November 2021.

Les fonctionnaires de la terreur, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Les Jours, 29 November 2021.

Ventotene, Archivi Storici dell’Ue: consegnato a Sindaco facsimile Manifesto, an article featuring the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), AgCult, 30 November 2021.

The End of the COVID Consensus, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 30 November 2021.

The lessons of Altiero Spinelli for the future of Europe, an article written by Dieter SchlenkerDirector of the HAEULa Repubblica, 30 November 2021.
Also Available in Italian: Le lezioni di Altiero Spinelli per il futuro dell’Europa.

La Bifurcation Écologique n’est pas un Dîner de Gala, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLVSL, 30 October 2021.

COMPLOTTI!, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, I Diavoli, 30 November 2021.

금융연구원 "코로나 이후 디지털 가속화...금융산업도 위기 직면", an article mentioning Thorsten BeckDirector of the Florence School of Banking and FinanceFNTimes, 30 November 2021.

Esrc Funds Six Research Centres, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Research Live, 30 November 2021.

Il Manifesto di Ventotene torna sull’isola grazie all’Asue, an article featuring the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), h24 notizie, 30 November 2021.

Mario Draghi, la dernière chance de l’Italie, an article featuring an interview with Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Monde, 1 December 2021.

The University of Nottingham announces launch of a new £12m research centre for inclusive trade policy, an article mentioning the European University Institute, India Education Diary, 1 December 2021.

La crisis energética irrumpe en el camino a las renovables, ¿por qué será tan complicada la transición?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreEnergia16, 1 December 2021.

Dalla Conferenza sul Futuro dell'Europa al Festival d'Europa: Firenze città dell'UE, a blog post on the Conference on the Future of Europe mentioning the European University Institute, Europe Direct Firenze, 2 December 2021.

L’Omicron, le vaccin et le capitalisme : « Je n’y peux rien, c’est ma nature ! », an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman, 2 December 2021.

Professorin mielestä koronastrategia on tämä: Virus saa hillittynä edetä läpi väestön, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentVerkkouutiset, 2 December 2021.

Europa moet China niet gaan na-apen met miljardeninvesteringen in het buitenland, a radio podcast featuring Friso StevensMax Weber FellowBNR, 2 December 2021.

Meta’s Failed Giphy Deal Could End Big Tech’s Spending Spree, an article featuring Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreWired, 3 December 2021.

Date with history: Ireland’s stability is shaken, an article written by Brigid LaffanFormer director of the Robert Schuman Centre, Chatham House, 3 December 2021.





20 November - 26 November

Spotlight: Recovery and Resilience Plan for Italy

Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, was interviewed by Il Corriere Fiorentino on the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Italy and why it is imperative to act quickly to avoid missing an historical opportunity.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


Un allarme dall’Iue «Tempi cortissimi per spendere i soldi», an interview with Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman Centre, Il Corriere Fiorentino, 20 November 2021.

The EU realizes it can't rely on America for protection. Now it has a blueprint for a new joint military force, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, CNN, 20 November 2021.

Consensos são “um preço necessário” para fazer reformas políticas, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernancePublico, 20 November 2021.

La manifattura italiana traina la ripresa dell’Europa. E le aziende dicono addio alle delocalizzazioni, an article quoting Giorgia Giovannetti, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Il Sole 24 Ore, 20 November 2021.

Procès du 13 Novembre : « Daesh a utilisé les individus qu’il avait sous la main », an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Sud Ouest, 20 November 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Dans l’optique de la présidentielle 2022, la clarté sur les choix est une condition de la légitimité de l’action à venir », an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 21 November 2021.

Does Power Corrupt?, an article quoting Andrea Ichinofull-time professor and head of the ECO DepartmentForeign Policy, 21 November 2021.

Il jihadismo accettabile che non esce dai propri confini, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Domani, 21 November 2021.

Meglio Nato che niente. Dove (non) può andare la difesa Ue, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, CNN, 21 November 2021.

Disentangling the "Bosnian knot": how about a step-by-step approach?, an op-ed written by Jelena DzankicPart-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of the GLOBALCIT, Oslobodenje, 22 November 2021.

Moção de Paulo Rangel prevê criação de agência anticorrupção, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceSapo, 22 November 2021.

Korčok: EÚ nie je dokonalá, ale problémy v Európe bez nej nevyriešime, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Now.SK, 22 November 2021.

Korčok a klímaváltozásról és az Európai Unió bővítéséről beszél, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Parameter, 22 November 2021.

Magazine – Orizzonti d’Europa del 23/11/2021, a video broadcast featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Rai Parlamento, 23 November 2021.

Internationale Studie zu VerbandsführungSchlechtes Zeugnis für Sportverbände, an article quoting  Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceDeutschlandfunk, 23 November 2021.

Il Centenario di Dubček ricordato all’Università di Bologna e in Italia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Buongiorno Slovacchia, 23 November 2021.

Youth Let Down by State Leaders After COP26, an article co-authored by Alice HubbardPolicy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, and Rebecca Williams, PhD Researcher at the Department of Law, La Repubblica, 24 November 2021. 
Also available in Italian: I giovani delusi dai leader nazionali dopo la COP26.

What next for the refugees stranded between Belarus and Poland?, an article quoting Federica InfantinoMarie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, and James DennisonPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreAl Jazeera, 24 November 2021. 

Del Estado Nacional al Estado Regional, an article quotingRenaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, El Universal, 25 November 2021.

À l’approche de la reprise des négociations, Israël et Téhéran font monter les enchères, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL'Orient-Le Jour, 25 November 2021.

Candidats, électorat, scénarios : la Libye face à l’inconnu à un mois de la présidentielle, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreL'Orient-Le Jour, 25 November 2021.

How New Zealand is securing its future through digital trade, an article quoting Martina FerracaneMax Weber Fellow, and Sabrina D’AndreaPhD Researcher in the Law departmentITPro, 25 November 2021.

UAE's embrace of Syria aims to weaken Iranian influence, experts say, an article quoting a report by the Middle East Directions Programme, Middle East Eye, 25 November 2021.

Head of NOC: Sports federations need more demands from society, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernancePlay the Game, 25 November 2021.

Rättsvetare: Anställda inom social- och hälsovården ska enligt lagen vara vaccinerade mot covid-19 för att skydda patienter och klienter – men ministeriet utreder ännu saken, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentInrikes, 25 November 2021.

Syrie : Washington modifie son régime de sanctions pour faciliter l’aide humanitaire, an article quoting Joseph DaherPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL'Orient-Le Jour, 26 October 2021.

70% of migrants entering UK via France "are not genuine asylum seekers," Priti Patel tells House of Lords, an article quoting Federica Infantino, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, EUtoday, 26 November 2021. 




13 November - 19 November

Spotlight: Why do we believe in conspiracy theories?

Nicolas Guilhot, Professor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, was quoted in VICE Italy on the political dimension of conspiracy theories.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


Perché crediamo alle teorie del complotto?, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentVICE, 15 November 2021.

EU Is Out to Prove Saving the Planet Doesn’t Have to Hurt Growth, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreBloomberg, 13 November 2021.
Also available in Polish: Unia Europejska stara się udowodnić, że ratowanie planety nie powinno szkodzić wzrostowi.

Building Trust Among Future Communities Requires Religious Diplomacy, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreDND, 13 November 2021.

Pourquoi dix ans après la chute de Khadafi, la réunification de la Libye reste incertaine, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreLa Montagne, 13 November 2021.

ليبيا ترشح القذافي قد يقلب موازين الانتخابات الليبية.. ويهدد حظوظ حفتر, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreAlhurra, 13 November 2021.

Huit personnalités rejoignent Angel Gurria et Shoshana Zuboff pour créer l’Observatoire international sur l’information et la démocratie, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceRDF, 13 November 2021.

Großmächte der Weltliteratur, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of Globalcit, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 13 November 2021.

Le pensioni dei giornalisti salvate con i soldi pubblici, only available in print, an article written by Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomL’Essenziale, 13 November 2021.

"L'illa que no vol desaparèixer", al "30 minuts", a video broadcast featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreTV3, 14 November 2021.

El precio del "procés": los efectos económicos del separatismo catalán, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentrePauta, 14 November 2021.

Klimaatblog - "Alle landen willen de opwarming onder 1,5 graad houden, maar met dit akkoord lukt dat niet", an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsVRT, 14 November 2021.

Gemischte Gefühle: Reaktionen aus Belgien zum COP26-Klimaabkommen, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsVRT, 14 November 2021.

‘Imo is very proud’ — Uzodimma hails Amaeshi, first Nigerian prof at European University Institute, an article mentioning Kenneth AmaeshiChair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, The Cable, 14 November 2021.

Professori: Olisi korkea aika kertoa koronatilanteen vakavuudesta, an article quoting  Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentVerkkouutiset, 14 November 2021.

Le gouvernement n'assume pas les conséquences géopolitiques et climatiques de la sortie du nucléaire (carte blanche), an article co-written by Antoine De Robiano, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Le Vie, 15 November 2021.

Klimaatplannen volstaan niet om de doelstelling van 1,5 graden waar te maken, maar toch zien experten sprankeltje hoop, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsNieuws, 15 November 2021.

Quirinale, ItalyGate e riforma della giustizia. Cartabia negli Usa, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Formiche, 15 November 2021.

Where next on COP26? Here are some ways forward, an article co-written by Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, euronews, 16 November 2021.

Poiares Maduro será confrade de honra dos Enófilos da Bairrada, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceJornal da Bairrada, 16 November 2021.

India's competition law enough to deal with digital mkt concern: CCI member, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Business Standard, 16 November 2021.

Fai, dal 22 al 27 novembre la decima edizione delle Giornate per le Scuole, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Toscana Oggi, 16 November 2021.

Prodigy, prisoner, now presidential contender: Why Gaddafi’s son is making a bid for power in Libya, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreThe Independent, 17 November 2021.

Diverging Paths of Journalists in CEE, an article referencing a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomVisegrad Insight, 17 November 2021.

Italien: Dieser Protest richtet sich nicht gegen Corona-Impfungen, sondern gegen Stellenabbau bei Alitalia, an article referencing an analysis from the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Correctiv, 17 November 2021.

How voting advice applications can be used to study the positions of political parties, a blog entry co-written by Lorenzo CicchiCoordinator of the European Governance and Politics Programme (EGPP) at the Robert Schuman CentreJournal of European Public Policy - London School of Economics, 18 November 2021.

Dal reddito di libertà ai bonus assunzioni: i “bug” degli strumenti a sostegno delle donne, an article quoting Andrea Ichinofull-time professor and head of the ECO Department, Informazione Fiscale, 18 November 2021.

« Les exilés supplient l’Europe d’intervenir car ils sont en danger de mort » en Pologne orientale, an article written by Izabela Wagner, Fernand Braudel Fellow at the Department of History and Civilization, Courrier d’Europe centrale, 18 November 2021.

‘Precautionism’ is risking open trade more than protectionism: Pascal Lamy, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Economic Times, 18 November 2021.

Avec la reprise, le nouvel horizon du plein-emploi, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Monde, 19 November 2021.

We don’t want TRIPS to be a part of the problem, but to be a part of the solution, says Ambassador Mohan Kumar, an article quoting Bernard HoekmanChair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsFinancial Express, 19 November 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Noticias de Covid-19: Últimas noticias de Covid-19, Noticias y actualizaciones de Covid-19 de la India.
Also available in French: Nouvelles de Covid-19 : dernières nouvelles de Covid-19, nouvelles et mises à jour indiennes de Covid-19.





6 November - 12 November

Spotlight: Beyond the G20: building a Transnational Governance Approach to Cybersecurity

Andrea Calderaro, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, wrote an article for La Repubblica on how digital sovereignty cannot be achieved with protectionism, but by playing an active role in international cooperation in the cyber domain.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


Beyond the G20: building a Transnational Governance Approach to Cybersecurity, an article written by Andrea CalderaroVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Repubblica, 8 November 2021.
Also available in Italian: Costruire una Governance Transnazionale della Cybersecurity.

Snap elections are called after Portugal’s government collapses, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Economist, 6 November 2021.

Dal G20 alla COP26: il ruolo dell’Unione europea, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreIl Messaggero, 6 November 2021.

Il libro di Becherucci indaga la passione civile di Carlo Ragghianti, an article featuring Andrea Becherucci, Archivist at the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), La Nazione, 6 November 2021.

Samarbete avgörande: Tre måsten för att rädda klimatet, an article written by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Dangens industri, 7 November 2021.

Bandadas en el aire húmedo. Tres otoños barojianos, an article written by Roberto Larrañaga Domínguez, PhD researcher at the Department of History and Civilisation, Babab, 7 November 2021.

Klimaattop in Glasgow is halverwege: wat is er al bereikt en is het genoeg?, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceRTL Nieuws, 7 November 2021.

Muore un lavoratore, il Pireo si rivolta contro la "Chinese way" di Cosco, an article mentioning a policy paper by the Robert Schuman Centre, Huffington Post Italia, 7 November 2021.

Should Global Politics be Universal?, a blog entry written by Artur Banaszewski, PhD researcher at the Department of History and Civilisation, Journal of the History of Ideas, 8 November 2021.

Pensioni dei giornalisti: la cassa previdenziale torna sotto il controllo dello Stato, a blog entry written by Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomIl Bo Live, 8 November 2021.

L’Iran et le monde arabe : une rivalité dépassée ?, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Reseau International, 8 November 2021.

In rete cresce l'allerta valanghe. Ma di bufale, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Italia Oggi, 8 November 2021.

D’un chaman à l’autre : théories du complot et impasses du debunking, an article written by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentAOC, 9 November 2021.

Reddito di cittadinanza e Legge di Bilancio: ci vuole più coraggio, an article written by Arianna Gatta, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Il Sole 24 Ore, 9 November 2021.

Meg lehet-e vásárolni a jogállamiságot? - a portálról, an article written by Beáta Bakó, Max Weber Fellow, Transindex, 9 November 2021.

Trade & Customs 2021 – Economists & Anti-Dumping Consultants - Legal Marketplace Analysis, an article mentioning Bernard HoekmanChair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsWho’s Who Legal, 9 November 2021.

L’Archivio dell’Unione Europea aprirà il fondo della Société Européenne de Culture con sede a Collodi, an article featuring the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Il cittadino, 9 November 2021.

How to Make Decarbonization Economically Sustainable, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 10 November 2021.
Also available in Arabic: كيف نجعل إزالة الكربون عملية مستدامة اقتصاديا.
Also available in Chinese: 如何让脱碳变得经济可持续.
Also available in Russian: Как сделать декарбонизацию экономически реализуемой.
Also available in French: Comment rendre la décarbonation économiquement durable.

THL-johdon pitää erota, vaatii professori Scheinin: Koronan hoito tyrittiin – "Selitykset eivät nyt riitä", an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentHelsing Inuutiset, 10 November 2021.

Cursa net-zero 2050: Cum va progresa România către neutralitate climatică?, an article quoting a paper co-written by Jean-Michel GlachantChair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Director of the Florence School of RegulationHot News, 11 November 2021.

Only the EU can save football from itself, an article co-written by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governanceeuronews, 12 November 2021.

China komt uit het verdomhoekje, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceDe Standaard, 12 November 2021.

Da nani a giganti, così la disinformazione dà forza ai no vax, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Facta News, 12 November 2021.

Ex carcere S.Stefano/Ventotene, siglato Accordo con l’Istituto europeo di Firenze per ricerca, archivio e formazione,an article mentioning the European University Institute, AgCult, 12 November 2021. 




30 October 5 November

Spotlight: Iran’s Emerging New ‘Second Europe’ Strategy May Be Doomed

Mahmoud Javadi, Master student at the School of Transnational Governance, wrote an article for Foreign Policy on the new Iranian leadership and their foreign policy strategy towards Europe.




Photo credit: Shutterstock


Iran’s Emerging New ‘Second Europe’ Strategy May Be Doomed, an article written by Mahmoud Javadi, Master student at the School of Transnational Governance, Foreign Policy, 29 October 2021.

Opening bookmakers near high schools lowers school performance, especially in poor neighborhoods, an article mentioning María Cañizares Espadafor and Sergi Martínez, PhD researchers at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, El Diario, 30 October 2021.

Voormalig directeur-generaal Klimaat bij Europa Jos Delbeke: “Alles direct veranderen: zo werkt het niet, an interview with Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceNieuws, 30 October 2021.

Climate politics have shifted, and that gives scientists and activists hope, an article quoting James DennisonPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreThe Washington Post, 31 October 2021.
Also available in Spanish: COP26: el giro verde en la sociedad y la política esperanza a ambientalistas y científicos.

En la próxima década, el plástico emitirá más gases invernadero que las centrales a carbón, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentrePauta, 31 October 2021.

Cambiamenti climatici (e rischiosi) nel settore agroalimentare: il ruolo dell’università, an article written by Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Banca Finanza, 1 November 2021.

Leaders must be more upfront about the costs of saving the planet, an article quoting a study by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreFinancial Times, 1 November 2021.

EU i dagens aviser mandag den 1. November, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreEuropa-Kommissionen Repræsentation i Danmark, 1 November 2021.

Israel's long battle against Palestinian civil society, an analysis quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, The New Arab, 1 November 2021.

The Future of Expertise, an article written by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentThe Chronicle of Higher Education, 2 November 2021.

The European Union’s Big Policy Bet Against the Tech Giants, an article co-written by Philip Hanspach, PhD researcher at the Department of Economics, and Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the Law Department and the Robert Schuman CentreProMarket, 2 November 2021.

Con título universitario y en riesgo de pobreza: “Estudié Derecho, estoy en paro y antes trabajé 14 años limpiando”, an article quoting Fabrizio BernardiProfessor in Sociology at the Department of Political and Social SciencesEl País, 2 November 2021.

La derogación (o no) de la reforma laboral del 2012 es todavía una cuestión de fe más que de razón, an article co-written by Cristina Lafuente Martinez, Part-time Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Nada Es Gratis, 2 November 2021.

TURNO DE NOCHE. Mar Cañizares: "La nota media de selectividad baja un 0´5 en barrios vulnerables con casas de apuestas", a radio interview with María Cañizares Espadafor, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Onda Regional, 2 November 2021.

Projectos de combate à desinformação já podem concorrer a fundos europeus, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Marketeer, 2 November 2021.

Eerste grote belofte op Klimaatconferentie: ontbossing moet stoppen tegen 2030, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceVRT, 2 November 2021.

India wil (pas) klimaatneutraal worden in 2070: toch een beetje goed nieuws?, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceVRT, 2 November 2021.

UniCredit: Statslederne kan ikke levere klima-varen. Men kan erhvervslivet?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreØkonomisk Ugebrev, 2 November 2021.

Perché per l'ex premier finlandese il G20 di Roma è stato un successo, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Yahoo!, 3 November 2021.

Skryté riziko. Miliardy z Bruselu oživí ekonomiku. Mohou ale oslabit demokracii, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreDeník, 3 November 2021.

Teczki Odbudowy: jak wydawane będą miliardy z Brukseli, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centrewiadomosci, 3 November 2021.
Also available in Hungarian: Mit adott nekünk Brüsszel? Így költik a tagállamok az uniós helyreállítási alap milliárdjait.

The ICC's Flawed Afghan Investigation, an article quoting Sophie Duroi, EUI Law Alumna, Foreign Affairs, 3 November 2021.

Italy’s new prime minister has had a good first nine months, an article quoting Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Economist, 4 November 2021.
Also available in Hebrew: ראש ממשלת איטליה סוגר 9 חודשים מצוינים, אבל עוד הרבה עבודה לפניו

L’Università di Siena alla COP26, an article featuring Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - ClimateLa Nazione, 4 November 2021.

The Great COP-Out?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 4 November 2021.

A year on, Ethiopia decimated by civil war, an article quoting  Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreAl Jazeera, 4 November 2021.

The Fallacy of Casting China as an Imminent Threat: the Case of the Netherlands, an article written by Friso Stevens, Max Weber Fellow, Leiden Security and Global Affairs Blog, 4 November 2021.

Improvement in Iranian-European relations is possible – and the EU should play its part, an article written by Mahmoud JavadiMaster student at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Loop, 4 November 2021.

Giornate FAI per le scuole: visite esclusive in Toscana, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Go News, 4 November 2021.

Oikeusministeriön kanslia­päällikkö: Sosiaali- ja terveyden­huollon työntekijöiltä voidaan edellyttää rokotuksia ilman tartunta­tautilain muuttamista, an article quoting  Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 5 November 2021.

US Trade Representative visit to provide platform for negotiations, an article quoting Pralok Gupta, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, The Telegraph India, 5 November 2021.

Vlaams klimaatplan stuit op veel kritiek, doen we het dan zo slecht? “Ze proberen niet eens te doen alsof”, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceNieuws, 5 November 2021.





23 October - 29 October

Spotlight: Lessons From a Climate Comeback

Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, wrote an article for Noema on how the example of Denmark shows that cooperation between governments and civil society can blaze a trail toward sustainability.



Photo credit: Shutterstock


Lessons From A Climate Comeback, an article written by Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Noema, 28 October 2021.

Taipei-based Asia-Pacific Hub of the international Reform for Resilience Commission debuts with global event and report, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Asiaone, 25 October 2021.

Maltese citizens make their voices heard at conference on EU’s future, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe, Times of Malta, 25 October 2021.

全球新冠疫苗高峰會 陳建仁、施振榮、詹長權領軍提解方, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Yahoo!, 25 October 2021.

Alleanza a tre per aiutare i rifugiati, an article mentioning the European Universtity Institute, La Nazione, 26 October 2021.

Le constructeur automobile Tesla rejoint le club des entreprises valant plus de 1 000 milliards de dollars, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 26 October 2021.
Also available in Dutch: Automaker Tesla joins $1 trillion corporate club.

University in Florence opens doors to Afghan refugees, an article mentioning the European University Institute, InfoMigrants, 27 October 2021.

Magyar nyelvű tényellenőrző oldalt indít az Európai Bizottság támogatásával a 444 és a Qubit kiadója, a Magyar Jeti Zrt., an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)444, 27 October 2021.

Yökoulusta levinneet koronatartunnat hätkähdyttivät ihmisoikeusjuristin – Martin Scheinin: "Pidän aiheellisena, että asiassa tehdään tutkintapyyntö", an article quoting  Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, yle, 27 October 2021.

Appuntamento a Scanno con Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, autrice del libro capolavoro sui bambini di Scanno, an article mentioning the European University Insitute, Rete5, 27 October 2021.

MENA, ten years after Arab Spring: outstanding issues. A dialogue with Georges Fahmi, an interview with Georges FahmiResearcher Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreIl Tazebao, 28 October 2021.

A Brutal War Waged By a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceSpiegel International, 28 October 2021.

Die geopolitische Eroberung der Wirtschaft, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreHandelsblatt, 28 October 2021.

"Wer ist Wir?", an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 28 October 2021.

Novedades BOE | El Gobierno crea una oficina para coordinar la presidencia española del Consejo de la UE, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Newtral, 28 October 2021.

The Path to Climate Credibility, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Project Syndicate, 29 October 2021.
Also available in Arabic: الطريق إلى مصداقية المناخ.
Also available in German: Der Weg in Richtung glaubwürdige Klimapolitik.
Also available in Spanish: La senda hacia la credibilidad climática.

Iran’s Emerging New ‘Second Europe’ Strategy May Be Doomed, an article written by Mahmoud Javadi, Master student at the School of Transnational Governance, Foreign Policy, 29 October 2021.

Erste sein, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreND, 29 October 2021.

Daniel Innerarity: “Al final, todos los problemas globales se viven en los barrios”, an interview with Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl País, 29 October 2021.

Los madrileños llevan su voz a Estrasburgo para pedir una Europa unida, sin fronteras y con mayor compromiso ecológico, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe, Europapress, 29 October 2021.




16 October - 22 October

Spotlight: Split over surge in energy prices overshadows EU climate strategy

Peter Vis, Senior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted in The Guardian on how European member states can meet their targets for the "Fit for 55" climate package.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


Split over surge in energy prices overshadows EU climate strategy, an article quoting Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Guardian, 21 October 2021.

Tornano le giornate Fai d'Autunno: gli appuntamenti del 16 e 17 ottobre, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Vanity Fair, 16 October 2021.

Brexit: British industry suffers from leaving the EU, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreMarket Research Telecast, 17 October 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry (economist): Rising energy prices weigh on growth and economic recovery, a video interview featuring Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreBFMTV, 17 October 2021.

La industria británica se resiente de la salida de la UE, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreEl País, 17 October 2021.

全球房地产价格上涨趋势引发担忧, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreRFI, 18 October 2021.

Paula Gomes Freire launches book on the future of technology, culture and leadership, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceSapo, 18 October 2021.

Professori Martin Scheinin esittää rajua kritiikkiä Suomen koronapäätöksistä: ”Edessä on musta joulu”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentIltalehti, 18 October 2021.

Presentato oggi il primo anno di lavoro del Consiglio regionale: “un anno di lavoro intenso per dare risposte ai toscani”, an article mentioning Renaud Dehousse, President of the European University Institute, News 24, 19 October 2021.

Changement climatique : qui paiera pour sauver la planète ?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Monde, 19 October 2021.
Also available in Italian: Cambiamento climatico: chi pagherà per salvare il pianeta?

In an age of self-interest, Boris Johnson's secret COP26 weapon may have to be shame, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN, 19 October 2021.

It's not just Americans — global COVID-Slackers will keep the pandemic alive, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentThe Hill, 19 October 2021.

La mejor tesis del año es de este nazareno y muestra por qué la meritocracia no funciona, an article mentioning Carlos Gil Hernández, EUI Political and Social Sciences Alumnus, El Confidencial, 19 October 2021.

Wie die Demokratie ausgehöhlt wird, an article co-written by Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDerStandard, 20 October 2021.

Staatsbürgerschaft - Die heilige Kuh, a video broadcast featuring Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitORF TVTHEK, 20 October 2021.

Syrian army shelling kills at least 11 people in Idlib’s Ariha, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeAl Jazeera, 20 October 2021.
Also available in Portuguese: Ataque na Síria mata 14 soldados, e resposta do Exército deixa 10 civis mortos
Also available in Indonesian:
Ledakan Bom Gasak Damaskus, 14 Tentara Tewas

OECD showcases cross-border collaboration in new report, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceGlobal Government Forum, 20 October 2021.

« En Libye, les réseaux kadhafistes ont pollinisé l’ensemble de l’échiquier politique », an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 20 October 2021.
Also available in Arabic: لوموند: بعد 10 سنوات.. شبكات القذافي تغلغلت في كل الطيف السياسي.

Dix ans après la mort de Kadhafi : "En Libye, l'Etat est en faillite", an interview with Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman CentreL’express, 20 October 2021.

The uncomfortable track record of outsourcing global security, an article written by Simone Tholens, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, La Repubblica, 21 October 2021.
Also available in Italian: I lati oscuri dell’esternalizzazione della sicurezza globale.

Non solo “fake news”: perché Bulgaria e Romania hanno così pochi vaccinati, an article mentioning a report by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Bulgaria Oggi, 21 October 2021.

Wie das Ausland auf die Ampel­gespräche in Deutschland schaut, an article quoting Marius Ostrowski, Max Weber Fellow, RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland, 22 October 2021.

Crean en España una cátedra sobre la interconexión de tráfico en internet, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Silicon, 22 October 2021.

Libya, Syria, and the Future of Intervention, an article mentioning a report by the Robert Schuman Centre, Merion West, 22 October 2021.

Poiares Maduro: "Se houver crise política, a responsabilidade é do primeiro-ministro", an interview with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceDiário de Notícias, 22 October 2021.

"Thinking Football": A crise do futebol europeu é económica, ética e reputacional, an article quoting with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceJPN, 22 October 2021.



9 October - 15 October

Spotlight: Giornate FAI d'Autunno 2021

On occasion of the Giornate FAI d’Autunno 2021, a yearly event organised by the National Trust for Italy to open the doors of extraordinary places usually closed to the public, Marco del Panta, Secretary General of the EUI, and Dieter Schlenker, Director of the HAEU, present the EUI's Villa Salviati and the HAEU, in this TV broadcast in RAI News.


Photo credit: Shutterstock



Tuttifrutti. L’ultimo Proietti alla festa del cinema, il nuovo Vasco, Elio Germano ed Emma Dante, a television broadcast featuring the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Marco del PantaSecretary General of the EUI, and Dieter SchlenkerDirector of the HAEURAI News, 15 October 2021.

El coste de la transición ecológica lo notan los bolsillos de consumidores e inversores, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, El Español, 9 October 2021.

‘The journey is not over’: The NSW experiment, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-Scott, Chair of Global Public Health at the School of Transnational Governance, The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 October 2021.

Afghans in catch 22 as West squeezes space, an article quoting Andrea Mammone, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Express Tribune, 10 October 2021.

Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Europe’s banking troubles crystallised in one bank, an article written by Thorsten BeckDirector of the Florence School of Banking and Finance, La Repubblica, 11 October 2021.
Also available in Italian: Monte dei Paschi di Siena: tutti i problemi bancari dell’Europa cristallizzati in un’unica banca.

Is joint EU gas purchasing really a bad idea?, an article co-written by Christian EgenhoferSenior Research Associate at the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 11 October 2021.

€350bn investment needed over nine years to meet Europe's climate challenge, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceIrish Examiner, 11 October 2021.

Richt de pijlen niet op Hoekstra, maar op het systeem van brievenbusfirma’s, an article written by Diederik Stadig, Visiting PhD Student at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Trouw, 12 October 2021.

Giornate Fai d’autunno 2021: 24 luoghi aperti in Toscana e a Firenze, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Reporter, 12 October 2021.

La UE convoca a cientos de ciudadanos europeos para debatir sobre el futuro del club comunitario, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe, Europapress, 12 October 2021.

EU Commission gathers expert group on disinformation and digital literacy, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Euractiv, 12 October 2021.

Women's rights, a condition for the recognition of the Taliban, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreRCF, 12 October 2021.

Antitrust star falls amid France’s renewed push for champions, an article mentioning Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the Law Department and the Robert Schuman Centre, Politico, 13 October 2021.

PCNS: Regards croisés sur la migration en méditerranée, an article quoting Phillipe Fargues, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Panora Post, 13 October 2021.

Russia’s small neighbor on energy, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Korea Herald, 13 October 2021.

The EU’s electricity market and why soaring gas prices are driving bills higher, an article article quoting Jan Cornillie and Christian EgenhoferSenior Research Associates at the School of Transnational GovernanceFinancial Times, 14 October 2021.

Las razones que hay detrás del aumento histórico del precio de la energía en el mercado europeo, an article quoting Jan CornillieResearch Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceBusiness Insider, 14 October, 2021.

Terrorisme islamiste : comment expliquer le passage à l’acte?, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Vie, 14 October 2021.

Analyysi: Koronapassi tai ulos työpaikalta – Italia pakottaa työntekijät rokottautumaan, seuraako muu Eurooppa perässä?, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentUutiset, 14 October 2021.

El 'arquitecto' de Macron te explica cómo la geopolítica ha conquistado la economía, an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreEl Confidencial, 14 October 2021.

Why Italy is making every worker show a vaccine passport, every day, an article quoting Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreFinancial Review, 15 October 2021.

Como se resolve um problema como a Polónia? Com pressão política, respondem analistas jurídicos, an article quoting Gábor HalmaiProfessor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law DepartmentPublico, 15 October 2021.

EUI, conferito anche alla “ex allieva” Cartabia il diploma di dottorato, a video broadcast featuring the European University Institute and Marta Cartabia, EUI Law Alumna, TGR Toscana, 15 October 2021.

La ministra Cartabia ospite d'onore all'Istituto Universitario Europeo, a video clip covering the keynote speech by Marta Cartabia, EUI Law Alumna, TGR Toscana, 15 October 2021.



2 October - 8 October

Spotlight: Political power in Italy remains male

Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, wrote an article for La Repubblica discussing the gender distribution of political power in Italy in the wake of the latest round of local elections.


Photo credit: Shutterstock



Political power in Italy remains male, an article written by Costanza Hermanin,Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica, 5 October 2021.
Also available in Italian: Il potere politico in Italia rimane al maschile.

Thoughts about education in Italy, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Florentine, 2 October 2021.

L’économie sous l’emprise de la géopolitique, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, L'Orient-Le Jour, 2 October 2021.
Also available in English: The geopolitical conquest of economics.
Also available in Greek: Η γεωπολιτική των οικονομικών.
Also available in Catalan: La geopolítica conquista l’economia.
Also available in Portuguese: A conquista geopolítica da economia.

Abiy On the Spot Over Kicking Out UN Workers, Stopping Aid to Tigray Region, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, The East African, 2 October 2021.

UK's shortages of fuel, drivers, turkey farmers – what Brexit's got to do with it, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe National News, 3 October 2021.

Stanbic IBTC Plans Net Zero Emissions, an article quoting Kenneth Amaeshi, Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, Leadership, 3 October 2021.

Sem um regulador independente, há risco de novos casos como o Fifagate, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Diário de Notícias, 3 October 2021.

Los banqueros centrales resisten la presión por la escalada de los precios, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, El País, 4 October 2021.

Who’s Biden gonna call after Merkel?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePolitico, 4 October 2021.

Pourquoi le clivage gauche-droite n’est plus si évident en France?, a radio interview with Léo Portal, PhD researcher in the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Sud Radio, 4 October 2021.

How Interest Groups Utilize Reverse Revolving Doors to Influence Legislative Voting, an article written by Miguel Alquézar Yus and Josep Amer-Mestre, PhD Researcher in the ECO Department, ProMarket, 4 October 2021.

"Forma como Portugal está a acolher deve encher-nos de orgulho", an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceNotícias Ao Minuto, 4 October 2021.

قريب زوجة بشار الأسد مُبعد عن الخارطة الاقتصادية السورية, an article quoting Joseph DaherPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme, 7alpress, 4 October 2021.

Global rivalry in the Red Sea, an article co-authored by Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational Governance and Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time professor at the Migration Policy Centre and at the School of Transnational Governance, Danish Institute for International Studies, 5 October 2021.

Dall'archivio della Misericordia di Lucca alla mostra ispirata a Calvino: così è cambiato il volontariato culturale, an article quoting Alessandra Venturini, Associate at the Migration Policy Centre, MET, 5 October 2021.

Passport Power Ranking Records Widest Ever Gap in Travel Freedom, an article quoting Leila Hadj Abdou, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreInvestorsking, 5 October 2021.

En Libye, des élections à très haut risqué, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programmeof the Robert Schuman Centre, La Croix, 6 October 2021.

Leaders agree to disagree on EU role in the world, an article quoting Jan Cornillie, Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, The Financial Times, 6 October, 2021.

A changed world, an article quoting Bernard Hoekman, Robert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, The Economist, 6 October 2021.

Leaders agree to disagree on EU role in the world, an article quoting Jan CornillieResearch Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceUK Today News, 6 October 2021.

Le Giornate Fai in Toscana sabato e domenica: ville, istituti, teatri, acquedotti e altri gioielli, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), La Repubblica, 7 October 2021.

The Road to Decarbonisation, an article quoting a paper by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Capital Finance International, 7 October 2021.

Regulating Big Tech will take pluralism and institutions, an article written by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Researcher at the Department of Law, Francisco De Abreu Duarte, Euronews, 7 October 2021.

The most (and least) powerful passports in the world 2021, an article quoting Leila Hadj Abdou, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreGlobetrender, 7 October 2021.

Giornate autunno Fai,visite Villa Salviati e Saline Volterra, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), ANSA, 7 October 2021.

POLITICO EU Influence: Press freedom hangs over EU summit — APCO’s Europe plans — EU lobbying meets EU ‘journalism’, an article mentioning Miroslav Lajcák, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Politico, 8 October 2021.

The Game di ven 08/10/21, a podcast featuring Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomRadio Popolare, 8 October 2021.

Spanish electricity windfall tax requires a re-think, an article written by Christopher Jones, Part-time professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Euractiv, 8 October 2021.
Also available in German: Die spanische Strom-Windfall-Steuer erfordert ein Umdenken.

COP26: What’s at Stake for the EBRD Regions, a podcast featuring Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, InvestAdvocate, 8 October 2021.

Law academic wins prize for paper on stewardship codes, an article mentioning Mathias Siems, Director of Graduate Studies and Full-time Professor of Private Law and Market Regulation in the Department of Law, Mirage News, 8 October 2021.

Contrastiamo la disinformazione online, insieme, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Google Blog Italia, 8 October 2021.

Disinformation Watch: Keeping Things in Check #6, an article mentioning a study by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, The Shift, 8 October 2021.

PCNS / CMI: Presentation of reports on mobility, an article quoting Philippe Fargues, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, MAP BUSINESS, 8 October 2021.
Also available in Arabic:الرباط .. مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد والمركز من أجل الاندماج المتوسطي يقدمان تقريريهما حول الحركية الأكاديمية في الفضاء المتوسطي.

Rankka varoitus: Kukaan ei ole turvassa, kun rokotusten teho hiipuu, an article quoting  Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawVerkkouutiset, 8 October 2021.

Boris Johnson appoints supply chair tsar in bid to save Christmas, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Telegraph, 8 October 2021.
Also Available in French: Boris Johnson nomme le tsar de la chaîne d’approvisionnement dans le but de sauver Noël.

Alexander Stubb: Näin käy kun lähtee EU:sta, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance,  Verkkouutiset, 8 October 2021.

In Europe's Energy Crunch, 5.5 Million Finns Show A Way, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 8 October 2021.

EU must be ready to send aid to Brexit Britain, says former PM of Finland, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Telegraph, 8 October 2021.





25 September - 1 October

Spotlight: Euro zone to discuss economic hit from soaring energy prices

Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted in Reuters on the effects of soaring energy prices on the European energy and climate policy framework.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


Euro zone to discuss economic hit from soaring energy prices, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceReuters, 30 September 2021.

صحف عالمية.. تصدع سياسي في ليبيا قبيل الانتخابات وانتقادات واسعة لعرقلة محاكمة قتلة نزار بنات, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme at the Robert Schuman CentreEremnews, 25 September 2021.

Libya: Will elections finally bring healing?, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Part-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre, Egypt Independent, 25 September 2021.

Keine Stimme ohne deutschen Pass, a radio show featuring g Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDeutschlandfunk Kultur, 26 September 2021.

The crisis manager: Angela Merkel’s double-edged European legacy, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, The Indian Panorama, 26 September 2021.

Citeşte întreaga ştire: Ce a însemnat Merkel pentru România, ce așteptăm de la succesorul ei. “Modelul Merkel va fi dificil de schimbat ori reinventat imediat”, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Libertatea, 26 September 2021.

Commissione Europa: le iniziative su via Francigena e Istituto universitario europeo, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Cittadino Online, 27 September 2021.

Il discorso della vicequestora no green pass alla prova del fact-checking, an article mentioning a report by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Pagella Politica, 27 September 2021.

Pinker’s progress: the celebrity scientist at the centre of the culture wars, an article quoting Nicolas Guilhot, Professor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, The Guardian, 28 September 2021.

Gaskrise Talk Christian Egenhofer, a radio interview featuring Christian Egenhofer, Senior Research Associate at theSchool of Transnational Governance, NÖ Mittagsmagazin, 28 September 2021.

Nasce un osservatorio europeo contro le fake news, ma si occuperà di salute dei media a trecentosessanta gradi, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Inside Marketing, 28 September 2021.

Czy Europa jest chrześcijańska? "Normy zastępują wartości", an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Onet, 29 September 2021.

AICGS Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Legacy for European Integration?, an article co-authored by Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, 29 September 2021.

Funcas cree que el repunte de la inflación aumenta la presión para un cambio gradual en la política monetaria, an article quoting by Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, Europa Press, 30 September 2021.

Finn, holland és amerikai pénzen toboroz gyakornokokat a Telex, an article mentioning a survey by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Mandiner, 30 September 2021.

The Geopolitical Conquest of Economics, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Project Syndacate, 30 September 2021.

Algoritmy veľkých platforiem potrebujú nezávislý dohľad, an article mentioning the the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Kinit, 30 September 2021.

Ethiopia expels UN officials amid Tigray blockade pressure, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Times Colonist, 30 September 2021.

Suurin osa Suomen koronarajoituksista poistui tänään – ”Surullista seurata koronastrategian huonosti peiteltyä täyskäännöstä”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Mediuutiset, 1 October 2021.

Peneguhan dan Pencerahan Beragama, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Suara Muhammadiyah, 1 October 2021.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Meet With Pope Francis for the Fifth Time, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, National Catholic Register, 1 October 2021.

Giornata Europea delle Fondazioni: eventi in 120 città, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Corriere Nazionale, 1 October 2021.

Les deux visages du djihad, an article written by Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Monde Diplomatique, 1 October 2021.
Also available in English: The two faces of jihad.

L’économie sous l’emprise de la géopolitique, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Terranova, 1 October 2021.

Thomas Piketty, un économiste très politique, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, RFI, 1 October 2021.

Quand le régime écarte de la scène économique un proche d’Asma el-Assad, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, L'Orient-Le Jour, 1 October 2021.

Miniştrii de Finanţe din zona euro vor discuta luni despre creşterea preţurilor energiei, care riscă să încetinească redresarea economică, an article quoting Jos Marie R. Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, G4Media, 1 October 2021. 




18 September - 24 September

Spotlight: The crisis manager: Angela Merkel's double-edged European legacy

Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted in The Guardian on Angela Merkel’s legacy.


Photo credit: Shutterstock



The crisis manager: Angela Merkel’s double-edged European legacy, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Guardian, 23 September 2021.

Patto anti Cina, Parigi richiama gli ambasciatori, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, Quotidiano nazionale, 18 September 2021.

Arrivati in Italia 37 rifugiati vincitori di borse di studio dei corridoi universitari, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Sardegna Dies, 18 September 2021.

Tunnetulta taloustieteilijältä kylmä suihku Annika Saarikolle ja muille ”nuukille”: Listaa kolme syytä sille, miksi velkakurisääntöjä on muutettava, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Uusi Suomi, 18 September 2021.

Life on Mars, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Voz Populi, 19 September 2021.

Climate Populism Is a Gathering Storm in Europe, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Bloomberg, 20 September 2021.

«Le coût économique du grand basculement vers un monde décarboné est l’angle mort du discours des politiques», an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Monde, 20 September 2021.

Nasce l'Osservatorio Media Digitali contro fake news e disinformazione, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Rai News, 20 September 2021.

Afghanistan: qui sont les talibans?, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Figaro, 21 September 2021.

Europe's Economic Architecture RPN. Rethinking the union, video interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Vox EU, 21 September 2021.

Les enjeux de la visite de Hossein Amir-Abdollahian à New York, an article quoting Abdolrasool Divsallar, Research Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (Robert Schuman Centre) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL'Orient-Le Jour, 21 September 2021.

Climate Populism Is a Gathering Storm in Europe, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Washington Post, 21 September 2021.

’Non solo un murales’ Giovani protagonisti, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Nazione Firenze, 22 September 2021.

W20, a Firenze un incontro internazionale sulla medicina di genere e gli effetti della pandemia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Messaggero, 22 September 2021.

Il G20 delle donne per una medicina di genere, a video broadcast featuring an event hosted by the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), RAI News, 23 September 2021.

Fake news, un Osservatorio Ue per monitorare i media, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), ANSA, 23 September 2021.

Angela Merkel deja de ser canciller de Alemania tras 16 años, an article quoting Paolo ChiocchettiResearch Associate at the Robert Schuman CentreMetro, 23 September 2021.

Libya: Will elections finally bring healing?, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Part-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre, DW, 24 September 2021.|
Also available in Croatian: Kamo ide Libija?
Also available in Swahili: Je Libya, itashindwa kufanya uchaguzi wa Desemba?

La lotteria di cittadini per provare a riformare l’Unione Europea, an article mentioning Paolo Meucci, Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Rolling Stones, 24 September 2021.

Tavoitellaanko pakkorokotuksia? Oikeustieteilijän mukaan se pitäisi sanoa, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Verkkouutiset, 24 September, 2021.




11 September - 17 September

Spotlight: EU moves to boost pandemic preparedness

Adam Kamradt-Scott, Full-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted in Devex mentioning that the new "Global Gateway" initiative could face challenges trying to get all member states to cooperate.

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EU moves to boost pandemic preparedness, counter Chinese investments, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-ScottFull-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceDevex, 15 September 2021.

La ministra Cartabia nuovo membro della Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze sociali, an article mentioning the appointment of Marta Cartabia to ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, EUI Law alumna, Vatican News, 11 September 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Ministra italiana se incorpora a la Pontifica Academia en el Vaticano.

Calcio, i talebani vietano lo sport e le giocatrici afghane ricominciano dall’Italia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, il Sole 24 Ore, 13 September 2021.

Afghanistan: devi conoscere se vuoi aiutare, an article written by Fatema Jafari, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, La Repubblica, 13 September 2021.

Democrazia Futura. Miracoli d’agosto: la vecchia Gasparri cambia pelle in pieno solleone, an article co-authored by Giacomo Mazzone,Member of the Advisory Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Key 4 biz, 13 September 2021

Le climat contre le capitalisme?, an article authored by Jean Pisani-Ferry, part-time professor at the RSC, All News, 13 September 2021.

Yellow Vests 2.0? European Union Faces Widespread Unrest as Green Policies See Energy Costs Soar, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, part-time professor at the RSC, Breitbart, 14 September 2021.

Il 24 e 25 settembre torna in Toscana la “Bright Night” per accendere una luce sulla ricerca, an article mentioning the European University Institute, inToscana, 16 September 2021.

Le donne nel PNRR e la strategia per l’occupazione femminile: dati, risorse, interventi, an article mentioning Andrea Ichinofull-time professor and head of the ECO DepartmentStart Magazine, 16 September 2021.

Medienhinweis: Erstes Bürgerforum der Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas 17.-19.9. in Straßburg, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe, an event co-hosted by the European University Institute, Presseportal, 16 September 2021.

Arrivati in Italia i rifugiati vincitori di borse di studio dei corridoi universitari, an article mentioning the European University Institute, UNHCR Italy, 16 September 2021.

Geography of Islamist terrorism, a podcast featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, France Culture, 16 September 2021.

El legado de Merkel tras 16 años frente a Alemania, an article quoting Paolo Chiocchetti, Research Associate at the RSC, Publimetro, 17 September 2021.




4 September - 10 September

Spotlight: The conflict in Ethiopia

Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, was quoted in CNN on his belief that the Nobel Committee's endorsement of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has contributed to the current conflict.

Ethipia_press-reviewPhoto credit: Shutterstock/ RudiErnst


From Nobel laureate to global pariah: How the world got Abiy Ahmed and Ethiopia so wrong, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreCNN, 9 September 2021.
Also available in Spanish: De premio Nobel a paria mundial: cómo el mundo se equivocó con Abiy Ahmed y Etiopía

Le calciatrici di Herat finalmente a Firenze: «Avremo cura di voi», an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Corriere Fiorentino, 4 September 2021.  

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Comment gérer cette économie commotionnée par le Covid-19 ? », an article written by  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 4 September 2021.

THL:n Salmisen mukaan Suomi on pandemian viimeisellä kierroksella – professori Scheinin varoittaa suojan hiipumisesta, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Talouselama, 4 September 2021. 

Suomen korona­strategia ei saisi nojata pelkästään rokote­suojaan, an op-ed co-authored by Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 4 September 2021. 

Le calciatrici afghane nelle scuole per insegnare ai bambini i diritti umani, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Nazione, 6 September 2021.  

Afghanistan: le calciatrici di Herat sono a Firenze., a radio broadcast mentioning the European University Institute, Controradio, 7 September 2021.  

La Notte della Ricerca, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Firenze Spettacolo, 7 September 2021.  

Fruit de la politique positive : la Turquie, un acteur principal dans les Balkans (Analyse), an article mentioning an event hosted by the European University Institute, Anadolu Agency, 7 September 2021.  

La retorica latina non è da tribunale, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoHead of the ECO DepartmentIl Manifesto, 7 September 2021. 

Fit for 55: Strengthening and shielding the EU ETS, an article quoting Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceSmart Energy International, 8 September 2021.

Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe: début des travaux des panels de citoyens européens, an article mentioning an event hosted at the European University Institute, European Parliament, 8 September 2021.  

Afghanistan : les talibans seuls aux commandes, a TV broadcast featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCArte, 8 September 2021.

The Road to Decarbonization, an article mentioning a paper by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCThe Street, 8 September 2021.

Afghanistan : "Les talibans veulent montrer qu'ils ont le monopole du pouvoir", an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCL’Express, 8 September 2021.

MEPs quiz Margrethe Vestager over EU’s response to digital disinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)The Parliament Magazine, 8 September 2021.

Roy: “I talebani non si vergognano di aver nascosto Bin Laden”, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCLa Repubblica, 8 September 2021.

Università, cresce in Toscana la protesta dei no Green Pass, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 9 September 2021.  

S Finančne konference: bo prihodnost ameriška, kitajska ali evropska?, an interview featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 9 September 2021.

ITALIANI ALL'ESTERO - CONFERENZA SUL FUTURO DELL'EUROPA - I° INCONTRO CON 200 CITTADINI EUROPEI, an article mentioning an event hosted at the European University Institute, Italian Network, 9 September 2021.  

L'Ue "copia" Beppe Grillo: il futuro dell’Europa nelle mani dei cittadini estratti a sorte, an article mentioning an event hosted at the European University Institute, Europa Today, 9 September 2021.  

Scars of IS presence linger in former bastion in Syria, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Prensa Latina, 9 September 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Devastación y división aún perviven en un antiguo bastión del EI en Siria

11 settembre, Olivier Roy: "Il Pakistan è il posto migliore per al Qaeda", an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCAdnrokonos, 10 September 2021.

"Educare per il domani", a Todi si parla di scuola, giovani e futuro con ospiti di alto livello, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoHead of the ECO DepartmentPerugia Today, 10 September 2021. 

L'Afghanistan e la missione militare internazionale, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCRaiNews, 10 September 2021.

Conferenza Sul Futuro Dell’europa: Il Percorso Continua, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe, an event co-hosted by the European University InstituteReti solidali, 10 September 2021.

What Shapes Radical Youth's Decision to Take up Arms in Egypt?, an article co-authored by Georges FahmiResearcher Fellow at the RSCISPI, 10 September 2021.

11 settembre, Olivier Roy: "Il Pakistan è il posto migliore per al Qaeda", an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCAki-Adnkronos International, 10 September 2021.

‘Anything goes’: how 9/11 led to a global security clampdown, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, The Guardian, 10 September 2021 



28 August - 3 September

Spotlight: How did invading Afghanistan change the empires that tried?

Joy Neumeyer, Max Weber Fellow, wrote an article for The Atlantic discussing how invading Afghanistan changed countries back home. 


 Photo credit: Shutterstock


How Afghanistan Changed a Superpower, an article written by Joy Neumeyer, Max Weber Fellow, The Atlantic, 28 August 2021.

“L’occidente a fianco dei taleban nella guerra ai terroristi dell’Isis”, an interview with Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSCLa Stampa, 28 August 2021.

"I talebani mai stati terroristi", an interview with Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSCRSI, 28 August 2021.

Firenze accoglie la prima famiglia di profughi e aspetta le calciatrici afgane, an article mentioning the European University Institute, InToscana, 30 August 2021.

Climate vs. Capitalism?, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCProject Syndicate, 30 August 2021.
Also available in French: Le climat contre le capitalisme ? - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry

Idee d'Europa, tra governance e sfide globali: "Così a Firenze formiamo cittadini del mondo", an interview with Renaud Dehousse, President of the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 30 August 2021.

Così ridisegniamo i confini del buongoverno, an article co-authored by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, and Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica, 30 August 2021.

Intelligenza artificiale e disuguaglianza: una soluzione o un'arma?, an article written by Elena Pisanelli, PhD Researcher in the SPS department, La Repubblica, 30 August 2021.

Il cambiamento climatico avviene ora, an article written by Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, La Repubblica, 30 August 2021.

Jyri Häkämies kertoo suoraan kenestä pitää ja kenestä ei – Krista Kiurusta kolkko arvio, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Uusi Suomi, 30 August 2021.

D’Al-Qaida à Daech, le terrorisme djihadiste toujours une menace dans le monde Abonnés, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSCLa Croix, 31 August 2021.

Retrait d'Afghanistan : "La leçon, c'est qu'on ne combat pas le terrorisme en voulant recréer un État à partir de zéro", pour le politologue Olivier Roy, an interview with Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSCFrance Info, 31 August 2021.

The next step in democratic evolution is overdue, an article quoting Kalypso NicolaïdisProfessor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Hindu, 1 September 2021.

L’occidente a mani vuote dopo 40 anni di guerra al terrorismo, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSC, Domani, 1 September 2021.

Segovia celebra el sábado el Día de la Romanidad, an article mentioning Federico RomeroProfessor of History of Post-War European Cooperation and Integration at the HEC Department, Director of the ERC project PanEur1970sEl Día de Segovia, 1 September 2021.  

Will Montenegro have to drop the euro to join the EU?, an article quoting Jelena DzankicPart-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of the GLOBALCIT, Emerging Europe, 1 September 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry: We need to get to grips with greener capitalism, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCIrish Examiner, 1 September 2021.

From Saigon to the Mujahideen: the many historical echoes of the fall of Kabul, an article written by Vassily A. Klimentov, Visiting Fellow at theRobert Schuman Centre, The Conversation, 1 September 2021.

Pedro Machado (PSD) apresentou programa "para governar futuro da Figueira da Foz", an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Foz Ao Minuto, 2 September 2021. 

La victoire des talibans, un levier diplomatique pour l'Iran, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Les Echos, 2 September 2021.

Frontex: prevedibile ondata graduale di profughi dall’Afghanistan, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSC, Askanews, 2 September 2021.

Transition écologique : « Rompre avec l’angélisme de la croissance verte », an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 2 September 2021.

La sociedad de las crisis, an article written by Daniel Innerarity, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, El País, 2 September 2021.



21 August - 27 August

Spotlight: Bad Information

Nicolas Guilhot, Professor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, wrote an article for The Boston Review on the politics of conspiracy theories. 

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Bad Information, an article written by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentBoston Review, 23 August 2021.

Afghanistan, Olivier Roy: "I Talebani sono cambiati, bisogna negoziare con loro" , an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCIl Messaggero, 21 August 2021.

La missione di Bixio a Bronte: una necessità della storia, an article mentioning Lucy RiallProfessor of History of Europe in the World in the HEC Department and Director of Graduate StudiesOltre la Linea, 21 August 2021.

Conflicts of interest may bias research in finance and economics, an article co-authored by Thorsten Beck, Director of the Florence School of Banking and Finance, Qrius, 21 August 2021.

Economic planning that fails to factor in climate costs is pointless, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the, 22 August 2021.

‘My Blood Is Boiling’: War Fever Surges in Ethiopia as Its Civil War Spreads, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreThe New York Times, 22 August 2021.

Le retour des Taliban au pouvoir rebat les cartes pour Al-Qaïda et le groupe État islamique, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCMedia Congo, 23 August 2021.

La chronique du lundi : la victoire des Talibans en Afghanistan peut-elle favoriser le projet d’expansion terroriste en Afrique de l’Ouest ?, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Afriki Presse, 23 August 2021.

Why the citizens’ assembly is an idea whose time has come, an article quoting Kalypso NicolaïdisProfessor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Indian Express, 24 August 2021.

Politikwissenschaftler Olivier Roy: „Die Taliban sind heute deutlich ausgebuffter“, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Frankfurter Rundschau, 24 August 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « La transition écologique va être brutale, bien plus que l'on imaginait », an article featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLes Echos, 24 August 2021.

Fiica lui Remus Pricopie, Maia, studii în SUA. Rectorul SNSPA, recomandare pentru cei care vor să se înscrie în program, an article mentioning the European University Institute, DC News, 25 August.

La transition écologique, un nouveau choc pétrolier ?, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLa Croix, 25 August 2021.

L'occidente in Afghanistan ha aperto le porte al proprio fallimento, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCIl Foglio, 25 August 2021.

La transición verde tiene un precio (y no se lo han contado), an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCEl Pais, 26 August 2021.

Francisco Assis sem dúvidas de que “Costa será candidato em 2023”, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Eco Sapo, 26 August 2021.

Kabul (e talebani) nel mirino Isis. Olivier Roy spiega perché, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCFormiche, 26 August 2021.

Despite being popular with voters, Estonia’s president is unlikely to get a second term, an article quoting Andres Reiljan, Country Expert for Estonia in the European Governance and Politics Programme (EGPP) at the RSC, Emerging Europe, 27 August 2021.

Così il jihad insidia nel sangue la «stabilità» talebana, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCIl Manifesto, 27 August 2021.

Partenza in salita: Le difficoltà della Conferenza sul Futuro dell’Europa, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Linkiesta, 27 August 2021.

In Praise of Garibaldi (Anita), an article quoting Lucy RiallProfessor of History of Europe in the World in the HEC Department and Director of Graduate StudiesCounter Punch, 27 August 2021.

John FitzGerald: Action on global warming will come at a cost, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCThe Irish Times, 27 August 2021.

The rush to net zero could hit the economy as hard as the 1973-74 oil crisis, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCThe Globe and Mail, 27 August 2021.|
Also available in Spanish: La transición verde tiene un precio y de eso no se habla

L’Afghanistan, piège fatal des empires, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSCLe Monde, 27 August 2021.



14 August - 20 August

Spotlight: The European strategy in the Indo-Pacific

Giulio Pugliese, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme, was featured in an interview in Radio Radicale commenting on the European strategy in the Indo-Pacific. 


Photo credit: Shutterstock / Yurchanka Siarhei


Asiatica - Strategia europea nell'indopacifico, il report dello IAI, an interview featuring Giulio PugliesePart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme, Radio Radicale, 18 August 2021.

Afghanistan : qui soutient les talibans ?, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCLa Croix, 15 August 2021.

Miguel Poiares Maduro e Pedro Adão e Silva comentam a semana, a commentary featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP Noticias, 15 August 2021.

ENTRETIEN. Olivier Roy, spécialiste de l’Afghanistan : «On a sous-estimé la stratégie des talibans», an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCOuest France, 16 August 2021.

Ce que ni l’Occident, ni Ben Laden n’ont jamais compris de l’Afghanistan (ni du monde arabo-musulman), an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCAtlantico, 16 August 2021.

Nos 30 anos do CES, Assis quer repensar modelo, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Eco Sapo, 17 August 2021.

Maailma voi yhä auttaa Afganistania – asiantuntijat listaavat keinoiksi neuvottelut, ihmisoikeuksiin sidotun avun ja jopa uuden sotilaallisen väliintulon, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, YLE, 17 August 2021. 

«Le donne afghane saranno dimenticate». La lezione di Olivier Roy, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCAleteia, 18 August 2021.

Olivier Roy: "Les talibans doivent avoir une gestion du pays plus subtile et plus ouverte", an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCRTS, 18 August 2021.

Economias podem sofrer impactos duros na mudança para energia verde, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCExame Invest, 18 August 2021.

Il nuovo moligopolioLe grandi aziende tecnologiche non sono dei monopolisti tradizionali, an article mentioning Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, Linkiesta, 18 August 2021.

World Economy Seen Risking 1970s-Style Disruption in Green Shift, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCBloomberg, 18 August 2021.

Net zero switch threatens new oil shock, warns top economist, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSC, The Telegraph, 19 August 2021.

Cosa faranno ora i taliban, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCInternazionale, 19 August 2021.

Afghanistan: «On assiste vraiment à une redistribution des cartes», an interview with Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, RFI, 19 August 2021.

Le retour des Taliban au pouvoir rebat les cartes pour Al-Qaïda et le groupe État islamique, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCFrance 24, 20 August 2021.



7 August - 13 August

Spotlight: The situation in Afghanistan

Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSC, was interviewed in France Inter discussing the situation in Afghanistan as the Taliban progress in the country. 


Photo credit: Shutterstock 


Olivier Roy : "À Kaboul, les Talibans vont se retrouver face à un monde totalement nouveau", an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCFrance Inter, 13 August 2021.

'Super quotas': Will high climate hopes in Brussels be shattered in Budapest?, an article mentioning  Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceEnergi ig Klima, 10 August 2021.

TVM, political party stations dominate the airwaves, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomNewsbook, 10 August 2021.

‘Transparency’ needed when it comes to ‘net zero’ and ‘carbon neutral’ claims, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, Agriland, 10 August 2021.

L'Indo-Pacifico libero e aperto, an article written by Giulio PugliesePart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme, Agi, 11 August 2021.

Guida al dibattito sullo ius soli: numeri, leggi, confronto internazionale, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Pagella Politica, 13 August 2021.

Životaschopnost médií se rapidně snížila, Česko patří k nejhorším, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomHidacipes, 13 August 2021.

Taliban seizure of power in Afghanistan to entail emergence of ‘drug state’ — expert, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCTASS, 13 August 2021.

Afghanistan : les États-Unis "n’essaieront même pas" d’empêcher la prise de Kaboul par les talibans, estime le politologue Olivier Roy, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCFrance Info, 13 August 2021.




31 July - 6 August

Spotlight: Raisi: Iran's new President 

Clément Therme, Programme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, was quoted in The Times of Israel mentioning that Iran’s economic woes, exacerbated by US sanctions, will be the new president’s top challenge.


Photo credit: Shutterstock / Farzad Frames


Iran supreme leader Khamenei formally tasks ultraconservative Raisi as president, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeThe Times of Israel, 3 August 2021.
Also available in French: L'Iran de nouveau secoué par la contestation
Also available in Spanish: Nuclear y economía, las prioridades del nuevo presidente iraní Raisi
Also available in Portuguese: Irã: novo presidente ultraconservador recebe país abalado pela economia e pela pandemia
Also available in Finnish: Iranin uusi äärikonservatiivipresidentti astuu virkaansa – maassa vaikea taloustilanne

Η Ευρώπη είναι πολύ πεσιμιστική, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCKathimerini, 1 August 2021.

Bairro Feliz. Placas para saber o nome de todos, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Expresso, 2 August 2021.

Comentadores da RTP fizeram a análise às novas medidas decretadas pelo Governo, a commentary featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP Noticias, 2 August 2021.

La Collettiva TFQ  presenta la  proiezione documentario “Libertà” di Savino Carbone, an article mentioning Luigi Achilli, Research Associate at the Migration Policy CentreBrindisi Oggi, 4 August 2021.

Oikeus­tieteilijät kertovat, mitkä ongelmat pitäisi ratkaista, jotta Suomessakin voitaisiin ottaa käyttöön korona­passi, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 5 August 2021. 



24 July - 30 July

Spotlight: Mario Draghi's Recovery Plan

Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSC, discusses the Italian prime minister's potentially game-changing economic recovery plan in his latest column for Project Syndicate


 Photo credit: Shutterstock / Alessia Pierdomenico


 Mario Draghi’s Second “Whatever It Takes”, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCProject Syndicate, 29 July 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Jean Pisani-Ferry: El segundo «cueste lo que cueste» de Mario Draghi
Also available in Italian: Il “whatever it takes” che serve per la ripresa italiana ed europea

Europe after Merkel: Goodbye to the woman who has held Europe together, an article quoting Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeThe Irish Times, 24 July 2021.

Big sporting crowds should be banned, says WHO adviser, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-ScottIncoming Global Health Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Sydney Morning Herald, 25 July 2021.

Joutaako rokotepassi jo unholaan? Ravintola-ala: Oikea aika tuli ja meni, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Italehti, 25 July 2021.

The enduring appeal of Sayyid Qutb’s jihadist ideology, an op-ed written by Georges Fahmi, Research Fellow at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeOpenDemocracy, 26 July 2021.

Assad launches assault on birthplace of Syrian uprising, an article mentioning Abdullah Al-Jabassini, Research Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, The Telegraph, 30 July 2021.



17 July - 23 July

Spotlight: Covid-19 border control measures in Australia

Adam Kamradt-Scott, Incoming Global Health Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted in MSN describing the new COVID-19 border policy restrictions as problematic. 


Photo credit: Shutterstock / Igor Corovic


‘I don't want more cases from Sydney': Andrews tightens border rules, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-ScottIncoming Global Health Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceMSN, 20 July 2021.

Simone Borghesi eletto presidente dell’Associazione europea degli economisti ambientali, an article featuring Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - ClimateSiena News, 17 July 2021.

L’Iran s’inquiète de l’Afghanistan et se rapproche des talibans, an article mentioning Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Journal de Montréal, 17 July 2021.
Also available in Spanish: La preocupante situación en Afganistán acerca a Irán y los talibanes

Fit for 55: Von der Leyen offers carrot and stick in push for second ETS, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, ENDS Europe, 20 July 2021.

Von der Leyen, da Pnrr Stati finora 200 miliardi al clima, an article mentioning an event hosted by the School of Transnational GovernanceANSA, 20 July 2021.

Transizione green, il commissario Ue: “Dev’essere giusta, ma chi evoca i Gilet gialli difende precisi interessi”. Cingolani tira dritto: “Non va fatta in fretta”, an article mentioning an event hosted by the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Fatto Quotidiano, 20 July 2021.

Aiuti per famiglie a basso reddito anche da fondi Ue per clima, da quando, an article mentioning an event hosted by the School of Transnational GovernanceQds, 20 July 2021.

Commission to look into Pegasus affair, Reynders says, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomEURACTIV, 21 July 2021.

Reguły fiskalne w Europejskiej Unii Walutowej, an article mentioning Ramon MarimonProfessor of Macroeconomics in the ECO Department, Obserwator Finansowy, 21 July 2021.

Balkan Region’s Media Pluralism Stagnated in Pandemic, Report Warns, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomBalkan Insight, 21 July 2021.
Also available in Italian: Pluralismo dei media, studio Ue: «Libertà di informazione in declino in tutta Europa»
Also available in French: Les médias sont très concentrés en République tchèque, et de manière pas toujours transparente, selon les experts
Also available in Polish: Komisja Europejska stawia ultimatum Polsce. Ostrzeżenia przed korupcją we Włoszech / Briefing z Europy

Quasi il 40 per cento della disinformazione europea riguarda la Covid-19, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Pagella Politica, 21 July 2021.  

Verso i giornalisti aumentano attacchi e molestie online. Lo studio: Peggiorano le condizioni di lavoro, pluralismo e libertà dei media in Europa, an article mentioning Pier Luigi Parcu, Director of the Communications & Media Area of the Florence School of Regulation, Director of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, and Director of the Florence Competition Programme in Law & Economics, Prima Online, 21 July 2021.




10 July - 16 July

Spotlight: Queer Lives in Interwar Poland

HEC Researcher Kamil Karczewski was interviewed in Reporting Democracy exploring stories of queer people living in interwar Poland and how this community was scapegoated by politicians then in similar ways as today.


Photo credit: Shutterstock / Long Fin Media


Queer Lives in Interwar Poland Offer Lessons for Today, an interview with Kamil KarczewskiPhD Researcher in the HEC DepartmentReporting Democracy, 13 July 2021.

Assis diz que CES deve repensar o seu papel, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Publico, 10 July 2021.    

A leader in climate policy: The EU's masterplan to slash carbon emissions within a decade, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, Euronews Green, 12 July 2021.

“Si no fem bé la feina, tornarà l’austeritat”, an article featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCAra, 12 July 2021.

Quem mostra o cartão vermelho ao futebol?, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF Noticias, 8 July 2021.    

Resuscitating multilateral trade cooperation: A new eBook, an article featuring a book co-authored by Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsVoxEU, 12 July 2021.

Bloomberg Surveillance: Early Edition Full Show, a podcast featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 12 July 2021.

Così l’Indo-Pacifico è diventanto un teatro globale. Parla Pugliese (IAI), an interview with Giulio Pugliese, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance ProgrammeFormiche, 13 July 2021.

Next Generation EU: La temptació de tapar forats, an article featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCVIA Empresa, 13 July 2021.

Alegeri în Republica Moldova: „România a refuzat activ să o sprijine pe Maia Sandu și a făcut-o doar când nu mai avea alternativă”, an article quoting Marius Ghincea, PhD Researcher in the SPS Department, Libertatea, 13 July 2021.

EU aims to lead climate efforts with ‘Fit for 55’ package, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsEngineering and Technology, 13 July 2021.

What is the EU’s plan to tackle global heating – and will it work?, an article quoting Peter VisSenior Research Associate in the Climate Team of School of Transnational GovernanceThe Guardian, 14 July 2021.

Experto dice que la inteligencia artificial puede "desideologizar y objetivar los debates públicos", an article mentioning Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Diario, 15 July 2021.  



3 July - 9 July

Spotlight: The EU's Reocovery Plan

Economist, Jean Pisani-Ferry was interviewed in La Tribune discussing Europe's Recovery Plan and the lessons of the health crisis. 

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 Jean Pisani-Ferry, Cercle des économistes : "Il faut absolument que le plan de relance européen marche, et cela se joue en Italie", an interview featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLa Tribune, 5 July 2021.

Unione europea: formazione, tirocini e volontariato, le opportunità offerte ai giovani dell’Ue, an article mentioning the European University Institute, AgenSIR, 3 July 2021.

'Could white privilege play a part in your life?' Cambridge asks students in quiz, an article mentioning a study produced by the MONITORacism Project at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Telegraph, 3 July 2021.

Swedish Housing Crisis Has Similarities with Netherlands, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Atlantic Sentinel, 3 July 2021.

Belgium at heart of EU’s battle against fake news and disinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)The Brussels Times, 5 July 2021.

Flanders and Netherlands join EDMO project in fight against disinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Mirage, 5 July 2021.
Also available in Dutch: Knack en Vlaams-Nederlandse partners krijgen Europese steun in strijd tegen fake news
Also available in German: Grenzüberschreitender Kampf gegen Fakenews: Auf flämischer Seite ist die VRT Teil eines Projekts

‘Bangladesh can learn about blockchain regulations from others’, an article mentioning Morshed MannanResearch Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced StudiesThe Daily Star, 6 July 2021.

Lampedusa, sbarcano 552 migranti: il meteo si conferma vero pull factor, an article mentioning a co-authored paper by Eugenio CusumanoVisiting Fellow at the RSCToday, 7 July 2021.

The Future of the EU: How Political Shifts in These 3 Countries Will Impact the Continent, an interview with Erik Jones, Incoming Director at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Brink, 7 July 2021.

La riforma fiscale 2021 non dimentica le donne, ma la gender tax è fuori discussione, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoHead of the ECO DepartmentInformazione Fiscale, 7 July 2021. 

Why is an army general running Australia’s vaccine rollout?, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-ScottIncoming Global Health Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe New Daily, 7 July 2021.

Coimbra debate o futuro das cidades, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal de Noticias, 8 July 2021.    

Face à la transition écologique, le dilemme de la croissance, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 8 July 2021.

Yellen Urges G-20 Role on Green Policy to Avoid Disputes, an article quoting Peter VisSenior Research Associate in the Climate Team of School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg Green, 9 July 2021.

Europe’s Push for G-20 Net Zero Pledge Is Thwarted in Venice, an article quoting Peter VisSenior Research Associate in the Climate Team of School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg Green, 9 July 2021.


26 June - 2 July

Spotlight: Who represents the EU internationally?

STG Professor, Kalypso Nicolaïdis discusses the future of EU leadership in a co-authored article published in Social Europe.

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis


How do we fix Europe’s presidency dilemma?, an article co-authored by Kalypso NicolaïdisProfessor at the School of Transnational GovernanceSocial Europe, 1 July 2021.

El Gobierno crea una cátedra de Inteligencia Artificial y Democracia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Silicon, 26 June 2021.

Professorin huomio Antti Häkkäsen ”sote-ilmaveivistä”: ”Jollakin muulla viikolla asia olisi palautettu perustuslakivaliokuntaan”, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 26 June 2021. 

Che cosa sussurrano gli economisti a Macron su energia e pensioni, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCStart Magazine, 26 June 2021.

A análise das principais notícias da semana, an interview featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO),  RTP, 27 June 2021.

The End of Globalization as We Know It, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCProject Syndicate, 28 June 2021.
Also available in French: La mondialisation d’hier se meurt, celle de demain n’est pas encore née - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry

EU APPROVES €102.8M LUX PRESS SUBSIDY SCHEME, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomDelano, 28 June 2021.

O que falhou no controle à pandemia, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF Noticias, 28 June 2021.

“A forma de avaliar e usar a informação de Rui Pinto é que é diferente”, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Bancada, 28 June 2021.

Contro il separatismo islamicoLe cattive traduzioni che hanno boicottato la comunicazione di Macron, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Linkiesta, 29 June 2021.

Parità di genere, nasce «Femministi», scuola di formazione politica per uomini, an article quoting Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Mattino, 30 June 2021.

La fabbrica dei troll e le fake news: dalle elezioni USA alla superiorità di vaccini autoctoni, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Mauxa, 1 July 2021. 

In wake of Apple Daily’s demise, European Parliament considers resolution on Hong Kong, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSouth China Morning Post, 1 July 2021. (paywalled)

Femministi Lab, i dirigenti politici a scuola di parità di genere, an article quoting Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceFormiche, 1 July 2021.

Carbon markets, what we can learn from past mistakes… & successes!, an interview with Peter VisSenior Research Associate in the Climate Team of School of Transnational GovernanceNegative Emissions Platform, 1 July 2021.

Sicilian Valley: due giovani combattono la fuga dei cervelli, an article mentioning Martina FerracaneMax Weber Fellow, and Sabrina D’AndreaPhD Researcher in the Law departmentCatania Blog, 2 July 2021.

Hume would be against Border poll without serious analysis – McAleese, an article mentioning an event co-hosted by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The Irish Times, 2 July 2021.

After Sudden Defeat, Captured Ethiopian Soldiers Are Marched to Prison, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreThe New York Times, 2 July 2021.
Also available in Arabic: إقليم تيغراي: انقلاب معادلة أبي أحمد



19 June - 25 June

Spotlight: Brexit 5 years on

Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance Programme, was interviewed in Euronews discussing what Brexit means for the future of Europe. 

BrexitPhoto credit: Shutterstock 


Five years on, how has Brexit changed Europe?, an interview with Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeEuronews, 23 June 2021.
Also available in Italian: Come la Brexit ha cambiato l'Europa a 5 anni dal referendum
Also available in Greek: Πέντε χρόνια μετά, πώς το Brexit έχει αλλάξει την Ευρώπη;
Also available in Spanish: "Muchos de los problemas del Reino Unido siguen ahí y el Brexit no los resuelve", Niall Ferguson
Also available in Portuguese: Brexit cinco anos depois: A análise dos especialistas
Also available in German: 5 Jahre Brexit-Votum: "Für Euroskeptiker ist es schwieriger geworden"
Also available in Turkish: Brexit'in uzun vadede AB'ye etkileri ne olacak, İskoçya bağımsız olursa AB'ye girebilecek mi?
Also available In French: Le Brexit aura peu d'impact sur l'orientation de l'UE selon ces deux universitaires
Also available in Hungarian: Fogunk-e valaha történelmi döntésként tekinteni a brexitre?

Residenti ma solo per un po', un tavolo per loro, an article mentioning Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUIQui Firenze, 19 June 2021.

Ripresa, Holmström: “L’Europa deve puntare su digitale e università”, an interview with Bengt HolmströmPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceStamp Toscana, 19 June 2021.

Let Users Own the Tech Companies They Help Build, an article co-authored by Morshed Mannan, Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Wired, 19 June 2021.

Uma formação para advogados e juristas globais, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal Económico, 20 June 2021.    

PM desautorizou PR e 'comigo não vai haver recuo', an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Sapo Sol, 20 June 2021.

Firenze Now, confronto sulle strategie per l’accoglienza dei residenti temporanei, an article mentioning Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUIIl Sito di Firenze, 21 June 2021.

European Union: European Commission Publishes Guidance On Strengthening The Code Of Practice On Disinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Mondaq, 21 June 2021. 

Iran vote points to hardline goal of long-term power - analysts, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Euronews, 21 June 2021.
Also available in Chinese: 萊希當選 將助伊朗強硬派長久掌權

Um estado inconsistente é um estado sem autoridade, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF, 21 June 2021. 

59th Leiden-London Meeting, an article mentioning Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeMirage, 22 June 2021.

Doppelstaatsbürgerschaft ja, aber bitte nur für "unsere Leute"?, a commentary written by Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 23 June 2021.

Fiesole, inaugurata la nuova sede della Croce Rossa, an article featuring the European University Institute, La Nazione, 24 June 2021.

Intelligenza artificiale e sicurezza: opportunità, rischi e raccomandazioni, an article mentioning Andrea Loreggia, Research Associate at the LAW Department, Zero Uno, 25 June 2021.

BIS and Bank of Italy announce shortlist for the G20 green and sustainable finance challenge, an article mentioning Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - ClimateFinextra, 25 June 2021.



12 June - 18 June

Spotlight: Austria's citizenship law

Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of Globalcit, was interviewed in Der Standard discussing the implications of Austria's restrictive naturalisation law. 

Austrian-citizenship-lawPhoto credit: Shutterstock / Elmar Gubisch


Politologe: "Staatsbürgerschaft wird dadurch entwertet, dass viele von ihr ausgeschlossen sind", an interview with Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 14 June 2021.

Akademikere med opprop: Vil opprette et nytt østeuropeisk universitet, an article quoting Alexander EtkindProfessor of History of Russia-Europe RelationsKhrono, 12 June 2021.

Professorit arvioivat vihreiden ja Anni Sinnemäen tilannetta: ”Minä kertoisin asiasta ihan omatoimisesti äänestäjille”, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 12 June 2021. 

Open letter: we need a new university for eastern Europe, an article mentioning the European University Institute, OpenDemocracy, 14 June 2021.

Five Challenges Facing the Next Iranian President, an article quoting Clément Therme, Programme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Voice of America, 14 June 2021.

ÖVP-Sorge bei Einbürgerungen für Experten unerklärlich, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of GlobalcitSüdtirol News, 14 June 2021.

O que o Lisbongate revela da nossa democracia, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF Online, 14 June 2021. 

Polémica Dados. Há que apurar as responsabilidades o mais rápido possível, an interview featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP Noticias, 14 June 2021. 

Iran's Rouhani years: from euphoria to disappointment, an article quoting Clément Therme, Programme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, France 24, 15 June 2021.
Also available in French: Huit ans de présidence Rohani : de l’euphorie à la déception
Also available in Spanish: Iraníes eligen un nuevo presidente el viernes con el ultraconservador Raisi como favorito
Also available in Portuguese: Irã: em último dia de campanha, dois candidatos deixam a disputa presidencial

Firenze, a Palazzo Buontalenti la scuola dove si imparerà a capire il futuro, an article featuring the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica - Firenze, 15 June 2021 (paywalled).

The World Health Organization broke its own rules to spend millions on BCG consultants , an article quoting Adam Kamradt-Scott, Incoming Global Health Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Vox, 16 June 2021.

Caffè Europa 2021 - Tre incontri per parlare di digitale, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Met, 17 June 2021.

Kenneth Amaeshi named professor at European University Institute — first Nigerian in the role, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Cable, 17 June 2021.

Requiring CUNY faculty and staff, not just students, to be vaccinated is vital, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Ticker, 17 June 2021.

Syrie : une levée de sanctions américaines qui interroge, an article quoting Joseph DaherPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient Le-Jour, 17 June 2021.

Nucléaire iranien : désaccords et encore, an article quoting Clément Therme, Programme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Libération, 17 June 2021.

European Union: European Commission Announces The Eight Proposals Selected To Become The First Hubs Of The European Digital Media Observatory, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Mondaq, 17 June 2021. 

Una "Sicilian Valley" per fermare la fuga dei cervelli: il sogno (realizzato) di Sabrina e Martina, an article featuring  Martina FerracaneMax Weber Fellow, and Sabrina D’AndreaPhD Researcher in the Law departmentBalarm, 18 June 2021.

Ripartono gli incontri di Caffè Europa, an article mentioning Martina FerracaneMax Weber FellowNove da Firenze, 18 June 2021.

Iran : Ebrahim Raïssi, l’« ultraconservateur » et favori de la présidentielle, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, La Croix, 18 June 2021.


5 June - 11 June

Spotlight: Iran's presidential election campaign

Abdolrasool Divsallar, Co-leader of the Regional Security Initiative at the Middle East Directions Programme, was quoted in Asia Times discussing the candidates of Iran's presidential campaign.
 Iran-electionsPhoto credit: Shutterstock / Maysam Bizaer


Iran’s favored candidate races to a hollow victory, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (RSI) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeAsia Times, 5 June 2021. 

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Même si l’optimisme se révèle justifié, l’équation budgétaire ne sera pas aisée », an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 5 June 2021.

Gli archivi per rafforzare la nostra identità comune: a Ventotene incontro sul "ruolo della ricerca storica”, an article mentioning Dieter SchlenkerDirector of the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU)AgCult, 5 June 2021.

Nyt tuli perustuslain tuntijan arvio Sanna Marinin ateriaedusta: ”Verotuksessa ilmoittaminen olisi riittänyt”, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 6 June 2021. 

L’IRAN FESTEGGIA LA ‘VITTORIA’ DI ḤAMĀS, an article co-authored by Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (RSI) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeLimes Online, 7 June 2021. 

Alessio Postiglione, nuovo media relations di Formiche, an article featuring Alessio PostiglioneProject Assistant at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomPrima Comunicazione, 7 June 2021.

Perché l’Europa non alza la voce con Israele, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Internazionale, 7 June 2021.

Donne e leadership, più welfare e cultura per favorire cambiamento. Webinar UilRua, an article mentioning Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Presse, 7 June 2021.

Fact check: Is sea rescue a pull factor for refugees?, an article mentioning a co-authored paper by Eugenio CusumanoVisiting Fellow at the RSCDeutsche Welle, 7 June 2021.
Also available in Arabic: DW تتقصى الحقائق: هل الإنقاذ البحري عامل جذب للمهاجرين؟

Futucast: Missä maailma kulkee vuonna 2021, Alexander Stubb?, a podcast featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceHelsingin Sanomat, 7 June 2021. 

Miguel Poiares Maduro na administração da Vista Alegre (com áudio), an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal Economico, 7 June 2021. 

En Iran, les candidats à la présidentielle s’écharpent sur la responsabilité de la crise économique, an article quoting  Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (RSI) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient-Le Jour, 7 June 2021. 

De duistere menukaart van bruut staatsgeweld in Rusland en Belarus vergt nieuwe bakens van hoop, an article mentioning Dorothee BohleChair in Political Sciences at the SPS Department, and Alexander EtkindProfessor of History of Russia-Europe Relationsde Volkskrant, 7 June 2021.
Also available in Russian: ОТКРЫТОЕ ПИСЬМО

Dobbiamo conoscere subito Gina Chua la prima giornalista transgender ai vertici di Reuters, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, ELLE, 8 June 2021.

In Belarus, Who’s the Terrorist? Another Step in the Crackdown on Journalists, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Just Security, 8 June 2021. 

Iranians to vote as ultraconservatives eye easy victory, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeFrance 24, 9 June 2021.
Also available in French: L'Iran élit son président le 18 juin, l'ultraconservateur Raïssi favori
Also available in Spanish: Irán elige presidente el 18 de junio con el ultraconservador Raisi en cabeza
Also available in Portuguese: Irã escolhe presidente em 18 de junho com o ultraconservador Raisi como favorito
Also available in Arabic: إيران تستعد للانتخابات لاختيار رئيس جديد

„EVROPSKÁ UNIE NENÍ UTOPIE A NENÍ DOKONALÁ. KDYŽ SE S TÍM SMÍŘÍME, DOST SE NÁM VŠEM ULEVÍ.“, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRespekt, 9 June 2021. 

Analysis: Climate change: Central banks’ new inflation puzzle, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCReuters, 9 June 2021.
Also available in Chinese: 分析:应对气候变化成各央行控制通胀新难点 动作快慢是个问题

Opinion | Investir plus pour préserver l'avenir, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLes Echos, 9 June 2021.

Glachant: Nie można zaufać dostawom gazu i wodoru z Rosji (ROZMOWA), an interview with Jean-Michel GlachantChair at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Director of the Florence School of RegulationBisnez Alert, 10 June 2021.

Den mørke menyen av statlig vold som bys innbyggerne i Russland og Belarus, må kontres med håp, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Morgenbladet, 10 June 2021.

Iran nuclear talks will survive presidential vote: analysts, an article quoting Clément ThermeProgramme Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeFrance 24, 11 June 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Las elecciones presidenciales en Irán, sin efecto en las negociaciones nucleares



29 May - 4 June

Spotlight: Bidenomics

Economist Jean Pisani-Ferry discusses President Joe Biden’s economic-policy agenda and its implications in his column for Project Syndicate.


Photo credit: Shutterstock / Dan Holm


Is Bidenomics more than catch-up?, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCProject Syndicate, 31 May 2021.
Also available in French: L’économie selon Biden : plus qu’un rattrapage ? - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry

Mit Hochdruck zum Erfolg – Gastbeitrag von Jean Pisani-Ferry, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCDezernat Zukunft, 29 May 2021.
Original text available in French: Jean Pisani-Ferry : « La meilleure stratégie pour effacer les séquelles de la crise sanitaire, c’est de placer l’économie en régime de haute pression »

Il mondo dopo il covid e il ruolo del G20: il webinar dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAISE, 29 May 2021.

Addio a Henrik Enderlein, infaticabile costruttore di ponti in Europa, an article featuring Henrik Enderlein, Former Visiting Fellow at the RSC, Il Foglio, 30 May 2021.
Also available in French: Henrik Enderlein, économiste et universitaire allemand, est mort

Zimbabwean academic lands global post, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBulawayo 24, 30 May 2021.

What Can Science Fiction Teach Us About Governance and Ethics?, a podcast featuring Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, Are You A Robot? (on Anchor – Spotify), 31 May 2021.

Unsere neue Gastbevölkerung, an article mentioning a volume Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitWiener Zeitung, 31 May 2021.

A escolha entre a moderação e a polarização, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF Online, 31 May 2021. 

Premio D’Attorre per tesi di dottorato a Bruno Settis: il 3 giugno il conferimento a Palazzo Merlato. Diretta su pagina Facebook del Comune, an article mentioning Federico RomeroProfessor of History of Post-War European Cooperation and Integration at the HEC Department, Director of the ERC project PanEur1970sRavenna Notizie, 1 June 2021.  

Archivi, sabato a Ventotene incontro sul “ruolo della ricerca storica", an article mentioning the European University Institute, AgCult, 1 June 2021.

EU-Regulierung von Techkonzernen: Fesseln oder zerschlagen?, an article quoting Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, Handesblatt, 1 June 2021.

France : « immigration et terrorisme », un amalgame au service de la machine électorale, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCMiddle East Eye, 1 June 2021.

ANALYSE France : pourquoi un second plan de relance serait le bienvenu, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCAlternatives Economiques, 2 June 2021.

Ventotene: Dalla memoria il futuro d’Europa: il ruolo della ricerca storica, sabato 5 giugno, an article mentioning Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Tutto Golf, 2 June 2021.

Öffentlichkeit lehnt Pushbacks von Flüchtlingen ab, an article quoting Martin Ruhs, Chair in Migration Studies and Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre, Migazin, 2 June 2021.

La Costituzione si è mossa e racconta la storia d’Italia, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Umbria Domani, 2 June 2021.

Giuseppe Garibaldi: Pahlawan Dua Dunia yang Menyatukan Italia, an article mentioning Lucy Riall, Professor of History of Europe in the World in the HEC Department and Director of Graduate Studies, Tirto.ID, 2 June 2021.

O inviolável direito ao tiro no pé, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Sapo Visão, 3 June 2021.

Global Vaccine Divide with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance Chair José Manuel Barroso and Unilever CEO Alan Jope, an article featuring José Manuel Barroso, Visiting Lecturer at the School of Transnational Governance (STG), The Washington Post, 3 June 2021.

Ex carcere S.Stefano, Schlenker (European University Institute): a lavoro su partenariato per promuovere attività di alta formazione, an article mentioning Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Ag Cult, 4 June 2021.

Al via Archivissima, sino al 9 giugno, an article mentioning of the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Zip News, 4 June 2021.

EU Carbon Border Levy Will Not Be a Quick Fix, Researchers Say, an article featuring Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate in the Climate Team of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg Green, 4 June 2021.




22 May - 28 May

Spotlight: George Floyd murder: A year on

HEC Researcher Daphné Budasz was quoted in Euronews noting that the debate over statues existed long before the protests in 2020.

George-FloydPhoto credit: Shutterstock / CHOONGKY


George Floyd murder: A year on, did the protests it inspired in Europe change anything?, an article quoting Daphné Budasz, PhD Researcher in the HEC Department, Euronews, 24 May 2021.
Also available in Italian: Cosa è cambiato in Europa a un anno dall'omicidio di George Floyd?
Also available in Spanish: ¿Qué ha cambiado en Europa un año después del asesinato de George Floyd?
Also available in German: Ein Jahr nach dem Mord an George Floyd: Was hat sich in Europa verändert?

Хаосът след сгромолясването на Османската империя - причина за израелско-палестинския конфликт, a radio interview with James Renton, Academic Advisor at MONITORacism & Visiting Fellow at the RSCBulgarian National Radio, 22 May 2021. 

How Europe’s ‘eco-friendly’ nations are not always what they seem, an article quoting Dorothee Bohle, Chair in Political Sciences at the SPS Department, Euronews - Green, 22 May 2021.

As Philippines battles Covid-19, what happened to vow of ‘no migrant left behind’?, an article quoting Froilan Malit, Jr., Associate at the Migration Policy Centre, South China Morning Post, 23 May 2021.

Jag har förvandlats till en cyborg, an article written by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagens Industri, 23 May 2021.

«I Recovery plan europei e la lezione di Alesina sulle donne e sullo Stato», an article mentioning Andrea IchinoHead of the ECO DepartmentCorriere della Sera, 23 May 2021. 

EU leaders discuss repercussions for Belarus after Ryanair ‘hijack’, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNBC, 24 May 2021.

Macron weighs economics versus politics in French reopening, an article mentioning a paper written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCFinancial Times, 24 May 2021.

After the pandemic: interview to the economist Bengt Holmström, an interview with Bengt Holmström, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Stamp Toscana, 25 May 2021.

Indagare la complessità nello sguardo del terrore jihadista, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Il Manifesto, 25 May 2021.

Venerdì 28 maggio TPI presenta il libro Calcio e Geopolitica, an article mentioning a co-authored book by Alessio Postiglione, Project Assistant at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, TPI, 25 May 2021.

France’s Great Debate Over the Sources and Meaning of Muslim Terror, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Tablet, 25 May 2021.

The experience of journalists with the FOI process is often marked by delays, unresponsiveness, or refusals on unverifiable grounds, a blog written by Mária Žuffová, Research Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, LSE Blogs, 25 May 2021.

La UPV se suma a un observatorio sobre la desinformación y emplea IA para detectar bulos, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Europa Press, 25 May 2021.

Le décryptage éco. Réforme de l'assurance chômage : la fronde prend de l'ampleur, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCFrance Info, 25 May 2021.

Archivissima in forma ibrida, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Corriere della Sera (on Pressreader), 26 May 2021. 

Verlockendes Land, an article mentioning Eugenio Cusumano, Visiting Fellow at the RSC, Zeit Online, 26 May 2021.

Ulster University Geoscientist Recognised as One of Ireland’s Leading World Class Researchers, an article mentioning Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeCauseway Coast Community, 26 May 2021.

ONE: Dr. Jackie Chimhanzi und Professor Alexander Stubb werden Vorstandsmitglieder, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLife PR, 26 May 2021.

A moment of truth for European political parties, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Euractiv, 26 May 2021.

POIARES MADURO DEFENDE QUE DIREITA NÃO PODE CONFUNDIR "PROJETO DE PODER COM PROJETO DE PAÍS", an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TVI 24, 26 May 2021. 

Un dur du régime iranien est promis à la présidence, an article featuring Clément Therme, Programme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Tribune de Genève, 27 May 2021.


Alexander Stubb nimitettiin Bonon perustaman köyhyysjärjestön hallitukseen, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceItalehti, 27 May 2021. 

AFP Wins Three European Projects To Fight Disinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Modern Ghana, 27 May 2021. 

Archivi, il 5 giugno a Ventotene convegno sul “ruolo della ricerca storica", an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), AgCult, 28 May 2021.

Perché la questione di Hamas non è risolta, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Formiche, 28 May 2021.

Alexander Stubb: I See the Baltics and the Nordics as One Entity, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRKK ICDS, 28 May 2021.

JUST IN: Econet director Dr Chimhanzi gets top board post, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceChronicle, 28 May 2021.

Öffentlichkeit unterstützt Kernelemente der EU-Türkei-Kooperation bei Migration, an article quoting Martin Ruhs, Chair in Migration Studies and Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre, IDW, 28 May 2021.




15 May - 21 May

Spotlight: The conflict in the Middle East

RSC Professor Olivier Roy was featured in La Repubblica providing insights on the political situation in Israel and Palestine. 

palestinePhoto credit: Shutterstock / Abed Rahim Khatib


Medioriente, Olivier Roy: "Hamas cerca il monopolio politico, ma Al Fatah non è l'alternativa laica per i palestinesi", an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCLa Repubblica, 21 May 2021.

Recovery e università. Una proposta sulle borse di studio, an article co-authored by Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentIl Foglio, 15 May 2021.  

CAN: 52 años de integración, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Razón, 15 May 2021.

Saudi rolling back once bold regional ambitions, quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarProgram Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeMENA FN, 16 May 2021. 

A análise das principais notícias da semana, a video commentary featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP Noticias, 16 May 2021. 

Perustuslaintuntija tyrmää puheet puhemiesten ”kikkailusta”: ”Väärää tasapainoilua”, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 16 May 2021. 

Clima: emergenza e politica ambientale, an article co-authored by Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - ClimateEastwest, 16 May 2021.

Karnataka’s Diversion of Unused District Mineral Funds for COVID Raises Eyebrows, an article quoting Arpitha Kodiveri, PhD Researcher in the Law Department, News Click, 17 May 2021.

V Praze budou zkoumat dezinformace. Vycvičí k tomu inteligentní technologie, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Idnes, 17 May 2021. 

»Det er kaotisk her«: Migrantstrømmen til Italien stiger igen, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentrePolitiken, 17 May 2021. 

Há um segredo para o sucesso, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF, 17 May 2021. 

Empatia e flessibilità “Col covid donne leader migliori degli uomini”, an article mentioning Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomPiacenza Sera, 18 May 2021.

Österreichs Staatsbürgerschaftsrecht zählt weltweit zu restriktivsten, an article quoting Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsSüdtirol News, 18 May 2021.

Donne manager, «Nella pandemia più abili a sfruttare le opportunità generate dalla crisi», an article mentioning Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomIl Piacenza, 18 May 2021.

Una defensa de la política, an article written by Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceClarín, 18 May 2021. 

Österreichs Staatsbürgerschaftsrecht sehr restriktiv, an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitORF ON Science, 18 May 2021.

SIOS21 Sardinia Edition, gli ospiti e il programma del 21 maggio, an article mentioning Martina FerracaneMax Weber FellowStartup Italia, 19 May 2021.

Prvý európsky projekt KInITu podporí boj proti dezinformáciám a fact-checking, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Touchit, 19 May 2021. 

El hastío ante la corrupción en Bulgaria abre la puerta del poder a un cantante antisistema de corte trumpista, an article mentioning Tom Junes, Marie Curie Fellow at the HEC Department, El País, 19 May 2021.

Expats In Distress: From ‘God’s Own Country’ To The ‘Holy Land’ – OpEd, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Eurasia Review, 20 May 2021.

Bulgaria's Former Leader Battles Corruption Claims as Caretaker Government Starts Clean-Up, an article quoting Veronica Anghel, Max Weber FellowVoice of America, 20 May 2021.

Körber History Forum: Schmerzhafte Fragen an die europäische Identität, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceNDR, 20 May 2021.

دراسة تطرح توصيات لإنجاح المرحلة الانتقالية في ليبيا وتحقيق التنمية , an article mentioning the European University Institute, Alwasat, 20 May 2021.

Archivissima diventa europea, ma si mantiene ibrida: 300 archivi protagonisti online e dal vivo, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Torino Oggi, 20 May 2021. 

Guilhot e le teorie del complotto, a magazine issue mentioning a seminar by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentLeft, 21 May 2021.

'Pnrr, per le riforme necessario un ruolo dei Consigli regionali', an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Friuli, 21 May 2021.

Neuer Integrationsrat vorgestellt, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitRadio Wien - ORF, 21 May 2021.

Réforme de l’assurance-chômage : les réserves de Muriel Pénicaud, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 21 May 2021.

Philip Nolan among newly elected intake of Royal Irish Academy, an article mentioning Deirdre Curtin, Professor of European Union Law at the Law Department, The Irish Times, 21 May 2021.

3 years after 'metering' instituted by Trump, 3,800 asylum-seekers still wait along Arizona border, an article mentioning the MigrationPolicyCentre, Tucson Sentinel, 21 May 2021.

Neues Expertengremium für Integration im Wiener Rathaus präsentiert, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 21 May 2021.



8 May - 14 May

Spotlight: Covid-19 & new travel measures in the EU

International Law Professor Martin Scheinin was quoted in Uusi Suomi discussing the EU "Covid-19 passport" and Covid-19 security measures at borders.


Photo credit:  Shutterstock / Nelson Antoine


Professori: Rajojen koronaturvallisuus ei ole vaikea asia – ”Oikeat keinot ovat jo tartuntatautilaissa – Se on siinä!”, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawUusi Suomi, 9 May 2021. 

L’Europe doit changer ses règles budgétaires, article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCChallenges, 8 May 2021.

Le Festa dell’Europa e le proposte del Cnel. Scrive Pennisi, an article mentioning Maria Giulia Amadio Vicerè, Marie Curie Fellow at the Global Governance Programme, Formiche, 9 May 2021.

Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov, o cientista russo que tentou criar híbridos de humanos com macacos, an article quoting Alexander EtkindProfessor of History of Russia-Europe RelationsGazeta Do Povo, 9 May 2021.

Festa dell’Europa: edifici in blu in tanti comuni della Toscana, an article mentioning Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, Stamp Toscana, 9 May 2021. 

Il 9 maggio si celebra la Festa dell’Europa, an article mentioning Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, Controradio, 9 May 2021.

”DemLa on dramaattinen muinaisjäänne ajalta, jolloin diktatuuria ajettiin demokratian nimessä”, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Verkkouutiset, 9 May 2021.

Addio a Stuart J. Woolf, lo storico inglese innamorato dell'Italia, an article mentioning Stuart J. Woolf, Former Professor at the HEC Department, La Repubblica, 10 May 2021.

France in preelection push to soften the eurozone's budget rules, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCDeutsche Welle, 10 May 2021. 

IT’S NOT ONLY ABOUT THE RULE OF LAW: POLAND AND HUNGARY IN THE EU, a podcast and interview with Gábor HalmaiProfessor of Comparative Constitutional LawReview of Democracy, 10 May 2021.

Cosa c’è di sbagliato nelle definizioni di sesso e identità di genere, an article mentioning Giovanna Gilleri, PhD Researcher at the Law Department, Eco Internazionale, 11 May 2021.

Il futuro è nelle tue mani: costruiamo l’Europa che verrà, an article mentioning Marco del PantaSecretary-General of the EUIMeridiana, 11 May 2021.

Festa Europa: Dehousse, Unione deve svolgere ruolo determinante nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, an article featuring Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, Met, 11 May 2021.

Libertà di espressione, Garante privacy: “Troppo potere alle big tech, ecco come intervenire”, an article quoting Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, Agenda Digitale, 11 May 2021.

STATE’S RTL BILL TO BECOME MORE EXPENSIVE UNDER NEW DEAL, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF)Delano, 12 May 2021.

Live debate: How can digital transformation drive productivity and equality?, an article mentioning Zuzana Sladkova, Policy Leader Fellow at the STG, Euronews, 12 May 2021.

Fake&Business 21: Únete al encuentro más importante sobre Fake News y transparencia, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Informacion, 12 May 2021.

Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa: oggi primo “confronto pubblico per e con i giovani”. 300 studenti italiani dialogano con rappresentanti istituzioni, an article mentioning Marco del PantaSecretary-General of the EUIAgenSIR, 12 May 2021.

Valtaosa saamelaiskäräjien jäsenistä tyytyväisiä saamelaiskäräjälain muutosehdotukseen, mutta "esitys ei ole täydellinen", an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Yle, 12 May 2021. 

Oltre la pandemia e la crisi: tutti a scuola di pastorizia tra lezioni in aula e "stage" in montagna, an article quoting Michele NoriResearch Fellow at the Global Governance Programme (GGP) at the RSCTiscali News, 13 May 2021.

Voisiko perussuomalaisten taktiikka sittenkin onnistua? Professori: ”Ennen kuin niin tapahtuu, on turha spekuloida”, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 13 May 2021. 

Pcto, una conferenza dell'Itet di Marsala, an article mentioning Martina FerracaneMax Weber Fellow, TP24, 13 May 2021.

La ricerca universitaria in aiuto alle politiche di transizione: una settimana di Climate Exp0, an article featuring an interview with Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - ClimateAgenda 17, 13 May 2021.

V Praze vznikne jedno z osmi evropských center pro výzkum dezinformací, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Lupa, 14 May 2021.

Assessing the potential of the European Universities Initiative, an article mentioning The European University Institute, LSE Blogs, 14 May 2021.

¿Existe una gobernanza migratoria sudamericana?, an article written by Leiza Brumat, Research Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre, Clarín, 14 May 2021.



1 May - 7 May

Spotlight: How successful will Biden be on the international stage?

In an article in NBC News STG Director Alexander Stubb says that "Joe Biden is a politician of principle and values, whereas Donald Trump was a politician of transaction."


Photo credit: Shutterstock


From Iran to North Korea, Biden has a world of challenges to confront after first 100 days, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceNBC News, 1 May 2021.

Olivier Roy : « Ce n’est pas la lecture du Coran qui pousse à la radicalité », an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Jeune Afrique, 1 May 2021.

L'Europa in un mondo che cambia: il 6 e 7 maggio 2021, da Firenze, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2021, Nove da Firenze, 3 May 2021.

Que jogo mais feio, a podcast with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF, 3 May 2021. 

Women in the PNRR and the strategy for women's employment: data, resources, interventions, an article quoting  Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentInformazione Fiscale, 3 May 2021. 

Medienvielfalt: Eine bunte Blumenwiese?, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), Der Jungreporter, 3 May 2021.

Europa destinará 1,4 millones a un observatorio de medios liderado por la UNAV, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Navarra Capital, 3 May 2021.

Lo Stato dell'Unione secondo Alex Stubb, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Foglio, 5 May 2021.

Existe-t-il un "lien entre immigration et terrorisme", comme l’affirment certains politiques de droite et d'extrême droite ?, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, France Info, 5 May 2021.

The Janus’ face of Europe’s new social rulebook, an article co-authored by Robin Huguenot-Noël, PhD Researcher in the SPS Department, and László Andor, Secretary General at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, VoxEu, 5 May 2021.
This article was also cited in the Financial TimesEurope’s social model is a source of productivity.

Italy was right about COVID intervention - von der Leyen, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2021, ANSA, 6 May 2021.

Una strategia economica contingente per la prossima fase, an article co-authored by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCIl Grand Continent, 6 May 2021.

Les économistes Jean Pisani-Ferry et Olivier Blanchard plaident pour muscler le plan de relance, article featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLe Monde, 6 May 2021.

Biden’s Support for Vaccine Patent Waivers Faces Uphill Effort in Europe, an article mentioning The State of the Union 2021, an article mentioning a speech by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen at The State of the Union 2021The New York Times, 6 May 2021.

EU Says Carbon Price Has to Be ‘Much Higher’ to Hit Climate Goal, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2021, Bloomberg, 7 May 2021.

La Festa dell'Europa illumina il Pegaso di blu, an article mentioning Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, La Repubblica, 7 May 2021.

#MeToo - Os crimes prescrevem, o direito a denunciar não, a podcast with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Expresso, 7 May 2021. 



24 April - 30 April

Spotlight: Europe needs a new fiscal framework

"If there is a silver lining to this crisis, it lies in the opportunity to debate and develop a new blueprint" writes Economics Professor Jean Pisani-Ferry in his column for Project Syndicate.

fiscal-framework_press-reviewPhoto credit: Shutterstock / Yavuz Meyveci


Europe Needs a New Fiscal Framework, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCProject Syndicate, 29 April 2021.

Washington et Tel-Aviv en brouille sur le dossier nucléaire iranien ?, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (RSI) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient-Le Jour, 24 April 2021. 

„Konfessionsfreie werden strukturell diskriminiert“, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCDeutschlandfunk, 25 April 2021. 

Las prácticas restrictivas en el fútbol, an article mentioning Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSCAsuntos Legales, 26 April 2021.

Carbon Restrictions Are Finally Here to Bend the Emissions Curve, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 27 April 2021.

Carbon Offsets Come Into Focus as Part of EU Green Overhaul, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 27 April 2021.
Also available in Italian: La tentazione di Bruxelles per le compensazioni di carbonio

Declarar se se é maçon: Poiares Maduro acredita ter solução constitucional, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Público, 27 April 2021. 

UN NUOVO PATTO SUL DEBITO, LA MOSSA FRANCESE, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCCorriere della Sera, 27 April 2021.

The State of the Union il 6 e il 7 maggio, an article featuring The State of the Union 2021, Nove da Firenze, 27 April 2021.

Art takes a stand: Editor’s Letter, an article mentioning The State of the Union 2021 - #SOU4YOU, The Florentine, 27 April 2021.

The State of the Union più vicino ai cittadini, an article mentioning The State of the Union 2021 - #SOU4YOU, Met, 28 April 2021.

Autopsie d’un crime, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCRéforme, 28 April 2021. 

Linien ziehen? Über die unmögliche Unterscheidung zwischen Flüchtlingen und Migrierenden, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitGeschicte de Gegenwart, 28 April 2021.

I giovani si confrontano sul futuro dell’Europa, an article featuring the European University Institute, Met, 28 April 2021.

Special Issue - Trade Conflicts, Multilateral Cooperation and WTO Reform, a special issue featuring co-authored articles by Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsGlobal Policy Journal, 28 April 2021.

« Fixons un taux minimal d’imposition de 21 % sur les profits des entreprises multinationales, où qu’ils soient localisés », an article co-authored by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 29 April 2021. 

EU’s antitrust charges could strike at the heart of Apple’s business model, an article quoting Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, Tech Monitor, 29 April 2021.

 This Working Life, an article featuring Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance, 29 April 2021. 

Crossing the Rubicon of Price Stability, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCProject Syndicate, 29 April 2021.

Plan de relance de Joe Biden : "Les États-Unis font un pas en direction du modèle européen", analyse l'économiste Jean Pisani-Ferry, an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCFrance Info, 29 April 2021.

L’Europe doit redéfinir son cadre budgétaire - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCTerra Nova, 29 April 2021.

Edison: nasce Fondazione EOS per l’educazione e inclusione sociale, an article mentioning Martina Ferracane, Max Weber FellowAskanews, 29 April 2021.

Terrorismo, intervista al politologo francese. Mény: “Parigi ha capito l’Italia non è il Sudamerica. Ma è tempo di amnistia”, an interview with Yves Mény, Emeritus President of the European University InstituteLa Repubblica, 29 April 2021.

 Le Liban, plateforme d’exportation du captagon syrien , an article quoting Joseph DaherPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient Le-Jour, 30 April 2021.

Big tech, Mannoni: “Ecco dove può agire l’antitrust e dove no”, an article featuring Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSCAgenda Digitale, 30 April 2021.

Week Ahead – BOE and RBA rate decisions in focus; US April NFP report could show over a million jobs created, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2021, Market Pulse, 30 April.

Vade retro Sputnik. Big tech insieme (anche TikTok) contro le Covid fake news, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Formiche, 30 April 2021.
Also available in French: Vade rétro Spoutnik. Big Tech ensemble (également TikTok) contre Covid Fake News


17 April - 23 April

Spotlight: India's second wave

In a co-authored article in The Washington Post, Max Weber Fellow Shubha Kamala Prasad and Suparna Chaudhry provide an overview of the tragic second wave of COVID-19 in India.

covid_india_press-reviewPhoto credit: Shutterstock/ Talukdar David


India’s 1.6 million new covid-19 cases in the past week are breaking its health system., an article co-authored by Shubha Kamala Prasad, Max Weber Fellow, The Washington Post, 21 April 2021.

La pastorizia torna di moda: in Italia nasce la prima scuola, an article quoting Michele NoriResearch Fellow at the Global Governance Programme (GGP) at the RSCIl Riformista, 18 April 2021.

The Antitrust Case Against Europe’s Breakaway Soccer League, an article quoting Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, Bloomberg, 19 April 2021.
Also available in Greek: Γιατί δεν πρέπει να πετύχει η ευρωπαϊκή ποδοσφαιρική Super League

Suomalainen talousnobelisti Bengt Holmström aloittaa European University Instituten osa-aikaisena professorina, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, Helsingin Sanomat, 19 April 2021.

Superliga: Poiares Maduro considera "desproporcional" a ameaça de excluir jogadores das seleções, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Dinheiro Vivo, 20 April 2021. 

Germany starts demanding first fiscal adjustments from Spain, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCEl País, 20 April 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Alemania ya reclama los primeros ajustes fiscales a España

 The European University Institute's State of the Union marks its 10th anniversary, an article mentioning The State of the Union 2021, The Mayor, 21 April 2021.

Il ruolo primario dell’European Digital Media Observatory nella lotta alle fake news, an interview with Paula Gori, Coordinator of the Florence School of Regulation – Communications and Media and Secretary-General of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Giornalettismo, 21 April 2021.

Reconceptualizing the Social Economy, an article quoting Philipp Genschel, Joint SPS/RSC Chair in Comparative and European Public Policy, and Anton HemerijckChair in Political Science and Sociology, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 21 April 2021.

UN countries agreed to a more peaceful cyberspace – but it won’t stop state-sponsored attacks, an article quoting Andrea CalderaroVisiting Fellow at the RSCTech Monitor, 21 April 2021.

UE, Ricerca: 507 milioni a progetti innovativi, di cui 8 sono italiani, an article mentioning an advanced grant won by Sule Alan, Professor of Economics in the ECO department, The Italian Times, 22 April 2021.

How to think about vaccines and patents in a pandemic, an article mentioning David LevineJoint Chair in Economics at the ECO department and RSCThe Economist, 22 April 2021.

Le 48 ore del blitz contro la Superlega, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Foglio, 22 April 2021.

The ECB needs political guidance on secondary objectives, an article co-authored by Sebastian Diessner, Max Weber Fellow, Euractiv, 22 April 2021.

Commission: Tax reform critical for success of green deal, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsENDS Europe, 22 April 2021.

Polska i Ukraina rozmawiają o wodorze dla regionu. Niemcy i Rosja też, an article mentioning Jean-Michel Glachant, RSC Chair, Director of the Florence School of Regulation, Bisnez Alert, 22 April 2021.

Dalla Ue 500 milioni alla ricerca innovativa, an article mentioning an advanced grant won by Sule AlanProfessor of Economics in the ECO departmentAnsa, 23 April 2021.
Also available in French: Développement personnel & développement commercial


10 April - 16 April

Spotlight: Violence in Northern Ireland

RSC Director Brigid Laffan was quoted in Al Jazeera discussing the recent unrest and violence at the Irish Border.

northern-ireland_press-reviewPhoto credit: Shutterstock/ Stephen Barnes


Irish PM warns against ‘spiral’ in Northern Ireland violence, an article quoting Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeAl Jazeera, 10 April 2021.
Also available in Romanian: Premierul irlandez avertizează împotriva „spiralei” în violența din Irlanda de Nord

Jean Pisani-Ferry : "Joe Biden en fait de trop avec son plan de relance", an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCLibre ECO, 10 April 2021.

Marchers protest Romania's virus restrictions as cases soar, an article quoting Dani Sandu, Researcher at the SPS department, Yahoo News, 10 April 2021.

Kristian Jensen: Danmark bør udnævne flere politikere som diplomater, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePolitiken, 11 April 2021.

Rättsvetare: Coronapass kan möjliggöra diskriminering, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Yle, 12 April 2021. 

O Direito contra o Direito, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Rádio Notícias, 12 April 2021. 

MARQUÊS: "PODER POLÍTICO TEM PROXIMIDADE EXCESSIVA COM O PODER ECONÓMICO", an interview with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TVI24, 12 April 2021.  

VACCINI E BREVETTI: LA FORMULA GIUSTA PER PROTEGGERE TUTTI, an article mentioning  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCCorriere della Sera, 13 April 2021. 

The world's most powerful passports for 2021, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, CNN Travel, 13 April 2021.

Top French economists call for EU's 3% deficit rule to be dropped, an article mentioning  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCReuters, 13 April 2021.
Also available in Italian: Francia, gruppo economisti chiede abolizione tetto Ue 3% deficit
Also available in French: Comment la France veut faire abandonner à l’UE la règle des 3 % de déficit public
Also available in Spanish: Economistas franceses piden eliminar la norma del 3% de déficit de la Unión Europea
Also available in Dutch: Franse economen vinden dat de EU ‘strenge’ begrotingsregels moet laten vallen
Also available in Hungarian: A franciák megunták a maastrichti kritériumokat
Also available in Chinese: 法国顶尖经济学家呼吁放弃欧盟3%预算赤字上限规定

Projet d’attentat de Béziers : Leila B., un profil « inédit », vraiment ?, par Olivier Roy, an article written by Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Nouvel Obs, 14 April 2021.

JEAN PISANI-FERRY SUR LA RÈGLE DES 3%: "ON VA REVENIR DANS LES CLOUS MAIS IL FAUT DES CLOUS DIFFÉRENTS", an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCBFM Business, 14 April 2021.


Chi è Alessandra Galloni, la prima donna alla guida di Reuters in 170 anni, an article quoting a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomElle, 14 April 2021.

Téhéran montre les muscles face à Israël, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (RSI) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient-Le Jour, 15 April 2021.

Boguddrag: "En farlig erosion i de demokratiske værdier er i fuld gang", an article mentioning Hanspeter Kriesi, Part-time Professor in the SPS department and Principal Investigator of the ERC-funded SOLID project, Altinget, 15 April 2021. 

Nasce la SNAP: “Scuola nazionale di pastorizia”, an article featuring a co-organised project by Michele Nori, Research Fellow at the Global Governance Programme (GGP) at the RSC, Ruminantia, 15 April 2021.

Comment l’UE veut lutter contre les effets pervers de l’intelligence artificielle, an article quoting Francesca LagioiaSenior Research FellowPresse-Citron, 15 April 2021.

Può l'Intelligenza artificiale insegnarci a essere più umani?, an article quoting Andrea Renda, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Huffington Post, 16 April 2021. 

Gamelab makes games and Archives meet in a "100% VR" encounter, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Gamereactor, 16 April 2021. 

Martin Scheinin: Venäjä salaa koronaa – eiköhän odoteta Sputnikin kanssa, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Verkkouutiset, 16 April 2021.  

President Biden, Support a People’s Vaccine, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceProject Syndicate, 16 April 2021. 



3 April - 9 April

Spotlight: Measuring tipping in digital markets

Competition Law Professor Nicolas Petit and Law researcher Natalia Morena Belloso analyse the concept of "tipping" in the digital economy in a co-authored article published in ProMarket.

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A Simple Way to Measure Tipping in Digital Markets, an article co-authored by Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSC, and Natalia Morena BellosoLaw researcher at the LAW DepartmentProMarket, 6 April 2021.

Salvar o Governo mesmo contra a vontade dele, a podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Radio Noticias, 5 April 2021. 

Wie kommen wir aus dem Russland-Tief, Herr Stubb?, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFrankfurter Allgemeine, 6 April 2021.
Also available in Russian: как нам выбраться из этого русского провала, господин Стубб?

Legal glitches raised by delay in forming current government ‘need to be resolved’, an article mentioning Hilary HoganLaw researcher at the LAW, 6 April 2021.

“Pela primeira vez, acho que há um sério risco de não se executar o quadro comunitário”, diz Castro Almeida, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Eco-Sapo, 7 April 2021. 

Europe's carbon market architect warns against heavy-handed reforms, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsReuters, 7 April 2021.
Also available in Croatian: Cijene ugljika postigle rekordni iznos, EU treba blagu reformu tržišta

Bande dessinée : “Chez toi”, une fiction qui donne à voir la réalité, an article mentioning Vanessa GrottiPart-time Professor at the RSC, Director of the EU Border Care projectReforme, 8 April 2021.

Una directiva de fútbol presentó pruebas de su caso de discriminación, pero nadie fue sancionado, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Infobae, 8 April 2021. 

Le chemin étroit vers un compromis entre Washington et Téhéran, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarProgram Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient-Le Jour, 8 April 2021.

Oikeusoppinut sai tarpeekseen: Tämä tauti tappaa ja vammauttaa, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawVerkkouutiset, 8 April 2021. 

Why Russians Have No Power Over Putin? Top Historian Has the Answer, an article featuring Alexander EtkindProfessor of History of Russia-Europe RelationsHaaretz, 8 April 2021.

Daoud Riffi : « L’islamisme est un concept inutilisable aujourd’hui », an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Le Comptoir, 8 April 2021.

The World’s First Carbon Border Tariff, Explained, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 9 April 2021.
Also available in Spanish: La explicación del primer arancel de carbono en la frontera de la Comisión Europea

Friends and colleagues pay tribute to Former Eurosceptic MEP Jens-Peter Bonde, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Parliament Magazine, 9 April 2021.

‘This crisis is different’: the dramatic rebound in the global economy, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSCFinancial Times, 9 April 2021.


27 March - 2 April

Spotlight: Has the Covid pandemic taught us about happiness?

STG Director Alexander Stubb was featured in a podcast episode in Sky News discussing well-being lessons for children.

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Has the COVID pandemic taught us about happiness?, a podcast featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSky News, 29 March 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « La meilleure stratégie pour effacer les séquelles de la crise sanitaire, c’est de placer l’économie en régime de haute pression », an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSC, Le Monde, 27 March 2021.

Fontos, hogy a megfelelő dolgokat csináljuk ahelyett, hogy a dolgokat megfelelően csinálnánk, an article mentioning Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the, 27 March 2021.

Prawnicy z całego świata apelują do KE o obronę polskiego Sądu Najwyższego i Igora Tulei, an article mentioning  Gábor HalmaiProfessor of Comparative Constitutional, 28 March 2021.

Google, Fresh Out Of Congressional Hotseat, Hands $29 Million To EU’s New Fund To Tackle Fake News, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Forbes, 31 March 2021.
Also available in Italian: Fake news contro democrazia, Google scende in campo. Ecco come (Fiesole c’è)
Also available in French: Google injecte 25 millions d’euros dans le Fonds européen pour les médias et l’information
Also available in Spanish: Google aporta 25 millones al fondo de la UE para combatir la desinformación en internet
Also available in Portuguese: Google contribui com 25 milhões para fundo criado pela Fundação Gulbenkian e Instituto de Florença
Also available in Polish: Google wpłaci 25 mln euro na walkę z fake newsami w Europie
Also available in Greek: Η Google "βάζει το χέρι στην τσέπη" για καταπολέμηση των Fake new
Also available in Arabic: جوجل تساهم بـ25 مليون يورو في تمويل جهود مكافحة المعلومات المضللة

Google to contribute $29 million to new EU fund to fight fake news, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Reuters, 31 March 2021.

World’s Worst-Hit Covid Nation Hungary Plans to Ease Curbs Soon, an article quoting Alexandru Moise, Max Weber Fellow, Bloomberg, 31 March 2021. 

Une réforme de l’assurance-chômage critiquée par des économistes qui avaient soutenu Macron en 2017, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSC, Le Monde, 31 March 2021.

The Post-Vaccine Risk Phase, an article co-authored by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the RSC, Project Syndicate, 31 March 2021.

COVID-19, public procurement regimes, and trade policy, an article co-authored by Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External RelationsWorld Bank, 31 March 2021.

MIGUEL POIARES MADURO: "SE APURAR QUE A COMISSÃO FALHOU DE FORMA GRAVE, O PARLAMENTO EUROPEU DEVE DEMITIR A COMISSÃO EUROPEIA", an interview with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Sapo 24, 1 April 2021.    

Brancaccio: «Dalle quote alle aliquote rosa», an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentCorriere del Mezzogiorno, 1 April 2021. 

Fact-checking day: la lotta alle fake news ci riguarda tutti, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Futura News, 2 April 2021.


20 March - 26 March

Spotlight: Carbon markets and the EU strategy

FSR - Climate Director Simone Borghesi was interviewed in Corriere della Sera on carbon markets, carbon tax and decarbonisation of the EU industry. 

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Co2, chi inquina paga. La ricetta europea per salvare il pianeta, an interview with Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - ClimateCorriere della Sera, 26 March 2021.

Entre Israël et l’Iran, la guerre « secrète » s’impose en mer, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarProgram Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient-Le Jour, 20 March 2021.

 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS SUPPORT WTO TRIPS WAIVER FOR COVID-19, an article quoting Sunita Tripathy, PhD researcher in the Law department, Info Justice, 21 March 2021.

Il sindaco di Firenze, Dario Nardella: «Rendita, deluso dai proprietari del centro storico», an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCorriere Fiorentino, 21 March 2021.

La parità di genere che manca nelle redazioni, an article mentioning Roberta Carlini, Research Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, La Stampa, 22 March 2021.

Review: Survival Governance, an article featuring Peter DrahosProfessor of Law and Governance in the department of LawChina Dialogue, 22 March 2021.

Giappone ed Europa alla prova delle tensioni USA-Cina, an article written by Giulio Pugliese, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme, China Files, 22 March 2021.

The cradle of Syria's revolution: Daraa ten years on, an article mentioning Abdullah al-Jabassini, Research Fellow for the Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria (WPCS) project at the Middle East Directions Programme, The New Arab, 23 March 2021.

Come rendere la Sicilia un po’ meno “isola”? La risposta di Sicilian Valley, an article mentioning Martina Ferracane, Max Weber Fellow, and Sabrina D’Andrea, PhD researcher in the Law department, Focus Sicilia, 23 March 2021.

Professor Martin Scheinin ser inga problem med att begränsa rörelsefriheten – vill också ha munskyddsplikt: "Man har utgått för mycket från frivillighet", an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Yle, 24 March 2021. 

Un fondo europeo contro la disinformazione, an article featuring the European University Institute, Nove da Firenze, 25 March 2021.
Also available in Portuguese: Gulbenkian e Instituto de Florença vão gerir fundo europeu para combater a desinformação

Why Indians have to work longer hours for a work visa, an article mentioning the Migration Policy Centre, Times of India, 25 March 2021.

Primavera De Filippi: io, esperta di Regtech, an article featuring Primavera De Filippi, Visiting Fellow at the Global Governance Programme, Altalex, 25 March 2021. 

Africa’s future is transnational and interconnected, an article co-authored by Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, and Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, University World News, 25 March 2021.

Contro disinformazione IA e 'Big Data' ma non senza l'uomo, an article mentioning Paula Gori, Secretary-General of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Ansa, 25 March 2021.

Brexit and Beyond podcast with Professor Brigid Laffan, a podcast interview with Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeThe UK in a Changing Europe, 26 March 2021. 

Why Are Fashion Designers So Drawn to Rave Culture?, an article quoting Giorgio Riello, Professor of Early Modern Global History at the HEC department, WWD, 26 March 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Rave Culture inspira colecciones y espectáculos digitales de otoño de 2021

A New Front in the Covert Conflict Between Iran and Israel, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarResearch Fellow and Co-Leader of the Regional Security Initiative (RSI) at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeInside Arabia, 26 March 2021. 


13 March - 19 March

Spotlight: Dual citizenship in Asian countries

Globalcit Co-Directors, Jelena Dzankic and Maarten Vink were mentioned in CNN discussing why many Asian countries oppose dual nationality.


Photo credit: Shutterstock / Chintung Lee


These Asian countries are giving dual citizens an ultimatum on nationality -- and loyalty, an article quoting Jelena Dzankic, Part-Time Professor in the Global Governance Programme at the RSC and Co-Director of the Globalcit, and Maarten Vink, Chair in Citizenship Studies at the RSC and Co-Director of the Globalcit, CNN, 16 March 2021. 

TRIBUNE. "Pour une Assemblée citoyenne européenne", an article mentioning Kalypso NicolaïdisProfessor at the School of Transnational Governance, Le Journal du Dimanche, 13 March 2021.

Après dix ans de guerre en Syrie, Bachar Al-Assad, le roi des ruines, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme, Le Monde, 13 March 2021.

Ex-pääministeri: Tämä oli lähihistorian tyhmin päätös, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceVerkkouutiset, 13 March 2021.

While Americans faced stimulus check uncertainty, Europe paid to keep workers employed, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCThe Washington Post, 13 March 2021. 

Private Banking sulla disparità di genere, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentNews in Dies, 14 March 2021.

Innovazione tecnologica e impatto sociale, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Met, 15 March 2021.

The long lost city of Tamão is hiding in plain sight, an article quoting Jorge Flores, Professor of Early Modern Global History, National Geographic, 15 March 2021.
Also available in Spanish: La ciudad perdida de Tamão está oculta a plena vista

Como Fazer um País com um Discurso, a radio podcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF Online, 15 March 2021.    

Opinion | Les leçons que l'Europe devra tirer de la crise, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLes Échos, 16 March 2021. 

Die Existenz Thyssenkrupps steht auf dem Spiel, an article mentioning Christian Egenhofer, Senior Research Associate in the Cimate Cluster at the School of Transnational Governance, Wirtschafts Woche, 16 March 2021.

La Primavera araba tradita dagli estremisti. Ma i giovani non rinunciano alla speranza, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Città della Spezia, 16 March 2021.

Asma Al-Assad, première dame de Syrie, passée des bonnes œuvres aux basses œuvres, an article quoting Ayman Aldassouky, Researcher and Academic Assistant at the Middle East Directions Programme, Le Monde, 16 March 2021.
Also available in Indonesian: Asma Al-Assad, Ibu Negara Suriah, telah berpindah dari perbuatan baik ke perbuatan buruk
Also available in Spanish: La primera dama de Siria, Asma al-Assad, pasó de las buenas obras a las malas
Also available in Greek: Η Asma Al-Assad, η πρώτη κυρία της Συρίας, πέρασε από καλά έργα σε κακά έργα

Les implications économiques potentielles d’une pandémie durable, an article co-authored by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCTerra Nova, 16 March 2021. 

Farm labor economist: It’s time to confront the ‘old way of thinking’, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Agri Pulse, 17 March 2021.

Die Aufhebung des Patentschutzes für Impfstoffe ist der falsche Weg, um ärmere Länder schnell durchzuimpfen, an article mentioning Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 18 March 2021.

EU embroiled in 'vicious cycle' of 'blaming' as '40 percent' of vaccines stuck in storage, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDaily Express, 18 March 2021.

Bulgaria's Powerful 'Potbelly' Vanishes From Political Scene Ahead Of Elections, an article quoting Veronica Anghel, Max Weber FellowRadio Free Europe, 18 March 2021.

'Islamoesquerdismo' motiva caça às bruxas em universidades francesas, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSC, Folha de S. Paulo, 18 March 2021.

Syria: Hope and Poetry, a podcast featuring Adélie Chevée, Max Weber Fellow, BBC,18 March 2021.

Désolation et insécurité dans les protectorats turcs du Nord syrien, an article mentioning the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Le Monde, 19 March 2021.

Hallitus on suunnitellut suoraan järeitä liikkumis­rajoituksia – Miksi kauppa­keskusten ja rakennus­työmaiden sulkemista ei harkita ensin?, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 19 March 2021. 

6 March - 12 March

Spotlight: Covid-19 and the welfare state

Chair in Political Science and Sociology, Anton Hemerijck was quoted in The Economist providing insight on how to prepare for future shocks in the economy.

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Covid-19 has transformed the welfare state. Which changes will endure?, an article quoting Anton HemerijckChair in Political Science and SociologyThe Economist, 6 March 2021.
Also available in Spanish: La covid resucita el Estado del bienestar

Elisa Volpi, fiorentina: è sua la migliore tesi europea in Scienze Politiche, an article featuring Elisa Volpi, alumna in the Political and Social Sciences department, Il Corriere Fiorentino, 6 March 2021.

Roy: “Vertice stratosferico il dialogo bypassa gli Stati”, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCLa Stampa, 7 March 2021.

La giornata dell'8 marzo. Il forum. Passione ricerca, sfida tra successi e ostacoli, an article mentioning Greta Semplici, Max Weber Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, La Nazione, 8 March 2021.

Jos Delbeke over Chinese klimaatambities: 'China blaast warm en koud', an article featuring Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, Trends, 9 March 2021.

Retrato de una generación entre dos crisis, an article quoting Fabrizio Bernardi, Professor in Sociology, Magisterio, 9 March 2021.

Moratoria sì, moratoria no in tempi di pandemia, an article co-authored by Elena Carletti, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre and Scientific Director, Florence School of Banking and Finance, La Voce, 9 March 2021.

Andrea Orlando ha un’occasione da non perdere, an article mentioning the European University Insitute, Formiche, 9 March 2021.

Työssäkäynti, koulumatkat, kaupassa ja apteekissa käyminen sekä ulkoilu sallittaisiin, vaikka liikkumisrajoitukset otettaisiinkin käyttöön, an article featuring a radio interview with Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Yle, 9 March 2021. 

CBAM: Parliament pushes to continue free emissions allowances, an article mentioning Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, ENDS, 10 March 2021.

Commission official: Separate ETS for buildings and transport a ‘strong option’, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, ENDS, 10 March 2021.

The ECB’s green agenda, an article quoting Ramon MarimonProfessor of Macroeconomics in the ECO Department, Vox EU, 10 March 2021.

Γιώργος Παπακωνσταντίνου: Συνέντευξη με αφορμή το βιβλίο «Με κάθε τίμημα - Η μάχη για το μέλλον της Ευρώπης», που κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος, an interview with George PapaconstantinouChair at the School of Transnational GovernanceAthens Voice, 10 March 2021.

A vida depois do ano 1 da covid. A opinião de Miguel Poiares Maduro, an article written by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Noticías Magazine, 10 March 2021.

Brexit deal is upshot of ‘sovereignty on steroids', an interview with Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeLaw Society of Ireland Gazette, 11 March 2021. 

O admirável mundo novo dos bancos centrais, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCJornal de Negócios, 11 March 2021.

Il documento europeo: gli immigrati sono consapevoli e informati clienti dei trafficanti, an article mentioning Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreIl Primato Nazionale, 11 March 2021. 

The many guises of vaccine nationalism, an article mentioning a co-authored study by Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, The Economist, 12 March 2021.

Hidden sweetener for Australia buried in EU carbon border tax, an article quoting Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Sydney Morning Herald, 12 March 2021.

27 February - 5 March

Spotlight: Rising emissions prices

EIB Climate Chair, Professor Jos Delbeke and STG Senior Research Associate, Peter Vis were quoted in Bloomberg discussing the rise of carbon prices and their effect as a driver of change.

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Photo credit: Shutterstock/ TR STOK


Fathers of Carbon Market Say EU Needs Higher Pollution Costs, an article featuring Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 4 March 2021.
Also available in Spanish: Precios más altos CO2 son lógicos y necesarios–creadores ETS

La economía se la juega en julio, an article quoting Ramon MarimonProfessor of Macroeconomics in the ECO Department, El País, 28 February 2021.

Lockdown skepticism not linked to pro-Brexit values, despite high-profile skeptics being Leave supporters, an article mentioning James Dennison, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, Phys, 1 March 2021. 

Światowa Organizacji Handlu WTO ma nowego szefa. Czy nadszedł czas na nowe zasady handlu?, an article mentioning  Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, FXMAG, 1 March 2021.

Africa. I cristiani del Tigrai uccisi e depredati dei tesori religiosi, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreAvvenire, 2 March 2021. 

Finnish government calls timeout on emergency powers hours after declaring emergency, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsinki Times, 2 March 2021.

Presentazione di “Democrazia Futura”. Questo numero, an article mentioning Giacomo Mazzone, Member of the Advisory Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Key 4 biz, 2 March 2021.

Università italiane accoglieranno rifugiati dall’Etiopia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Onu Italia, 3 March 2021.

Por qué el Pacto Verde Europeo puede convertir a la UE en líder mundial de la acción climática, an article co-authored by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLa Vanguardia, 3 March 2021.

L'università Italiana nella 'top 5' mondiale per la ricerca sul Covid 19, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Yahoo Notizie, 4 March 2021.

Biden's Iran approach praised as deft despite lack of progress, an article quoting Clément Therme, Programme Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Reuters, 4 March 2021.

Europe's carbon market architects warn against curbs on prices, speculators, an article featuring Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, and Peter VisSenior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceReuters, 4 March 2021. 

EU energy investments: Will 2021 be decisive?, an article quoting Jean-Michel GlachantRobert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Chair and Director at the Florence School of RegulationDeutsche Welle, 4 March 2021.

20 February - 26 February

Spotlight: "Islamo-gauchisme"

RSC Professor, Olivier Roy was interviewed in L'Obs analysing the term "Islamo-leftism".

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Islamo-gauchisme : « Les macronistes font n’importe quoi », par Olivier Roy, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCL’Obs, 24 February 2021.

Barotti (Arcipelago Massa): “Scenario politico locale incapace di elaborare un piano di ricostruzione del territorio”, an article mentioning  Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, La Gazzetta di Massa e Carrara, 20 February 2021.

Poiares Maduro alerta Marcelo que estabilidade política atual é “artificial e paralisante”, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal Económico, 20 February 2021.    

Clima e parità di genere per il Nobel europeo dei piccoli geni, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Ansa, 21 February 2021.

NGO-Anwälte wollen Frontex-Chef Leggeri vor Gericht bringen, an article mentioning Omer ShatzPolicy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceTichys Einblick, 21 February 2021.

Accademico Tigray: "Franceschini salvi nostro patrimonio culturale devastato dalla guerra", an article featuring Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreAdnkronos, 21 February 2021. 

"Difendiamo il centro dalle scritte e dai graffiti", an article featuring Marco del PantaSecretary-General of the EUILa Nazione, 21 February 2021.

Ditt privata är inte privat – det är ett rejält hot, an article written by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagens Industri, 21 February 2021.

Come far germogliare lavoro con il Recovery Plan, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentStart Magazine, 21 February 2021.

A Palazzo Blu si discute sull’Europa in diretta streaming, an article mentioning Lucy Riall, Professor of History of Europe in the World in the HEC Department and Director of Graduate Studies, La Nazione, 22 February 2021.

Poiares Maduro. "De pouco nos serve esta estabilidade política", an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal I, 22 February 2021.    

Het zorgenkind van de klimaatklas, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsDe Standaard, 22 February 2021.

Islamo-gauchisme : terme "polémique", sans "définition absolue" pour Olivier Roy et Pascal Blanchard, an interview featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCFrance Inter, 22 February 2021.

Perustuslakiasiantuntija suhtautuu epäilevästi pakkotestaukseen: ”Kieltäytymiset pitänee hoitaa kiinni pitämällä”, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Kauppalehti, 23 February 2021.

Islamoesquerdismo: a nova controvérsia do governo Macron que escandaliza a universidade francesa, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCUOL Notícias, 23 February 2021.

Central Banking’s Brave New World, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCProject Syndicate, 23 February 2021. 

France’s Latest Plan to Save Businesses Has Europe Intrigued, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCBloomberg, 24 February 2021. 

'Blurred lines': Migration and internal EU borders, an article quoting Sergio CarreraPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreInfo Migrants, 24 February 2021.

Open the window of rapprochement cautiously, an article quoting Abdolrasool DivsallarProgram Associate at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeTehran Times, 24 February 2021.

Professori: Hallitus jätti oven auki uusille, entistä tiukemmille rajoituksille – "Luodaan tilanne, jossa valtioneuvosto hallitsee maata", an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Yle, 25 February 2021.

Miksi tarvitaan poikkeusolot Suomeen? – Näin Sanna Marin vastaa ihmetykseen, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Talouselama, 25 February 2021.

Gender tax: detassare il lavoro femminile invertirebbe i ruoli in famiglia? Non esattamente, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentIl Fatto Quotidiano, 25 February 2021.

Covid in Toscana, troppi contagi: Pistoia e Siena in zona rossa da sabato fino al 7 marzo, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Corriere Fiorentino, 25 February 2021.

Gouvernance : une bourse de formation pour les professionnels africains, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Agence Ecofin, 25 February 2021.

Macron è finito nella trappola dell’estrema destra, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCInternazionale, 26 February 2021.

U.S. Airstrikes in Syria Hit Iranian Supply Network on Iraq’s Border, an article quoting Manhal Baresh, Academic Assistant at the at the Middle East Directions Programme, The Wall Street Journal, 26 February 2021. 

Le monde enchanté des banques centrales - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCTerra Nova, 26 February 2021.


13 February - 19 February

Spotlight: The evolution of Navalny's nationalism

History Professor, Alexander Etkind was quoted in The New Yorker providing insight into the ongoing debate on Alexey Navalny.

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The Evolution of Alexey Navalny’s Nationalism, an article quoting Alexander EtkindProfessor of History of Russia-Europe RelationsThe New Yorker, 15 February 2021.

Un salto verso l’economia della conoscenza, an article written by Marco del Panta, Secretary-General of the EUI, La Nazione, 13 February 2021.

Politóloga aponta ao Chega “vocação para impedir que a direita moderada chegue ao poder”, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal Económico, 13 February 2021.  

Marta Cartabia, la professoressa vicina a Cl che Napolitano nominò alla Consulta: chi è la ministra della giustizia del governo Draghi, an article mentioning the appointment of Marta Cartabia to Italian Minister of Justice, EUI Law alumnaIl Fatto Quotidiano, 13 February 2021. 

Onnistuisiko ”Uuden-Seelannin ihme” Suomessa? Näin normaaliin elämään voitaisiin päästä myös täällä, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawIlta-Sanomat, 14 February 2021.

Facebook i Whatsapp sięgają głębiej po nasze dane. Skutek? Największa cyfrowa ucieczka w historii, an article quoting Maria Magierska, PhD Researcher in the Law Department, OKO Press, 14 February 2021.

Gruppo di lavoro per il Recovery plan della Toscana, an article mentioning  Renaud DehoussePresident of the European University Institute, La Nazione, 14 February 2021.

El difícil equilibrio de los Gobiernos de gastar a manos llenas, pero sin pasarse, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCEl País, 14 February 2021. 

Dissous en France, le Collectif contre l’islamophobie (CCIF) se reconstitue en Belgique, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCLe Soir, 15 February 2021.

The rise of Uber Eats gang masters is tearing the gig economy apart, an article quoting Letizia Palumbo, Visiting Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre, Wired, 15 February 2021.

Recovery Plan, la cabina di regia alla Fondazione Cr Firenze, an article mentioning  Renaud DehoussePresident of the European University Institute, Go News, 15 February 2021.

Professori Stubb kohtasi kivikasvo Lavrovin, kun kyse oli sodasta ja rauhasta – näin hän arvioi miestä, jonka Haavisto kohtaa tänään, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIltalehti, 15 February 2021.

Gender tax: a che punto siamo?, an article mentioning Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentWe Wealth, 15 February 2021.

Meet Mario Draghi’s 10 key ministers, an article mentioning the appointment of Marta Cartabia to Italian Minister of Justice, EUI Law alumnaPolitico, 16 February 2021. 

Paul Kagame calls for concerted action on Tigray battle, an article mentioning Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreEcofin Agency, 16 February 2021. 

Lawyers give EU agency notice over Greece migrant pushbacks, an article quoting Omer Shatz, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, The Washington Post, 16 February 2021.
Also available in German: Rechtsanwälte wollen Frontex-Chef Leggeri vor Gericht bringen
Also available in Italian: “Frontex sospenda le operazioni in Grecia: ha violato diritto Ue partecipando a respingimenti”
Also available in French: Une plainte contre Frontex pourrait faire son chemin jusqu’aux tribunaux européens

Palestinians claim Israel blocked Covid vaccines from entering Gaza, an article mentioning Caitlin ProcterPart-time Professor in the SPS Department and Associate of the Migration Policy CentreThe Independent, 17 February 2021. 

Few Top Positions In Economics Held By Women – Analysis, an article co-authored by Philip Hanspach, PhD Researcher in the ECO department, Eurasia Review, 17 February 2021.

The WTO has a new chief. Is it time for new trade rules too?, an article mentioning Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, The Economist, 18 February 2021.

Iran-Usa, perché il dialogo rischia lo stallo, an article featuring Abdolrasool Divsallar, Program Associate at the Middle East Directions Programme, Formiche, 18 February 2021.

Etiopia: perchè l’ONU dovrebbe intervenire in Tigray, an article mentioning Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreL’Indro, 18 February 2021. 
Also available in French: L'ONU doit intervenir au Tigré 

Interview: Peter Vis on the pitfalls of a carbon border tax, an interview with Peter Vis, Senior Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, ENDS Europe, 18 February 2021.

Tassinari: il fisco e la lezione danese, an interview with Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, RaiNews24, 18 February 2021.

African policy experts to develop global leadership skills in Florence, an article featuring the School of Transnational Governance, The Florentine, 18 February 2021.

Carbon price boom is a vote of confidence and warning for EU, an article quoting Jan Cornillie, Research Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, The Financial Times, 19 February 2021. 

'Stop the bleeding': Biden reaches out to Europe, but Trump’s damage has been done, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePolitico, 19 February 2021.

Jovens estão trocando a monogamia por relacionamentos abertos, an article mentioning a study by David K. Levine, Joint Chair in the Economics Department/RSC, Professor of MicroeconomicsVeja, 19 February 2021. 

Return to the past? Ernesto Zedillo on trade in a post-Trump world, an article featuring Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, Yale News, 19 February 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Faut-il se débarrasser de la “dette Covid” ? », an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 19 February 2021. 

Franse politicoloog Olivier Roy over de islam: ‘Geloof zit in Europa op een klapstoeltje’, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCNederlands Dagblad, 19 February 2021.

Should the rich pay for the pandemic? Argentina thinks so. Other countries are taking a look., an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCThe Washington Post, 19 February 2021. 
Also available in Spanish: El impuesto a la riqueza, en la tapa del Washington Post: fuerte crítica a la ley y a cómo se implementó en la Argentina
Also available in Portuguese: Como pandemia e crise econômica, governos decidem taxar os mais ricos

6 February - 12 February

Spotlight: In search of 'good' government: the Scandinavian example

STG Executive Director, Fabrizio Tassinari wrote an article for Linkiesta drawing lessons for the future of governance in Scandinavian countries.

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In cerca del buongovernoIl modello scandinavo è sapere che le élite sono il cardine della democrazia, an article written by Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceLinkiesta, 11 February 2021. 

Surenchère politique autour de la dette Covid, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 6 February 2021.

Samerna firar nationaldag efter ett coronaår som förändrade allt – restriktionerna vid gränserna försämrade möjligheterna till försörjning, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawYLE, 7 February 2021.
Also available in Finnish: Valtiovaltaa piti muistuttaa, että tiedottamista tarvitaan myös saamen kielillä – saamelaiset viettävät kansallispäiväänsä kaiken muuttaneen koronavuoden jälkeen

Ever Closer Union?, an article mentioning J.H.H. Weiler, Former President of the EUI, Stefano Bartolini, Peter Mair Chair in Comparative Politics, and a number of former EUI professors and fellows, London Review of Books, 7 February 2021.

Firenze, Aiello: "Cari colleghi, mi candido a rettore dell'università", an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 7 February 2021.

Claire Bright-Droits humains et normes environnementales en entreprise, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Le Petit Journal, 7 February 2021.

Professorin reaktio kansanedustajan maskikommenttiin: ”Nyt tulee itku” – Näin Markus Lohi vastaa, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawUusi Suomi, 7 February 2021.

Europas Werk und Googles Beitrag, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Netzpolitik, 8 February 2021.

Brussels’ recovery bet: Tying funds to structural reforms, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCPolitico, 8 February 2021.

En Syrie, Al-Joulani veut sortir Idlib de son isolement, an article quoting a co-authored research article by Patrick Haenni, Visiting Fellow at the Middle East Directions Programme, La Croix, 9 February 2021.

Israel shines as coronavirus success story, while neighbors in Gaza are left without vaccines, an article quoting Caitlin ProcterPart-time Professor in the SPS Department and Associate of the Migration Policy CentreNBC News, 9 February 2021.

Ausländer*innen im eigenen Land, a radio podcast with Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitORF, 9 February 2021.

Poiares Maduro fora de Lisboa. CDS disposto a olhar para Baptista Leite, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 9 February 2021.    

Alexander Stubb: Venäjän ulkoministerin temppu onnistui, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceVerkkouutiset, 9 January 2021. 

Navalny allies push West for sanctions against Russia, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThomson Reuters, 9 January 2021. 

The EU Can’t Separate Climate Policy From Foreign Policy, a co-authored article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCForeign Affairs, 9 February 2021.

Utjecajni dužnosnik: Bez EU ni Hrvatska ni moja Finska ne bi imale cjepivo, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceVecernji, 9 January 2021. 

Moqué à Moscou, Borrell mijote la riposte, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Soir, 9 January 2021.

Olivier Roy : « La loi “séparatisme” fait comme si toute mosquée était un lieu potentiel de radicalisation », an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCLa Vie, 10 February 2021.

In gara la riqualificazione di Palazzo Buontalenti a Firenze, an article mentioning the School of Transnational GovernanceMonitori Immobiliare, 10 February 2021.

Classe sociale nell’era moderna: globalizzazione e risposta politica, an article mentioning Hanspeter KriesiPart-time professor and Principal Investigator of the ERC-funded SOLID ProjectSociologicamente, 10 February 2021.

 Fins oud-premier Alexander Stubb roept Von der Leyen tot de orde: 'Het gaat om mensenlevens', an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceKnack, 10 January 2021. 

Visita della Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia per la Console degli Stati Uniti a Firenze, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Portale Giovani Firenze, 10 February 2021.

I’m a Leaver, don’t get me out of here, an article mentioning co-authored research by James Dennison, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, The Times, 11 February 2021.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « L'expression 'plan de relance européen' est trompeuse », an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLes Echos, 11 February 2021.

The UN Must Intervene in Tigray, an article written by Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreProject Syndicate, 12 February 2021. 

Ricercatori andata e ritorno, ecco chi sono i vincitori delle borse Marie Curie, an article mentioning Matteo Capasso, Max Weber Fellow, La Repubblica, 12 February 2021.

Governo Draghi: chi è Marta Cartabia, prima donna presidente della Consulta, an article mentioning Marta Cartabia, EUI Law alumna, La Stampa, 12 February 2021.

30 January - 5 February

Spotlight: Community perspectives on Gaza's Covid-19 crisis

SPS Professor Caitlin Procter was quoted in Al Jazeera discussing the implications of Israel's blockade on the economy in Gaza and as a consequence on the ability of people to comply with lockdown measures.

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Israel blockade inflaming Gaza’s COVID-19 crisis: Report, an article quoting Caitlin ProcterPart-time Professor in the SPS Department and Associate of the Migration Policy CentreAl Jazeera, 3 February 2021.
Also available in Indonesian: Penderitaan Warga Palestina, Diserang Israel dan Virus Corona

Ecco i migliori think tank al mondo. C’è tanta Italia (a partire dall’Ispi), an article mentioning the European University Institute, Formiche, 30 January 2021.

Opinion: The role of Attorney General should be more transparent - let's start by publishing the advice, an article co-authored by Conor Casey, Max Weber Fellow,, 30 January 2021.

Qué hay detrás de los estallidos sociales contra el confinamiento y el toque de queda en Holanda, an article quoting Arnout van de RijtChair in SociologyInfobae América, 30 January 2021.

Restrictions sanitaires : Bruno Le Maire évite un nouveau débat sur les commerces dits « essentiels », an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 30 January 2021.

O que fazer com 60%, an article written by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal de Notícias, 30 January 2021.

Antigo ministro Miguel Poiares Maduro é o novo presidente do Conselho Geral da UTAD, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 30 January 2021.

COVID-19: EU 'recognise they made a mistake' in move to block vaccine exports, says Gove, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSky News, 31 January 2021. 

Η Ευρώπη διδάσκεται από τα λάθη της, an article featuring George Papaconstantinou, Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Kathimerini, 31 January 2021.

Matteo Renzi e il fallimento della sua politica estera, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Lettera 22, 31 January 2021.

Les députés européens s’intéressent aux dérives potentielles de l’IA, an article quoting Francesca Lagioia, Senior Research Fellow, Presse-Citron, 31 January 2021.

«Mi impegnerò ancora di più per i diritti umani. Grazie anche a te Italia: tornerò presto», an article mentioning the appointment of EUI alumna Despina Chatzivassiliou-Tsovilis to the post of Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly, Informazione Online, 31 January 2021.

Finntopia, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomNew Internationalist, 1 February 2021.

‘The situation could well lead to a catastrophe’ More than 100 scientists and scholars, including Nobel laureates, sign open letter demanding that Russia stop persecuting activists and turn instead to international cooperation, an article mentioning Alexander Etkind, Professor of History of Russia-Europe Relations, Meduza, 2 February 2021.
Also available in Russian: Ведущие русскоязычные ученые мира выразили возмущение насилием в отношении протестующих в России

A Genève, la Libye se refait faire les visages, an article quoting Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeLibération, 2 February 2021.

Firenze, dal tragico impatto del covid al piano per la rinascita, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, Stamp Toscana, 2 February 2021.

China staat voor ‘Mount Everest’ van klimaatbeleid, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, De Standaard, 2 February 2021.

Gloating Gove seeks grace period as protocol problems exceed ‘teething’ troubles, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Irish Times, 2 February 2021. 

Séparatisme islamique, un projet de loi bien flou, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCMondafrique, 2 February 2021.

Ursula von der Leyen has broken the first rule of leadership, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Spectator, 2 February 2021. 
Also available in Slovenian: Uredba o omejitvi izvoza cepiv še odmeva – šefinja evropske komisije Ursula von der Leyen pod plazom kritik
Also available in German: Corona-Impfungen: EU droht Geschichte des Versagens - doch von der Leyen sieht keine Fehler
Also available in Dutch: Voorzitter Europese Commissie Von der Leyen onder vuur na brexitblunder
Also available in French: La «bulle européenne» ne pardonne pas à Ursula von der Leyen son «péché originel»

Hürde Staatsbürgerschaft: Heimat, fremde Heimat, an article co-authored by Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 3 February 2021.

Coronavirus, l'Istituto Universitario Europeo dona mezzo per disabili alla Croce Rossa, an article featuring the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 3 February 2021.

II - Religion: une (r)évolution silencieuse, an article quoting Georges FahmiResearch Fellow at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeL’Orient-Le Jour, 3 February 2021.

The world’s vaccination drive is stuck in second gear, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLivemint, 3 February 2021.
Also available in French: Energie / Europe : Cuisine énergétique et dépendances
Also available in Italian: La versione di Ursula sui vaccini

Mario Draghi reddede eurozonen med tre små ord. Nu gælder det Italien, an article featuring an interview with Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernancePolitiken, 3 February 2021.

EU climate change plans will ripple through foreign policy, researchers say, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Reuters, 3 February 2021.
Also available in French: Les plans de l’UE sur le changement climatique se répercuteront sur la politique étrangère, indiquent des chercheurs
Also available in Greek: Κλιματική Αλλαγή: Η ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική μπορεί να σκοντάψει στη γεωπολιτική

UE: ¿De qué sirve el mecanismo de defensa del Estado de derecho?, an article quoting Gábor HalmaiProfessor of Comparative Constitutional LawDeutsche Welle, 3 February 2021.

Le implicazioni del Green Deal sulla politica estera UE secondo EUI, ECFR e Bruegel, an article mentioning a policy report co-authored by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSC, Rinnovabili, 4 February 2021.

99 mila donne non hanno più un lavoro da dicembre 2020: perché e come evitarlo?, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentInformazione Fiscale, 4 February 2021.

Recovery Plan. Le linee guida della Commissione europea: valutare impatto di genere in ogni capitolo d’investimento, an article written by Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceCorriere della Sera, 4 February 2021.

How state broadcaster, party-owned media shape Malta’s COVID-19 narrative, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomThe Shift News, 4 February 2021.

Utan Melih Bulu!, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Birgun, 5 February 2021.

En Libye, un changement d'institutions suffira-t-il à résoudre le conflit ?, an interview with Virginie CollombierPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeFrance Culture, 5 February 2021.

"The state has lost the ability to take risks", an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSC, Alternatives Economiques, 5 February 2021.

The global impact of the European Green Deal, a podcast with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSC, European Council on Foreign Relations, 5 February 2021.

MEPs urge phase-out of free ETS allowances as part of carbon border tax, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, ENDS Europe, 5 February 2021.

La psicoanalisi in Russia tra totem e tabù, an article featuring a book published by Alexander EtkindProfessor of History of Russia-Europe Relations in the HEC, Il Venerdì di Repubblica, 5 February 2021.

« La loi de la République supérieure à la loi de Dieu » : la polémique vue par Olivier Roy, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCL’Obs, 5 February 2021.

23 January - 29 January

Spotlight: Brexit as a tool to legitimise Irish reunification

RSC Director Brigid Laffan was interviewed in Daily Express discussing how Brexit can potentially harm the Good Friday agreement and encourage Irish nationalists to push for independence.

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Boris Johnson warned Brexit will 'legitimise' nationalists pushing for Ireland unification, an interview with Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeExpress, 27 January 2021. 

Oposição e interesse nacional, an op-ed written by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal de Notícias, 23 January 2021. 

Professori tyrmistyi kansanedustajan käytöksestä – ”minua hävettää”, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Verkkouutiset, 23 January 2021.

L’Istituto universitario europeo si allarga Nuova sede a Palazzo Buontalenti in via Cavour, an article featuring the European University Institute, La Nazione, 24 January 2021.

Poiares Maduro alerta que PSD arrisca ficar “refém” do Chega, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Sapo 24, 24 January 2021. 

Dakwah Akademik di Tanah Renaisans, an article mentioning Anna Triandafyllidou, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreRepublika, 24 January 2021. 

Alerte rouge à Manaus - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCTerra Nova, 25 January 2021.

Tornano le Conversazioni allo schermo, iniziativa Unifi-IUE, an article featuring a co-organized event with the European University Institute, Met, 25 January 2021.

Inceste: la fin d'un tabou politique?, an article written by Laurie Boussaguet, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Journal du Dimanche, 25 January 2021.

Joe Biden lance la bataille du salaire minimal aux Etats-Unis, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 25 January 2021.

¿Quién está detrás de los medios de comunicación en el mundo?, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Cinco Noticias, 26 January 2021.

Politiki pozivajo Rusijo: Izpustite Navalnega iz zapora, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, 24ur, 26 January 2021.
Also available in Swedish: Vi behöver alla stå upp mot Putins regim
Also available in Hungarian: Konzervatív észak-európai és balti vezetők az orosz tüntetők szabadon bocsátását sürgetik
Also available in Norwegian: Erna Solberg: – Vi ber om at Aleksej Navalnyj umiddelbart blir sloppen fri

A Global Pandemic Alarm Bell, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCProject Syndicate, 26 January 2021.

Erna Solberg: – Vi ber om at Aleksej Navalnyj umiddelbart slippes fri, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Nettavisen, 26 January 2021.  

Robert Griesinger: dall’università alle SS, la quotidianità di un nazista qualunque, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Sole 24 Ore, 27 January 2021.

Game-changing international schools in Asia with an eye on the future, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Study International News, 27 January 2021. 

Innovazione digitale europea in ambito giuridico: Unimc lancia il webinar, an article mentioning Marco Botta, Part-time Professor and coordinator of the Florence Competition Programme (FCP), Cronache Maceratesi, 27 January 2021.

Europejscy prawnicy wzywają KE do pilnej obrony ściganych 14 sędziów z Krakowa, an article mentioning Gábor HalmaiProfessor of Comparative Constitutional Law at the LAW Department,, 27 January 2021. 

Why COVID-19 has impacted the demand for dual citizenship, an article mentioning Jelena Dzankic, Part-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of the GLOBALCIT, and Lorenzo Piccoli, Ph.D. Associate at the GLOBALCIT, News Anyway, 27 January 2021.

Produkt potencjalny strefy euro po ustąpieniu pandemii COVID-19, an article quoting Ramon MarimonProfessor of Macroeconomics in the ECO Department, Obserwator Finansowy, 28 January 2021.

EU stuck between a rock and a hard place on vaccine rollout, says Finland's ex-PM Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Euronews, 28 January 2021.
Also available in French: L’UE coincée entre un rocher et un endroit difficile sur le déploiement des vaccins, déclare l’ex-Premier ministre finlandais Alexander Stubb

Intelligenza artificiale per i diritti dei consumatori e tutela privacy: il sistema Claudette, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Agenda Digitale, 29 January 2021.

Online conference held to strengthen ties between Greek universities and the diaspora, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Neos Kosmos, 29 January 2021.  


16 January - 22 January

Spotlight: The Inauguration of Joe Biden

Professor Ruth Rubio Marín wrote an article in El Diario reflecting on the recent inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, and Vice President, Kamala Harris.

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Y entonces Biden habló de amor, an article written by Ruth Rubio Marín, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, El Diario, 21 January 2021.  

Ces trois hommes d’affaires syriens qui seraient impliqués dans l’acheminement du nitrate d’ammonium, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme, L’Orient- Le Jour, 16 January 2021.

Nada personal, an article written by Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Vanguardia, 16 January 2021. 

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Faire du concept de résilience un guide pour l’action économique », an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 16 January 2021.

Ylilääkärin huomio koronakuolemista: ”Poliitikkojen olisi syytä panikoitua”, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 16 January 2021.

¿SEGUIRÁ LA UNIÓN EUROPEA A LA CABEZA DE LA REGULACIÓN O HABRÁ UN EFECTO BEIJING?, an interview featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAgenda Pública, 16 January 2021. 

A análise da semana de João Soares e Miguel Poiares Maduro, an interview featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP Notícias, 17 January 2021. 

Nem kell haragudni az Unióra a Minority Safepack elkaszálása miatt. Egyszerűen így működik, an interview with Beáta Csilla Bakó, Max Weber Fellow, Transindex, 17 January 2021.

Pongan a los expertos a liderar la pospandemia, an interview with Pep TornLibrary Director at the European University InstituteLa Vanguardia, 18 January 2021.

Political Rhetoric and Economic Analysis: Talking to Bernard Hoekman and Ernesto Zedillo, an interview featuring Bernard HoekmanRobert Schuman Chair, Director of the Global Economics Research Area of the Global Governance Programme, Dean of External Relations, LA Review of Books, 18 January 2021.

Una tavola rotonda nazionale sul diritto dinanzi alle sfide aperte dall’impiego diffuso degli algoritmi, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Sassuolo 2000, 19 January 2021.

Starvation crisis looms as aid groups seek urgent Tigray access, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreAl Jazeera, 19 January 2021. 
Also available in Italian: Dopo la guerra, il nord dell’Etiopia rischia la carestia

To be or not to be, the EU at the Conference on the Future of Europe, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceExplica, 19 January 2021. 
Also available in Spanish: Ser o no ser, la UE ante la Conferencia sobre el Futuro de Europa

Policy Research Working Paper (PRWP) series publication roundup from December 7 to January 15, an article mentioning the European University Institute, World Bank Group, 19 January 2021. 

Morocco's Islamist backing for Israel normalisation is a game changer, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCMiddle East Eye, 19 January 2021.

After Brexit ‘divorce’, UK-EU carbon market linkage will take time -academic, an interview with Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation - Climate, Carbon Pulse, 20 January 2021.

The real issue is fair competition… not ‘unfair propaganda’, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Malta Today, 21 January 2021. 

Gender tax? Agevolazione fiscale per il secondo coniuge: intervista a C. Cottarelli, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentInformazione Fiscale, 21 January 2021. 

Islamisme : enfin le bon diagnostic, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCL’Express, 21 January 2021.

How an Interview With Politico Made This Man Public Enemy No. 1 in Hungary, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, VICE, 21 January 2021.

La pandemia de los datos, an article written by Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl País, 22 January 2021.

9 January - 15 January

Spotlight: Conspiracy theories: historical trajectories and present problems

Professor Nicolas Guilhot wrote an article in Il Manifesto examining how and why conspiracy theories flourish.

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Teorie del complotto, quel nemico occulto e potente, an article written by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentIl Manifesto, 9 January 2021.

Professori vaatii poikkeusoloja Suomeen – ehdottaa liikkumisvapautta rajusti rajoittavaa erillislakia, an article featuring Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of LawIltalehti, 9 January 2021.

Trump lyckades avsluta med ett demokratiskt blodbad, an article written by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagens Industri, 10 January 2021. 

Court could decide on the future of ONE, NET, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Times of Malta, 10 January 2021.

Pior que uma conspiração, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal i, 10 January 2021. 

Avec son livre «l’Ange et la Bête», Bruno Le Maire s’affranchit, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCASLe Parisien, 10 January 2021.  

US: MORE READY FOR HYDROGEN THAN MANY MAY REALISE [GASTRANSITIONS], an article mentioning the Florence School of Regulation, Natural Gas World, 11 January 2021.

Niinistö koronatilanteesta: Kilpajuoksussa ei rokotteiden varaan vielä voi tuudittautua, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Länsi-Uusimaa, 11 January 2021.

Abertas candidaturas para estágios em delegações da União Europeia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Publico, 11 January 2021.

Presidentti Niinistö otti kantaa koronakeskusteluun: Näin hän kommentoi tukahduttamispuheita – "Vaara kasvaa", an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Mtv Uutiset, 11 January 2021.

Ferrari: islam, fondamentalismo, libertà religiosa, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCSettimana News, 11 January 2021.

Stockage de l’électricité : où en est-on?, an article co-authored by Albert Ferrari, Research associate at the Florence School of Regulation, Le Monde de l’Energie, 12 January 2021.

Caso do currículo do procurador português continua a ser notícia no estrangeiro, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 12 January 2021.   

Brexit has enabled the EU to reveal its essential essence, an article written by Brigid LaffanDirector of the RSC and of the Global Governance ProgrammeThe Irish Times, 12 January 2021. 

Epidemialle vedetään rajaa, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 12 January 2021.

Alexander Stubb arvostelee Twitteriä Trumpin tilin pysyvästä jäädyttämisestä, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIltalehti, 12 January 2021. 

Facebook's Oversight Board expected to review Donald Trump's suspension, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceTelegraph, 12 January 2021. 

5 ερωτήσεις στον Nicholas Petit για τις Big Tech εταιρίες και την ψηφιακή οικονομία, an article featuring Nicolas PetitProfessor of European Competition Law at the LAW Department and the RSCLiberal, 13 January 2021.

Trabalhadores da RTP querem representante na administração, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Esquerda, 13 January 2021.   

Digital Markets Act: Policy Choices and Conditions for Success, an article written by Alexandre De Streel, Visiting Professor at the Florence School of Regulation, ProMarket, 13 January 2021.

Thursday's papers: Tighter border controls likely, claims of political bias, deadly cold, an article mentioning Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Yle, 14 January 2021.
Also available in Finnish: Uutissuomalainen: Eduskuntaryhmien puheenjohtajat eivät kannata valmiuslakia

The richer you are, the more likely you'll social distance, study finds, a research article mentioning the European University Institute, EurekAlert, 14 January 2021.

Jonas er i tvivl: - Bør jeg vaccineres mod corona?, an article quoting Johannes Christiern Santos Rasmussen, Ph.D. Researcher in the SPS department, TV 2 Lorry, 15 January 2021.  

How will school closures affect children in the long run? Wars, disease and natural disasters offer clues, an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentCNN, 15 January 2021. 

MEPs mull over ‘significant risks’ of Artificial Intelligence, an article mentioning the European University Insitute, Euractiv, 15 January 2021. 

Poiares Maduro antecipa divergências entre 27 sobre Planos de Recuperação, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Notícias ao Minuto, 15 January 2021.


1 January - 8 January

Spotlight: Storming of the US Capitol 

Professor Jean Pisani-Ferry was interviewed in BFM Business commenting on the recent events in Washington DC and their impact on the markets.


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INVASION DU CAPITOLE: POUR JEAN PISANI-FERRY, "CE N’EST PAS DU TOUT UN COUP D’ETAT, C’EST UNE FARCE", an interview featuring Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCBFM Business, 7 January 2021.

La pandemia nos enseñó que los lugares no son tan importantes (pero siguen siendo muy importantes), an article written by Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl País, 3 January 2021.

L’UE qui ne sait pas dire non - L'analyse de Jean Pisani-Ferry, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCTerra Nova, 4 January 2021.
Also available in Portuguese:  A UE que não pode dizer não 

Poiares Maduro diz que Van Dunem está fragilizada perante a Europa, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 4 January 2021.

Woher kommt der jihadistische Terrorismus? Wo ist der Platz des Islam in Europa? Eine französische Debatte, die ganz Europa angeht, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCNeue Zürcher Zeitung, 5 January 2021. 

A Batalha Pela Europa, an article quoting Gábor HalmaiProfessor of Comparative Constitutional Law at the LAW DepartmentEstadão, 7 January 2021.

Poiares Maduro acusa Costa de tentar limitar liberdade de expressão, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Sapo Eco, 7 January 2021.

Rifare l’Italia, i seminari di Mondoperaio e Fondazione Socialismo,  an article mentioning Andrea IchinoProfessor of Econometrics in the ECO DepartmentAvanti, 7 January 2020.

« Notre droit n’est plus en mesure de sauver des vies » : la bureaucratie française, coupable idéale des ratés de la vaccination, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCLe Monde, 7 January 2021.

"Être de 'culture musulmane' n'empêche pas de commettre des erreurs de jugement sur l'islam", an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the RSCMarianne, 8 January 2021.  


Page last updated on 13 March 2023

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