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EUI in the Press January June 2019

This page reports press coverage of the EUI, its faculty members, researchers, and alumni. For more information, please consult the EUI Press Room.

June 2019


 Tutti i lavori delle Commissioni della Camera della settimana: Mercatone Uno, Caporalato, UE-Cina an article mentioning the European University Institute, Policy Maker, 17 June 2019.

Camera: delegazione commissione Esteri in visita a Istituto universitario Ue Fiesole an article mentioning the European University Institute, Agenzia Nova, 13 June 2019.

Fondazione CR Firenze e Istituto Universitario Europeo, collaborazione più forte con l'accordo an article mentioning the European University Institute, gonews, 11 June 2019.

Fondazione Cr Firenze e Eui, accordo per collaborazione più forte an article mentioning the European University Institute, Controradio, 11 June 2019.


Catholic Church: paedophilia scandal dents Poland’s faith an article quoting  Radoslaw Michalski, Researcher in the RSCAS, Financial Times, 16 June 2019.


Efterlyst dansker: Jeg var spion hos Islamisk Stat an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher in the RSCAS, TV 2, 14 June 2019.


¿Quiénes asistieron y de qué hablaron los poderosos banqueros del G30 en Madrid? An article mentioning  Ramon Marimon, Professor of Macroeconomics in the ECO Department, Invertia, 14 June 2019.


Bravo insegnante fa miracoli anche in scuola disastrata, pessimo neppure in scuola perfetta, an interview with Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department, Orizzonte Scuola, 13 June 2019.


Why did the cartel cross the road?, an article mentioning Giorgio Monti, Professor in the Law Department, Law Society, 10 June 2019.

Diego Gambetta 2016

Il “Mass Shooting” piaga degli Stati Uniti, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, Affari Italiani, 8 June 2019.


Kaksi uutta professoria Lapin yliopistoon: Rob van den Hoven van Genderen työelämäprofessoriksi ja Martin Scheinin alkuperäiskansaoikeuden professoriksi an article mentioning Martin Scheinin,Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Lapin Kansa, 16 June 2019.

Kansanedustaja puhui ”vieraslajeista” eduskunnassa – Poliisi neuvottelee valtakunnansyyttäjän kanssa, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 14 June 2019.

EU's terrorism filter plans: The problems just keep coming an article quoting Martin Scheinin Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, ZDNet, 7 June 2019.

Sverige gir steriliserte transpersoner erstatning. Det bør Norge også gjøre, an article by Daniela Alaattinoğlu, Phd Candidate in Law, Aftenposten, 7 June 2019.


Closing the Global Governance Gap an article mentioning Liav Orgad, Part-Time Professor at the RSCAS, Gulf Times, 6 June 2019.

Maru Mehari

Can Ethiopians stop the political elites playing victimhood and peace-and stability simultaneously as a-means to their relevance? An article mentioning Mehari Taddle Maru, Robert Schuman Fellow, Satenaw News, 6 June 2019.


Tomorrow's events in the Mediterranean, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, ANSA Med, 6 June 2019.


Does Russia’s Putin Really Have a Master Plan? an interview with Mark Galeotti, Jean Monnet Fellow at the RSCAS, World Politics Review, 5 June 2019.


Suit claims EU migration policy led to thousands of Mediterranean deaths an article mentioning Anna Triandafyllidou Robert Schuman Chair and Research Area Director on Cultural Pluralism of the Global Governance Programme, TMN, 4 June 2019.


Daily News 06 / 06 / 2019 of European Commission mentioning the European University Institute, Press Release Database of European Commission, 6 June 2019.

Record di consultazioni per la app che ha aiutato a scegliere che partito votare an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, eunews, 29 May 2019.

Είσαι αναποφάσιστος; Αυτό το app θα σε βοηθήσει να βρεις τι να ψηφίσεις an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, The Indicator , 29 May 2019.

Medios de comunicación, ¿al servicio de quién? an article mentioning the European University Institute, Deia, 3 June 2019.


Les taux français touchent un plus bas historique an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, L’Opinion, 16 June 2019.

France’s president kicks off a second round of reforms an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, The Economist, 15 June 2019.

Europe's citizens say they want a more political EU an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, MENAFN, 4 June 2019.

Europe’s citizens say they want a more political EU, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry,  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, The Korea Herald, 3 June 2019.


Religião: "É um tabu na Europa" an interview with Olivier Roy,  Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, RTP Noticias, 11 June 2019.

Oliver Roy defende que o Islão não é uma ameaça à União Europeia, an interview with Olivier Roy Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, RTP Noticias, 9 June 2019.

Afghanistan and the USA an article mentioning Olivier Roy Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Open Democracy, 5 June 2019.

«L’Europe est-elle chrétienne?»: du christianisme à la laïcité an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Devoir, 1 Jun 2019.



Power shifts as European elections come of age an op-ed by Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, The Irish Times, 4 Jun 2019.

Festival: populismo, democrazia e debito. Confronto: Cottarelli e viceministro Castelli, an article mentioning Alessandra Venturini, Part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, L’Adige, 1 Jun 2019.


Les progressistes, alliés objectifs du populisme de droite an article mentioning James Dennison, Research Fellow at the RSCAS,  and Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, Le Point, 1 Jun 2019.

May 2019



Scuole in lingua straniera, quali sono quelle a Firenze an article mentioning the European University Institute, Firenze Today, 31 May 2019.

Europe’s lame duck leaders complicate decision-making an article mentioning the European University Institute, Financial Times, 28 May 2019.

Les den like aktuelle, 20 år gamle kronikken om dagpenger og Nav, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Khrono , 29 May 2019.


Exploring the limits of EU’s unbelievable behaviour on Nord Stream 2 an article mentioning Leigh Hancher, Part-time Professor at the RSCAS, Euractiv, 29 May 2019.


Closing the Global Governance Gap an article mentioning Liav Orgad, Part-Time Professor at the RSCAS, Project Syndicate, 29 May 2019.


Aperti al Mab. Conto alla rovescia tra bellezza, memoria e identità dei territori an article mentioning Serge Noiret, Information Specialist at the EUI Library, SIR, 29 May 2019.

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Prisão tem o efeito de dissuadir e de incapacitar infratores an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, Folha de S.Paulo, 29 May 2019.


Miten 33 suomalaislasta pelastetaan Isis-leiriltä? Viranomaiset selvittävät nyt vaikeaa kysymystä, joka voi kaatua uuden hallituksen syliin an article mentioning  Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uutiset, 28 May 2019.


Legislativas vão ser um desafio para o PSD, diz Poiares Maduro an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Full-time Professor at the School of Transitional Governance, Publico, 27 May 2019.


 Das Europa der Besiegten Grenzen und Minderheiten nach 1919, a radio interview of  Pieter M. Judson, Professor of History, ARD-Alpha, 6 April 2019


Isis fighters struggle on return to Balkan states, an article quoting Shpend Kursani, Researcher in the EUI Department of Political and Social Sciences, Financial Times, 20 May 2019.


Zašto u Hrvatskoj nedostaje ljudskog kapitala?, an article mentioning Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics, Vacernji, 17 May 2019.


El auge de partidos xenófobos contrasta con la opinión cada vez más favorable de los europeos hacia los inmigrantes, an article mentioning the Migration Policy Centre, El Diario, 16 May 2019.


Européennes. Une application pour aider les indécis à voter, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, powered by the European University Institute and the University of Lucerne, Ouest France, 22 May 2019.

Απαντήστε σε 21 ερωτήσεις και βρείτε το κόμμα που εκφράζει τις απόψεις σας, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, powered by the European University Institute and the University of Lucerne, Skai, 22 May 2019.

Europee: lanciata una app per orientare gli indecisi, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, powered by the European University Institute and the University of Lucerne, Ansa, 21 May 2019.

Já sabe em quem vai votar? Este teste ajuda-o a encontrar o partido certo, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, powered by the European University Institute and the University of Lucerne, Tsf, 20 May 2019.

Löydä itsellesi sopiva EU-vaaliehdokas koko Euroopan unionin yhteisessä vaalikoneessa euandi2019:ssa, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, AKAAN SEUTU, 16 May 2019.

Löydä itsellesi sopiva EU-vaaliehdokas koko Euroopan unionin yhteisessä vaalikoneessa euandi2019:ssa, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, SYDÄN-HÄMEEN LEHTI, 16 May 2019.

So which party should you really be voting for?, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, Times of Malta, 16 may 2019.

Não sabe em que partido votar na Europeias? Este questionário online pode ajudar, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, Sol, 16 May 2019.

Elezioni europee, ecco il quiz per scoprire che elettore sei, an article about the Voting Advice Application EuandI2019, Il Sole 24 Ore, 15 May 2019.


Which European election candidate most closely mirrors your views? , and article mentioning Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, Irish Times, 22 May 2019.

谁在治理欧盟?, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, FT China, 22 May 2019.

EU Elections: More influenced by big names or parties?, an article mentioning Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, RTE, 19 May 2019.

Forget ‘Brussels bureaucrats: national leaders run Europe, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, Financial Times, 16 May 2019.

A csúcsjelölti rendszer nem oldja meg az Európai Unió demokratikus deficitjét, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, Precedens Mandiner, 14 May 2019.


 Isil branches out into Pakistan as it bids to rebuild collapsed caliphate, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher in the SPS Department,The Telegraph, 17 May 2019.


The green ripple in British politics, an article quoting James Dennison, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, The Economist, 16 May 2019.


DONALD TRUMP TOLD HUNGARY’S AUTHORITARIAN LEADER ORBÁN, ‘IT’S LIKE WE’RE TWINS,’ ACCORDING TO U.S. ENVOY, an article quoting Gabor Halmai, Professor in Department of Law, New Week, 15 May 2019.


Festival dell’economia: l’analisi del voto Europeo an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry,  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, La Voce del Trentino, 31 May 2019.

L’Europa dopo il voto: verdi e liberali hanno fermato l’avanzata dei populisti an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry,  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Trentino, 31 May 2019.

Message from the citizens: Time for a more political EU an op-ed by Jean Pisani-Ferry,  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Hertie School of Governance, 31 May 2019.

HÉRITAGE : LES DROITS DE SUCCESSION DANS LE VISEUR DU GOUVERNEMENT an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry,  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Capital, 29 May 2019.

"Amerika wird aufwachen" an interview to Jean Pisani-Ferry,  Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Zeit Online, 16  April 2019.

KORREKTUR/Macron-Berater: EZB sollte internationale Rolle des Euro fördern, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS,, 22 May 2019.

Larry Beck: We need a 21st century version of the “Greatest Generation”, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Denton Record-Chronicle, 21 May 2019.

Hangover im Élysée, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Spiegel, 17 May 2019.

Jean Pisani-Ferry: «En deux ans, nous avons économisé 15 milliards sur la charge de la dette», an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, L’Opinion, 15 May 2019.

Se os factos mudaram, mudemos o pacto, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Jornal de Negocios, 10 May 2019.

Le terme de plein emploi à 5% est-il une mystification ou un non-sens ?, an article mentioning quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Economie Matin, 9 May 2019.

Jean Pisani-Ferry: When facts change, change the pact, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, ING, 2 May 2019.


Hvis Europa stadig var dybt præget af kristne værdier, ville vi have langt færre problemer med at integrere muslimer som religiøs minoritet an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Information, 31 May 2019

De Madonna in de Europese verkiezingscampagne an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, f.d, 27 May 2019.

Le livre de la semaine, an article about the book L’Europe est-elle chrétienne? written by Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, L’Echo, 18 May 2019.

Ce fel de Europă va fi fost Europa de mîine?, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Observator Cultural, 17 May 2019.

Biskop: Religion og politik i private rum er dødsensfarlige, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Altigent, 10 May 2019.

«L’Europe a des racines chrétiennes, et ce depuis l’empire carolingien!», an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Figaro, 10 May 2019.

Radicalisation : les visages du djihadisme européen, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Valeur Actuelles, 5 May 2019.


Perustuslain asiantuntija: ”On hyvä, jos Hussein al-Taeen tekstit oikeasti arvioidaan rikoslain kannalta”, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 13 May 2019.

Vesterbacka ryhtyi Jäämeren radan mannekiiniksi ja sai niskaansa vastalausevyöryn – vastaa nyt kritiikkiin, an article an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Taloussanomat, 13 May 2019.


Libye: «La guerre civile initiée en avril par Haftar cause déjà des dégâts profonds», an interview with Virginie Collombier, Scientific Coordinator of the Middle East Directions Programme at the RSCAS, Mediapart, 23 May 2019.

Vous ne comprenez rien à la Libye? On vous résume la crise et le rôle de la France, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Huffpost, 15 May 2019.

Le dirigeant libyen repart bredouille de sa tournée européenne, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, La Croix, 10 May 2019.

Finestra sul mondo: Francia- Libia, Parigi in difficoltà sulla questione libica, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Agenzia Nova, 8 May 2019.

Le gouvernement libyen en quête de soutiens européens, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Les Echos, 7 May 2019.


Zwanzig Prinzipien sind noch kein Recht, an article quoting Anton Hemerijck, Professor of Political Science and Sociology in the SPS Department, Neues Deutschland, 11 May 2019.


Wo steht die Energiewende in Deutschland und wie lässt sie sich erfolgreich fortsetzen?, an article mentioning Mario Ragwitz, Part-time Professor at the RSCAS, Solarify, 11 May 2019.

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Democratizar la universidad, proteger la educación, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, Publico, 10 May 2019.


Göç Konferansı bu yıl Bari’de yapılacak, an article mentioning Martin Ruhs, RSCAS Chair, Acik Gazete, 7 May 2019.


Europa, contra Savonarola: seis siglos para aprender sobre el populismo, an article mentioning Hanspeter Kriesi , Stein Rokkan Chair of Comparative Politics in the SPS Department, El Confidencial, 5 May 2019.


 The State of the Union 2019: International Press Coverage, a comprehensive list of the international articles written about The State of the Union conference, hosted by the EUI from the 2-4th May 2019. 

The State of the Union 2019: National Press Coverage, a comprehensive list of the Italian articles written about The State of the Union conference, hosted by the EUI from the 2-4th May 2019. 

April 2019


Apocalypse Now : ce nouveau culte millénariste dans lequel communient tant d’angoissés du dérèglement climatique, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, atlantico, 28 April 2019.

Liberalism is under attack but we need it more than ever, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 April 2019.

Papst: „Glauben ist heute nicht schwieriger als früher“, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Vatican News, 25 April 2019.


La botte secrète d’Emmanuel Macron pour financer les dépenses nouvelles, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at theRSCAS, L’Opinion, 30 April 2019.

When facts change, change the pact, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Gulf Times, 29 April 2019.

Pisani-Ferry avertit Macron sur l'écologie : "Si la France désertait, ce serait un signal négatif terrible", an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le journal du Dimanche, 28 April 2019.


Miksi suomalainen saa taistella kurdi­joukoissa, mutta ei Isisin riveissä?,  an article quoting quoting Martin Scheinin Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat , 30 April 2019.

Ocupar propriedade não é terrorismo, diz ex-Relator Especial da ONU, an article quoting Martin Scheinin Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Brasil de Fato, 27 April 2019.

Människorättsprofessor Martin Scheinin är inte rädd för att säga sin mening: "I år har jag blivit mordhotad tre gånger", an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, yle, 27 April 2019.

Presidentti vahvistaa tänään tiedustelulait – voimaan todennäköisesti kesäkuun alussa, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Kainuun Sanomat, 26 April 2019.


What is behind Salvini's refusal to celebrate Italy's Liberation day?, an article quoting Andrea Mammone a visiting fellow in the Robert Schuman Centre, euronews., 29 April 2019.


Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ‘Greedy.’, an article quoting Mauricio Bucca, Max Weber Fellow, The New York Times, 26 April 2019.

Diego Gambetta 2016

How the Sri Lanka attacks relate to broader terrorism patterns, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, PRI, 25 April 2019.


Krzyżanowski: Nord Stream 2 regulacje unijne szanuje, kiedy mu pasuje, an article quoting Grzegorz Adam Krzyzanowski, Researcher in the SPS Department, Biznes Alert, 25 April 2019.


Lavoro nel Mezzogiorno, così il salario minimo può essere fumo negli occhi, an article mentioning Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department; Johanna Posch, Researcher at the EUI, Il Sole 24 Ore, 10 May 2019.

Il lato perverso della contrattazione centralizzata, an article by Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department; Tito Boeri, Visiting Fellow at the EUI; Johanna Posch, Researcher at the EUI, Yahoo Finanza/ la voce, 25 April 2019.


Firenze: torna il festival internazionale «fabbrica europa» (xxvi edizione), an article mentioning the EUI, Firenze Post, 25 April 2019.

Roma: “Agricoltura e lavoro migrante in Italia: quali azioni contro lo sfruttamento?”, an article mentioning the EUI, Daily Muslim, 24 April 2019.


Le pari contrarié d’Emmanuel Macron, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Part-time Professor at the RSCAS, L’Orient Le Jour, 25 April 2019.

France, Macron in spotlight over 'high-stakes' Libya policy, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Part-time Professor at the RSCAS, Yahoo News, 24 April 2019.


6000 Lösch-Aufforderungen in sechs Monaten, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Spiegel Online, 24 April 2019.


State of the Union, la Regione organizza due incontri su economia circolare e diritti umani, an article about the State of the Union 2019,, 23 April 2019.


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Estado de necesidad, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, SDP Noticias, 23 April 2019.


Perché “libertà di fede” e “libertà religiosa” non sono davvero sinonimi, an article mentioning Pasquale Annicchino, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Aleteia, 23 April 2019.


Ocupar propriedade não é terrorismo, diz ex-Relator Especial da ONU, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Publica, 23 April 2019.


 German Far-Right Party Invites Trump’s ex-Advisor Bannon to Berlin, an article mentioning Richard Maher, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, the Globe Post, 22 April 2019.


A month after IS ‘caliphate’ defeated, challenges aplenty, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher in the SPS Department, Egypt Independent, 22 April 2019.

Georges Fahmi

L'Occidente continua ad armare il Medio Oriente, an article quoting Georges Fahmi, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Huffpost, 18 April 2019.


Nur eine Stunde Zeit zum Löschen, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Spiegel Online, 17 April 2019.


Majority of the new round of CERC holders are women, an article mentioning Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Chair and Research Area Director on Cultural Pluralism of the Global Governance Programme, University Affairs, 18 April 2019.

New roster of ‘superstar’ research chairs reflects equity rules, an article quoting Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Chair and Research Area Director on Cultural Pluralism of the Global Governance Programme, Theglobeandmail, 17 April 2019.


El Tarrantismo de Sri Lanka, an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, TRT Espanol, 24 April 2019.

Olivier Roy : « Il est évident que l’Eglise a un problème de crédibilité », an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Monde, 24 April 2019.

Cosa significa l’incendio di Notre-Dame? Conversazione con Olivier Roy, an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Tempi, 20 April 2019.

Why the European far right’s bid to weaponise Notre Dame won’t work, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, The Guardian, 19 April 2019.

Notre Dame fire came at a difficult time for French Catholics, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, The Washington Post, 17 April 2019.

Il gesuita: "Combattere la cultura della islamofobia", an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Il, 17 April 2019.


 One heritage, one story: that’s not the Europe we know, an article about a text about Europe written by French historians Thomas Serrier and Stephane Michonneau and signed by Pieter Judson, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; Laura Lee Downs, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; Ann Thomson, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; Lucy Riall, Professor of History of Europe in the World in the HEC Department; Alexander Etkind, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; Stéphane Van Damme, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; Federico Romero, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; Regina Grafe, Professor and Head of Department of History and Civilization; Giorgio Riello, Professor at the Department of History and Civilization; The Guardian, 17 April 2019.

Georges Fahmi

Will a second Arab Spring – broadened to Africa – wither like the first?, an article quoting Georges Fahmi, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Daily Maverick, 16 April 2019

Sudan transition: Will protesters and military reach agreement?, an article quoting Georges Fahmi, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Daily Maverick, 15 April 2019.


Children educate teachers with their testimonies from war zones, an article mentioning Jennifer Welsh, Professor of International Relations in the SPS Department, The Conversation, 15 April 2019.


Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi's Nidaa Tounes party splits again, an article quoting Hamza Meddeb, RSCAC Fellow, The National, 14 April 2019.


Juventude irrequieta: dos punks à “geração à rasca” conta-se uma história da Europa, an article mentioning Daphne Budasz, Researcher at the Department of History and Civilization, Blitz, 14 April 2019.


''La Donna e lo Sport'', incontro ad Asciano con Fiona May, an article mentioning Gherardo Bonini, Deputy Director of the Historical Archives of the EU, Sienafree, 13 April 2019.


Liberalicemos el mercado laboral para reducir la desigualdad, an article mentioning Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department; Tito Boeri, Visiting fellow at the EUI; Johanna Posch, Researcher at the EUI (with Enrico Moretti), El Confidencial, 15 April 2019.

Perverse effects of centralised bargaining, an article by Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department; Tito Boeri, Visiting fellow at the EUI; Johanna Posch, Researcher at the EUI (with Enrico Moretti), Vox, 13 April 2019.


Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Quel plan de financement pour l’acte II du quinquennat ? », an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at theRSCAS, Le Monde, 20 April 2019.

Le Brexit est reporté à Halloween, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Trends, 15 April 2019.

Ha llegado la hora del ‘realismo verde’, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, El Tiempo, 13 April 2019.

IfW-Präsident Felbermayr fordert eine halbe EU-Mitgliedschaft, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS,Haldelsblatt, 13 April 2019.


Περισσότερες σημαίες στα μπαλκόνια εν μέσω της κρίσης και με το «βλέμμα» στις Πρέσπες, an article mentioning Elias Dinas, Professor at the RSCAS, Sergi Martinez, Researcher in the SPS Department,Vicente Valentim Researcher in the SPS Department,, 14 April 2019.

Has the Prespes accord increased nationalist sentiments?, an article by Elias Dinas, Professor at the RSCAS, Sergi Martinez, Researcher in the SPS Department, Vicente Valentim Researcher in the SPS Department, Ekathemerini, 9 April 2019.


Pro e contro l'Europa: due incontri a Firenze, an article mentioning Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI,, 9 April 2019.


The UK is discovering it is a cold place outside the room, an article by Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, The Irish Times, 13 April 2019.

Confronting the EU's new realities, an interview with Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, E!Sharp, 8 April 2019.


Le grand chambardement des systèmes partisans, an article mentioning Hanspeter Kriesi, Stein Rokkan Chair of Comparative Politics in the SPS Department, la Vie des Idees, 8 April 2019.


Kommen jetzt Uploadfilter gegen digitale Terrorinhalte?, an article quoting  Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Spiegel Online, 8 April 2019.

Kiina kasvoi kumppanista kilpailijaksi – Mikä Kiinan sijoitusinnossa huolettaa Eurooppaa ja mikä EU:ssa ärsyttää Kiinaa?, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 7 April 2019.


I København er kun hver anden syrienkriger i job eller uddannelse, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher in the SPS Department, Tv2, 7 April 2019.


Qui est le maréchal Haftar, chef de l'autoproclamée Armée nationale libyenne?, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Part-time Professor at the RSCAS, France Culture, 10 April 2019.

Pays divisé, pétrole, processus de paix fragile… On vous explique pourquoi la situation est explosive en Libye, an article quoting Virginie Collombier, Part-time Professor at the RSCAS, Franceinfo, 7 April 2019.


Erasmus+ student and staff mobility problems loom for UK, an article mentioning the EUI, University World News, 15 April 2019.

Borderland Europe: Étienne Balibar and Caterina Di Fazio in conversation, an article mentioning the EUI, Open Democracy, 12 April 2019.

La giornata parlamentare – 11 aprile, an article mentioning the Headquarters agreement between the Italian government and the EUI, Entilocalionline, 11 April 2019.

Little debate (literally) over best Spitzenkandidat, an article about the Spitzenkandidaten debate at the EUI on the 3rd of May, Politico, 8 April 2019.

ΧΑΡΤΑ 2020: Ένας καταστατικός χάρτης των δημόσιων ευρωπαϊκών αγαθών, an article mentioning the EUI, Epohi, 7 April 2019.

The long, problematic road towards a European University, an article mentioning the EUI, University World News, 6 April 2019.


A potted history of how the customs union became Brexit Britain's political hot potato, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Wired, 5 April 2019.


Argelinos vuelven a las calles a pesar de la renuncia de Buteflika, an article quoting Hamza Meddeb, RSCAS Fellow, El Universal, 5 April 2019.

Bouteflika parti, les Algériens dans la rue pour un 7e vendredi consécutif, an article quoting Hamza Meddeb, RSCAS Fellow, Le Courrier Cauchois, 5 April 2019.


Alessandro Pizzorno elargiva il suo sapere ed era curioso di conoscere cosa pensavi tu, an obituary for Alessandro Pizzorno, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences,, 5 April 2019.

Alessandro Pizzorno, il sociologo che si ispirava a Pirandello, an obituary for Alessandro Pizzorno, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Corriere della sera, 4 April 2019.

Diego Gambetta 2016

What right-wing violent extremists and jihadists have in common, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, National Post, 5 April 2019.

Mafia-Kitsch, an article quoting Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, Der Freitag, 5 April 2019.

Eso llamado extorsión, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, El Semanario, 4 April 2019.


Los "contenidos terroristas": otra peligrosa excusa para intentar censurar la red en la UE, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Publico, 4 April 2019.


Les choses lues par Monsieur Marx, Ep 10, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS,, 9 April 2019.

Británie stále není schopná opustit EU a žádá o další odklad. Čí je to vina a jak z patové situace ven?, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Euractiv, 5 April 2019.

MACHÁČEK: Evropa a nový imperialismus, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS,, 4 April 2019.

Le grand retour de la géopolitique dans les échanges commerciaux oblige les Européens à des révisions déchirantes, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, France Culture, 4 April 2019.

Reden wir von Imperialismus, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Lost in Europe, 3 April 2019.

Impôts locaux : un ancien conseiller général et député du Doubs propose de « tout reprendre à la base», an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, L’Est Republicain, 2 April 2019.



Olivier Roy : La thèse dominante est que la radicalisation terroriste est le résultat de la radicalisation religieuse, an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair inMediterranean Studies, Liberation, 9 April 2019.

Therese Larsson Hultin: Hör islam hemma i Europa?, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Svenska Dagbladet, 5 April 2019.

Olivier Roy, the queen religions, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Temps, 3 April 2019.

How Islamic are Islamist Revivalist Movements?, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Greater Kashmir, 3 April 2019.

Olivier Roy: a Christian Europe? Come on!, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Temps, 2 April 2019.

10 ans après sa disparition : penser pour panser le monde avec Bruno Etienne, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Chronik, 2 April 2019.


I lavori delle Commissioni della Camera della settimana: Revenge porn, riduzione parlamentari e Venezuela, an article mentioning the Headquarters agreement between the Italian government and the EUI, Policy Maker, 1 April 2019.


Verona, la Russia e la destra sempre più a destra, an article quoting Pasquale Annicchino, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Rivista studio, 1 April 2019.


Cooperazione: approvati stanziamenti per MO, Africa e agenzie Onu, an article mentioning Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance,, 1 April 2019.


Europe and the New Imperialism, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Project Syndicate, 1 April 2019.


Sakkokierrokselle joutuneet tiedustelulait saivat viimeisen sinetin eduskunnassa, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Ilkka, 1 April 2019.

March 2019


Rússia espera que candidato 'menos ruim' vença eleição ucraniana, an article quoting Mark Galeotti, RSCAS Fellow, R7, 31 March 2019.


Presidentti toivoo keskustelua ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikasta – Professori: ”Mitä ihmettä?”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 31 March 2019.


Les non-dits du débat sur l'islam, a radio interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Rts, 31 March 2019.

“Saranno gli arabi atei a salvare l’Occidente dall’islam”, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, La Stampa Opinioni, 30 March 2019.


Firenze ancora capitale cultura?, an article about a new issue of “Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli”, which features writing by Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI,, 30 March 2019.


A day for Europe. In memoria di Antonio Megalizzi a palazzo Prodi, an article mentioning Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the EU, Wwwitalia, 30 March 2019.


The European far right has its eye on education, an article by Andrea Mammone and Anja Giudici, Visiting Fellows at the EUI, Al Jazeera, 29 March 2019.


Does religion do more harm than good?, an op-ed citing Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, and Andrea Sangiovanni, Chair in Social and Political Theory, Church Times, 29 March 2019.


Nuovi media e immagini per far riscoprire la Storia, an article mentioning the participation of Serge Noiret, Information Specialist in History and Civilisation at the Library, at the "La storia pubblica. Memoria, fonti audiovisive e archivi digitali" convention in Milan, Ansa, 28 March 2019.


These fats keep processed foods fresh longer — but they shorten people’s lives, an article mentioning a study involving Brandon Restrepo,  Alumnus of the Max Weber Programme, Business World, 28 March 2019.


Identità meticce: un reportage senza maschere, an article quoting Caterina Guidi, Research Fellow at the Global Governance Programme, RSCAS, La Valdichiana, 28 March 2019.


How to solve southern Italy’s unemployment problem, an article mentioning Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department, The Economist, 28 March 2019.


Jean Pisani-Ferry, Pascal Brice… Les cibles manquées de LRM et ses alliés pour les européennes, an article about  Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 27 March 2019.

Comment relancer la transition écologique, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Alternatives Economiques, 27 March 2019.


India must support all options to end crisis at WTO’s dispute settlement system, says expert, an article quoting Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Emeritus Professor at the Law Department, The Hindu, 26 March 2019.


Università, folla a Trento per la giornata in ricordo di Antonio Megalizzi, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union, Trentino, 26 March 2019.


È vero che lo ius soli non esiste quasi da nessuna parte nel mondo?, an article mentioning a study published by GLOBALCIT, RSCAS, agi, 26 March 2019.


I trumpiani esultano per la sintesi di Barr, ma le interferenze di Mosca restano, an article mentioning Mark Galeotti, Jean Monnet Fellow at the RSCAS, il Foglio, 26 March 2019.


Brexit : l’enjeu nord-irlandais, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, la vie des idées, 26 March 2019.

欧盟内部的敌人:留欧疑欧派, an article quoting Brigid Laffan Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, Financial Times Chinese, 25 March 2019.


E se o pai defender a filha no Conselho de Ministros? Isso é conflito de interesses, an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, PÚBLICO, 25 March 2019.


La derrota de ISIS no pone fin a la guerra en Siria, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher in the SPS Department, El Universal, 24 March 2019.


Fairness, innovazione e concorrenza nella Data Economy, che cosa succede secondo gli esperti, an article mentioning the participation of Giovanni Sartor, Professor of Legal Informatics and Legal Theory at the Law Department, at the “Fairness, innovazione e concorrenza nella Data Economy” convention in Rome, Start Magazine, 24 March 2019.


Demokracja musi umieć się bronić, a nie tylko zapewniać swobodny głos w wyborach. Koncewicz pyta, ile wolności dla wrogów wolności, an article by Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, Fernand Braudel Fellow in the Law Department,, 23 March 2019.


 “Zona euro não está devidamente preparada para enfrentar uma nova crise”, an article quoting Giorgos Papakonstantinou, Part-time Professor in the School of Transnational Governance, Mercado, 22 March 2019.

Can Brain Science Make Criminal Justice More Humane?, an article about Federica Coppola, Researcher in the Law Department, Columbia News, 15 March 2019


Does religion do more harm than good?, an op-ed citing Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, and Andrea Sangiovanni, Chair in Social and Political Theory, Church Times, 29 March 2019.

"Le combat pour la laïcité vise l'islam mais lèse toutes les religions", a broadcast interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, RTS, 27 March 2019.

Il Congresso di Verona è il prodotto della critica all’ordine liberale, an article by Pasquale Annicchino, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, and quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, il Foglio, 27 March 2019.

Smokers’ corner: white radicalism vs muslim extremism, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, and mentioning his book The Failure of Political Islam, Dawn, 24 March 2019.

"Se il mostro è bianco", il punto critico di Corrado Formigli sul massacro di Christchurch, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, ELLE, 24 March 2019.

Olivier Roy montre que l’on se trouve dans un triangle : la religion chrétienne, les valeurs séculières de l’Europe dites venues des Lumières et l’émergence de l’islam comme religion européenne, an article about Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, L’Orient Le Jour, 24 March 2019.

Islamkenner Olivier Roy ziet in aanslagen als die van Gökmen T. het verval terug van het kalifaat, an interview to Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, de Volkskrant, 22 March 2019.

A Medì disegnata una mappa del futuro delle città del Mediterraneo, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Il Telegrafo Livorno, 17 March 2019


Brexit: Extensão longa da data de saída é agora única hipótese -- Poiares Maduro, an interview with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the STG, Diario de Noticias, 18 March 2019


Warum die Ausbürgerung von IS-Kämpfern problematisch ist, an article by Rainer Bauböck, Part-Time Professor at the Schuman Centre, (with Gerd Valchars), Der Standard, 19 March 2019

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L’Europa ha perso il contatto con i cittadini, servono più politiche sociali, an article quoting Bruno de Witte, Part-Time Professor at the Schuman Centre, Eunews, 20 March 2019


Syrie: les derniers jihadistes de l’EI acculés au bord de l’Euphrate, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher in the SPS Department, JForum, 21 March 2019

Arpitha KODIVERI_cropped

If nature has rights, who legitimately defends them?, an article by Arpitha Kodiveri, Researcher in the Law Department, OpenGlobalRights, 21 March 2019


Fine del Grand Debat, ora la fase due. Ma ai gilet gialli non basta, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Il manifesto, 22 March 2019

German alarm grows over the EU's dangerous ultimatum terms for Britain, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, The Telegraph, 20 March 2019

Verdad y democracia, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, El Ideal Callego, 17 March 2019

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Il serait grave que la campagne des européennes ne soit pas à la hauteur des enjeux », an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 16 March 2019

Vidéo et podcast : le débat d'Emmanuel Macron avec des intellectuels en intégrale, a video featuring Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, France Culture, 15 March 2019


Extending Article 50: what does this mean?, an article by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, The UK in a Changing Europe, 22 March 2019.  

The EU’s enemy within: Eurosceptic Remainers, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Financial Times, 21 March 2019

May’s way, the highway or … a Brexit delay? The view from Europe, an article by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The Guardian, 20 March 2019


Donne e commercio, un binomio da non discriminare, a podcast featuring Ruth Rubio Marin, Part-Time Professor at the STG, Vatican News, 20 March 2019.

Violencia contra la mujer, una mancha en la conciencia de Europa, an article quoting Ruth Rubio Marin, Part-Time Professor at the STG, El sol de Mexico, 18 March 2019


‘If politicians do not listen, young people will find other ways to be heard’, an article referring to Publico’s coverage of the EUI, Publico, 15 March 2019.

‘The memory of Europe is kept in Florence’, a profile of the HAEU, Publico, 15 March 2019.

‘Nowadays, no one can take Europe for granted. Those days are over’, a profile of the EUI, Publico, 15 March 2019.

‘Transnational cooperation is more necessary and more difficult than ever’, a video about the EUI, Publico, 15 March 2019.

‘It’s like walking in the middle of a living Wikipedia’, a set of video interviews with EUI researchers, Publico, 15 March 2019.

‘We are not a political actor. We are a centre of reflection and creation of critical mass’, an interview with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Publico, 15 March 2019.


Sette top universita' di Italia, Francia, Germania, Svezia, Ungheria e Romania insieme per creare CIVICA: la European University of Social Sciences, an article mentioning the EUI’s new agreement to create CIVICA, the European University of Social Sciences, Ufficio Stampa Universitá Bocconi, 15 March 2019.


Em defesa do realismo verde, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Jornal de Negócios, 14 March 2019.

Macron fa fatica a chiudere il Gran Débat e a cambiare la Francia (con i gilet gialli ancora in circolazione), an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Huffpost, 14  March 2019.

Pour Jean Pisani-Ferry, la banque pour le climat voulue par Macron existe déjà, c'est la BEI, a broadcast interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Europe1, 13 March 2019.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Il faut trouver les moyens de rendre de la voix aux Français » , an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 11 March 2019.

La si difficile réforme de l’Etat, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 11 March 2019.



Dopo il jihad: profilo di un foreign fighter "disilluso", an article quoting Olivier Roy Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, ISPI online, 14 March 2019.


PÚBLICO lança PGlobal em dia de debate sobre a Europa, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, PÚBLICO, 14 March 2019.


New York: Giuliano Amato premiato dal GEI, an article about the presentation of the “GEI Friendship Award” to Giuliano Amato, Emeritus Professor at the EUI, AISE, 14 March 2019.

Georges Fahmi

Analysis: Is Europe parting ways from the U.S. in the Middle East?, an article quoting Georges Fahmi, Research Fellow in the Middle East Directions program at the RSCAS, CGTN, 13 March 2019.


Sin candidatos, Vox apuesta por Vox, an article quoting Guillem Vidal, Researcher in the SPS Department, EL  PAÍS, 13 March 2019.


Finnish Parliament approves last parts of new intelligence laws, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsinki Times, 12 March 2019.


Economistas reivindican respuestas políticas centradas en las personas, an article mentioning the participation of Ruth Rubio Marín, Part-Time Professor and Director of the Gender and Governance Cluster at the School of Transnational Governance, andalucía informacíon, 11 March 2019.

More than three thousand women are killed every year in Europe, an article quoting Ruth Rubio Marín, Professor and Director of the Gender and Governance Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, Prensa Latina, 8 March 2019.


Giancarlo Vilella: La tecnologia del Parlamento Europeo, an interview with Giancarlo Vilella,  EP Fellow at the RSCAS, digitalic, 10 March 2019.


8M: el feminismo no promueve libertad, sino dependencia estatal, an article mentioning Andrea Ichino Professor of Econometrics in the ECO Department, PanAm Post, 8 March 2019.


The twists and turns of Brexit, a podcast featuring Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS, RTE, 15 March 2019.

“O ‘Brexit’ soterrou completamente o sistema político britânico”, an interview with Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS,  PÚBLICO, 12 March 2019.

UK realising EU is dominant power in Europe and Brexit will be on its terms, an article by Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, The Irish Times, 8 March 2019.


L’immigrazione oltre la crisi dei rifugiati. Perché è importante per il futuro dell’Europa, an article by Tiziana Caponio, Marie Curie Research Fellow at MPC, La Repubblica, 7 March 2019.


For Kremlin, Ukrainian election a choice between lesser of three evils, an article quoting Mark Galeotti, Jean Monnet Fellow at the EUI, euronews, 7 March 2019.


Elke Griek moet 30.000 euro aan de naties die zijn land geld leenden, an article mentioning the EUI, Express Business, 6 March 2019.

Real Time Economics: The U.S. Trade Deficit Is About to Break Another Record, an article mentioning the EUI, The Wall Street Journal, 4 March 2019.


Georges Papaconstantinou: «La Grèce a réformé ses finances, pas ses structures politiques et économiques», an article about Georges Papaconstantinou, leading the Transformation of Global Governance project at the School of Transnational Governance in collaboration with the RSCAS, Le Temps, 2 March 2019.


VICENTE, Adérito

Caxemira. Refém da política nuclear, an article quoting Adérito Vicente, PhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Sol, 2 March 2019.


How Brexit Could Damage Asian And African Economies, an article quoting Bernard Hoekman, Professor and Director of the Global Economics at the RSCAS, Global Finance, 1 March 2019.


Aarhus program helping to integrate returned IS fighters, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher at the EUI, The Copenhagen Post, 4 March 2019.

US offers $1 million reward to find Osama bin Laden's son, an article quoting Tore Hamming, Researcher at the EUI, The Telegraph, 1 March 2019.


Enrico Giovannini: “No, l’ambientalismo non è roba da ricchi. Ma non facciamo gli errori di Macron coi gilet gialli”, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Linkiesta, 8 March 2019.

 "Il faudrait être aveugle pour ne pas voir de changement chez Emmanuel Macron !", selon l'économiste Jean Pisani-Ferry, a broadcast interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Boursorama, 7 March 2019.

REPLAY. "Ouvrez le 1". Brexit, le royaume désuni, a broadcast interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, franceinfo, 6 March 2019.

Dix ans après la crise de 2009, des armateurs grecs réhabilités, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Temps, 3 March 2019.

Commentary: The Green New Deal from Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez isn’t so crazy after all, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Channel NewsAsia, 2 March 2019.

George Ciamba, prezent la cea de-a patra ediție a Forumului Economic de la Delphi, an article mentioning the participation of Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, at the Delphi Economic Forum IV, ZIUA de Constanta, 1 March 2019.


De Toni entra nello Strategic Standing Committee, an article about the EUI’s new Strategic Standing Committee,, 1 March 2019.


Betty Rono: la emisaria del clima, an article quoting Michele Nori, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the EUI, El Periódico, 1 March 2019.


Increase in migrant detentions at US border reveals Trump's policy failure, an article mentioning a report by the Migration Policy Centre (with the Robert Strauss Center’s Mexico Security Initiative and UC San Diego’s Center for US-Mexican Studies) The Guardian, 6 March 2019.

Ankle Bracelets, Court Hearings, No Work, Homelessness: This Is What Mexican Asylum Seekers Face in the U.S., an article mentioning a report by UC San Diego, UT Austin and the Migration Policy Centre, Pulitzer Center, 1 March 2019.

February 2019



Mysterious assassinations, bombings as ‘security breakdown’ mires Daraa’s fragile peace, an article quoting Middle East Directions Research Associate Abdullah Al-Jabassini, Syria: direct, 28 February 2019.


Pravda in the Med, an article citing the Media Pluralism Monitor Report by EUI’s Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, The Shift, 28 February 2019.


Kansanedustajat linjaavat tänään, kuinka väljällä suodattimella Supo ja sotilastiedustelu saavat seurata tietoliikennettä, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 1 March 2019.

Professori Martin Scheinin teki tutkintapyynnön ministeri Niinistöstä – Poliisi katsoo, ettei se voi tutkia asiaa, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 27 February 2019.

Tie­dus­te­lu­la­kien syr­jin­tä­kiel­toi­hin tulossa täsmennystä – pe­rus­tus­la­ki­va­lio­kun­ta sai lausuntonsa valmiiksi, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law,, 27 February 2019.


Classifica università: La Sapienza è la star mondiale delle Antichità, Politecnico di Milano tra i primi dieci in Design e Ingegneria, an article mentioning the EUI’s worldwide ranking, Repubblica, 26 February 2019.

Diego Gambetta 2016

Pourquoi tant d’ingénieurs parmi les djihadistes?, an article mentioning Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, Le Journal de Montréal, 1 March 2019.

How Trump speaks like a mob boss, an article quoting Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, The Washington Post, 28 February 2019.

We Asked Actual Mafia Experts if Trump Is Really Acting Like a 'Mob Boss', an article quoting Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, VICE, 26 February 2019.

Da Máfia e do tráfico de drogas, an article quoting Diego Gambetta, Professor of Social Theory in the SPS Department, Folha de S.Paulo, 26 February 2019.


Os geringonços monárquicos, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Observador, 25 February 2019.


 Parlare (ancora) del presidente russo, ce n’è proprio bisogno? Sì, con un altro occhio, a review of a new book by Jean Monnet Fellow Mark Galeotti, Il Foglio, 24 February 2019.


El ‘efecto like’ en la política, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, La Vanguardia, 28 February 2019.

The Case for Green Realism, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Project Syndicate, 27 February 2019.

Emmanuelle Wargon, la fonceuse du grand débat, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 27 February 2019.

Are 14 percent unemployed already too few?, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, manager magazin, 27 February 2019.

Au secours, la fusion de l’impôt sur le revenu et de la CSG est de retour!, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, L’Opinion, 24 February 2019.

Juan Dolado

Los robots que pueden contribuir en la Seguridad Social, an article quoting Juan J. Dolado, Professor of Econometrics, SEIZ, 24 February 2019.


’Terroristen fra Nørrebro’ fortæller historien om barnet, teenageren og terroristen Omar el-Hussein, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Informatíon, 1 March 2019.

Plongée dans la « culture du silence » du Vatican, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Les, 1 March 2019.

Escalade au Cachemire où Pakistan et Inde affirment avoir abattu des avions, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies,, 27 February 2019.

Pierre Jova : "Que l'Europe soit submergée ou arrive à intégrer tous les migrants, l'Eglise sera toujours là puisqu'elle s'adressera à tout le monde", an interview quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Beta Atlantico, 24 February 2019.

Liberté for whom?, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, The Intercept, 23 February 2019.


‘The Weight of Words and That of Racism’, an op-ed by Visiting Fellow Andrea Mammone, HuffPost Italia, 1 March 2019.


Schmidt Speaks at EUI on the Rise of Populism, an article about a Max Weber lecture at the EUI delivered by Vivien Schmidt, Professor of International Relations and Political Science at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, BU Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, 21 February 2019.

Schmidt Interviewed on Politics at the Time of Populism, an interviewof Vivien Schmidt by Mirijam Dagefoerde, a post-doctoral fellow of the Max Weber Program at the European University Institute, BU Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, 21 February 2019.


Minister of Defence lashes out at experts commenting on intelligence bills, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsinki Times, 20 February 2019.

Mass monitoring is still worrying about constitutional experts - also JK and JO want to specify intelligence laws, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, HBL, 20 february 2019.

Ylimmät laillisuusvalvojat kehottavat eduskuntaa täsmentämään tietoliikennetiedustelun hakuehtoja – antavat käytännössä tuen twiittaaville perustuslaki­professoreille, an article quoting Martin Scheinin,Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 20 February 2019.

Perustuslakiasiantuntijat: julkinen keskustelu lisää läpinäkyvyyttä, mutta päätösvalta on edelleen eduskunnalla, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Kainuun Sanomat, 15 February 2019.

Finnish Parliament calls unexpected timeout on civilian and military intelligence laws, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsinki Times, 14 February 2019.

Risikko: Tiedustelulakipaketin jatko selviää huomenna – puhemies lupaa tarjota kupin kahvia kriittisille perustuslakiasiantuntijoille, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Savon Sanomat, 13 February 2019.


Resucita la ‘mochila austriaca’ en España: ¿qué es y cómo te afecta?, an article quoting  Ramon Marimon, Professor of Macroeconomics in the Economics Department, La Vanguardia, 12 February 2019.


La Scuola Sant'Anna a Palazzo Madama: la professoressa Loretoni parla di crisi della rappresentanza e democrazia, an article mentioning a conference organized by the Senato della Repubblica and the School of Transnational Governance,, 11 February 2019.


Iran's revolutionaries, masters of chaos and crisis, mark 40 years of the Islamic Republic, an article quoting Tamer Badawi, Policy Leaders Fellows at the School of Transnational Governance, The Independent, 11 February 2019.


ISIS: the threat is still homegrown, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Sp!ked, 20 February 2019.

Plainte contre des journalistes libanais ayant partagé une caricature de Khamenei censurée par la SG, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, L’Orient le Jour, 20 February 2019.

De quoi avons-nous peur?, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Aleteia, 18 February 2019.

Third-generation Muslims in the West are devising a new Islam for themselves, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, The Economist, 14 February 2019.

Comment Sartre et Foucault ont-ils pu se tromper sur la Révolution iranienne?, an article quoting Olivier Roy,Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, France Culture, 13 February 2019.

Olivier Roy: "On vit dans une société qui n'est culturellement plus chrétienne", an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Marianne, 10 February 2019.


Comment combattre les fausses nouvelles, an article by Madeleine de Cock Buning, Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, ActuDaily, 11 February 2019.


Mark Galeotti: ‘We should laugh at Russia more’, an interview with Mark Galeotti, Jean Monnet Fellow at the EUI, The Guardian, 9 February 2019.


Kto obraził pierwszy, a kto "dolał oliwy do ognia". Media o sporze Francji i Włoch, an article quoting Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, tvn24, 8 February 2019.


French vent their anger in Macron’s ‘national debate’, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Financial Times, 15 February 2019.

Commentary: Europe can help the UK kill second Brexit referendum idea, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Channel NewsAsia, 11 February 2019.

A UE precisa de uma solução final para o Brexit, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, negocios, 8 February 2019.


Nasce a Padova la sezione italiana di “Scholars at Risk”: «Verità per Regeni», an article mentioning the EUI, VenetoEconomia, 18 February 2019.

Les résultats du projet Menara présentés à Rabat, an article about the MENARA project, a research programme located within the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, La Quotidienne, 18 February 2019.

La Universidad CEU San Pablo acoge una final de la competición más prestigiosa de Derecho Comunitario, an article mentioning the EUI,, 15 February 2019.

CX nel mondo Education: Xperience per l’Istituto Universitario Europeo, an article about the EUI, Customer Management Insights, 12 February 2019.

Baku, la città dei venti che guarda al futuro con la storia dell’Azerbaigian nel cuore, an article mentioning the EUI, Il Messaggero, 10 February 2019.

ChiantiTesi, premiate le idee dei laureati sull'economia locale, an article mentioning the EUI,, 7 February 2019.


Regulating speech in the new public square, an article by Madeleine De Cock Buning, Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, and Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Gulf Times, 7 February 2019.

Nuova nomina in UniCredit: il cda è ora composto per il 40% da donne, an article about the recent promotion to Non-Executive Director of UniCredit of Elena Carletti, Part-Time Professor and Scientific Director of EUI’s Florence School of Banking and FinanceCitywire, 7 February 2019.


Valiokunnat: Hävitetyistä viesteistä ei koskaan kerrota kansalaisille – Vaatimukset kansalaisten oikeudesta aina jälkeenpäin tietää tiedustelusta eivät toteudu, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 5 February 2019.

YK:n ihmis­oikeus­komitea: Suomi loukkasi saamelaisten oikeuksia hyväksymällä äänestäjiä saamelais­käräjien vaaleihin, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 1 February 2019.

Arpitha KODIVERI_cropped

Land Banks in India: who benefits?, an article by Arpitha Kodiveri, Researcher in the Law Department, Thomson Reuters Foundation News, 5 February 2019.


New international study: "Children are a punishment for mother's salary", an article about a recent study by Johanna Posch, Researcher in the Department of Economics (with Henrik Kleven, Camille Landais, and Andreas Steinhaue), Liliput Lounge, 4 February 2019.


Islam progressiste : de l’urgence de déconstruire les clichés, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Oumma, 2 February 2019.

Pierre Manent et Olivier Roy: «L'Europe est-elle encore chrétienne?», an interview with Pierre Manent and Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Figaro, 7 February 2019.


The 'Macedonian Question' has officially been answered, but is it resolved?, an article quoting Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Chair and Research Area Director on Cultural Pluralism at the Global Governance ProgrammeCommonspace, 1 February 2019.


Crise diplomatique entre la France et l'Italie : "Le rappel des ambassadeurs est symbolique mais ne signifie pas qu'on ne se parle plus", an interview with  Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, Franceinfo, 7 February 2019.

Notte delle idee, Samantha in ambasciata, an article mentioning the appearance of Renaud Dehousse, President of the EUI, at the ‘Notte Delle Idee’ event in Rome , Il Messaggero, 1 February 2019.

January 2019

Massimiliano Santini

A green new deal for Europe, an article by Massimiliano Santini, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, and Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Project Syndicate, 31 January 2019.


Children of homosexual parents learn just as well, an article about a study by Fabrizio Bernardi, Professor of Sociology and Head of the SPS Department (with Diederik Boertien), Der Tagesspiegel, 31 January 2019.


The EU Regulation on Terrorist Content: An Emperor without Clothes, an article by Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Verfassungsblog, 30 January 2019.


'Fake News': Fenómeno não tende a "influenciar muito" decisões políticas dos cidadãos - Miguel Poiares Maduro, an interview with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Diário de Notícias, 30 January 2019.


A hardline stance from EU will just embolden Brexiteers, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Irish Examiner, 4 February 2019.

Feijóo y Moreno rectifican y asistirán la manifestación del domingo, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, El Periódico, 1 February 2019.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Les deux vices de construction de la taxe carbone », an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 7 February 2019.

The EU Needs a Brexit Endgame, an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Project Syndicate, 31 January 2019.

Au nom du pouvoir d’achat. La prime d’activité, une offensive contre le salaire, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, l’Humanité, 1 February 2019.


The end of the old order? From left-right to open-closed politics, an article citing Hanspeter Kriesi, Stein Rokkan Chair of Comparative Politics in the SPS Department, LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, 29 January 2019.


Bellamy, les cathos et la politique, quelques réflexions…, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, La Croix, 31 January 2019.

Faut parfois s'accrocher, mais c'est remarquable!, a review of the new book by Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Beta Atlantico, 29 January 2019.

Gilles Kepel vs Olivier Roy, la guerre secrète des experts en terrorisme, an article about Gilles Kepel and Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Vanity Fair, 28 January 2019.

Manès Weisskircher

Brexit: a dos meses del divorcio de Reino Unido con la UE, an interview with Manès Weisskircher, Researcher in the SPS Department, La Razon, 29 January 2019.

Brexit: High risk of UK 'crashing out' of EU, a video of Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, BBC, 28 January 2019.

Rees-Mogg’s ERG Won’t Support Backstop Amendments: Brexit Update, an article quoting Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, Bloomberg, 28 January 2019.

Risk of no-deal Brexit ‘very high’, says key EU negotiator, an article quoting Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, The Guardian, 28 January 2019.

Barnier's deputy blames 'SECRET' Theresa May for failing to win MPs' Brexit deal support, an article quoting Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, Express, 28 January 2019.

BREXIT WARNING: MPs' grasp of Brexit is 'STRIKINGLY LOW' claims UK's former EU ambassador, an article quoting Sir Ivan Rogers, Former Permanent Representative of the UK to the EU, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, Express, 28 January 2019.

EU looking for UK move on trade – Weyand, an article quoting Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, Reuters, 28 January 2019.

#Brexit – Weyand says the political declaration ‘bridges the unbridgeable and it leaves choices open’,an article quoting Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, eureporter, 29 January 2019.

Bruselas no quiere más juegos en Londres: deben mantener “un diálogo de adultos”,an article quoting Sabine Weyand,  Deputy Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, El Confidencial, 30 January 2019.

"Ein ungeordneter Brexit ist jetzt deutlich wahrscheinlicher", an article quoting Sir Ivan Rogers, Former Permanent Representative of the UK to the EU, at a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, Der Tagesspiegel, 30 January 2019.

Brexit Republic: Episode Twenty Five, a podcast discussing a Brexit roundtable co-hosted by EUI and the European Policy Centre in Brussels, RTE, 31 January 2019.

Georges Fahmi

Egypt launches international academy for preachers, imams, an article quoting Georges Fahmi, Research Fellow at the RSCAS, Al-monitor, 27 January 2019.

Juho Härkönen

 Significant disparities between educational groups in smoking during pregnancy, an article quoting Juho Härkönen, Professor of Sociology at the EUI, EurekAlert!, 22 January 2019.


Deakin researcher joins EU project exploring religious diversity, radicalisation, an article about the Horizon 2020 project led by Anna Triandafyllidou, Robert Schuman Chair and Research Area Director on Cultural Pluralism of the Global Governance Programme, Mirage News, 22 January 2018.


Comment la République des mollahs a survécu à Khomeyni, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, L’Orient le Jour, 24 January 2019.

Quand les intellectuels français se sentaient iraniens..., an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, L’Orient le Jour, 21 January 2019.

‘None of the revolution’s ideals have been achieved’: Eight years later, Tunisia reflects on the Arab Spring, an article quoting Hamza Meddeb, Research Fellow at the EUI, The Independent, 21 January 2019.


Taxistas contra el imperio Uber: ¿Es esto la lucha de clases?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, El Confidencial, 26 January 2019.

How France redistributes more than Sweden from the rich to the poor, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Reporter Global, 23 January 2019.

Pour The Economist, la France est le pays le plus égalitaire, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Challenges, 21 January 2019.


Oikeustieteilijät epäilevät, johtaako hallituksen selvitys maahanmuuton sopimuksista mihinkään – ”Voihan sitä selvittää, jos ei parempaa tekemistä tähän hätään ole”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Helsingin Sanomat, 18 January 2019.

Professori Scheininiltä tymäkät terveiset hallitukselle palauttamiskiellosta: ”Siinä se selvitys”, ana article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusi Suomi, 18 January 2019.


A car bomb has stirred fears that Brexit will blow up peace in Northern Ireland. That isn’t likely, an article mentioning Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, The Washington Post, 22 January 2019.

'Brexit is extremely damaging to British-Irish relations,' conference told, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, Irish Examiner, 18 January 2019.

How the UK can overcome its Brexit impasse, an article by Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, The Irish Times, 17 January 2019.


Something has happened - a new political landscape, an article quoting a 2017 EUI Working Paper by Max Weber Fellow Line Rennwald (with Daniel Oesch), Proletären, 17 January 2019.


Mit Entwicklungshilfe lässt sich das Migrationsproblem nicht lösen, an article citing Mauro Lanati, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the MEDAM Project at the Migration Policy Centre, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 17 January 2019.


Brexit: EU should prepare for a 'Bremain' - Poiares Maduro, an interview with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Diario de Noticias, 16 January 2019.


The EU and its crises, an article by Lucas Schramm, Researcher in the SPS Department, Luxemburger Wort, 14 January 2019.


'Thinking of harqa': Why young Tunisians are still leaving, eight years after Ben Ali, an article mentioning the EUI’s Migration Policy Centre, Middle East Eye, 14 January 2019.

Andrea Ichino

Il liceo del futuro: sarà quello in cui gli alunni scelgono le materie?, an article about Andrea Ichino, Professor of Econometrics in the Economics Department,, 14 January 2019.


 The euro at 20: Responsible adult or wayward youth?, an article quoting  Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, The Hill, 13 January 2019.

Pour l’économiste Jean Pisani-Ferry, Emmanuel Macron ne doit pas renoncer à son programme de 2017, an interview with Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, franceinfo, 11 January 2019.



 "L'Europe se meurt" ou "passion Europe": regards sur l'UE, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, l’express, 16 January 2019.

Menschenrecht auf Burka?, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies,  Deutschlandfunk, 14 January 2019.

Olivier Roy : « L’Europe ne comprend plus les croyants et nous y perdons tous beaucoup », an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, atlantico, 13 January 2019.

L’Europe a-t-elle perdu la foi?, a podcast interviewing Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, France culture, 11 January 2019.

L’Europe est-elle encore chrétienne?, an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, La Croix, 11 January 2019.



Cinco becas que puedes solicitar en enero en 2019, an article about scholarships at the EUI, Heraldo, 11 January 2019.


Turun terrori-isku nousee hovioikeuden pöydälle - papereihin ilmestyi kolkko ilmaus: Mikä on ”perusmuotoinen” murha?, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, EUI Dean of Graduate Studies, and Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Iltalehti, 10 January 2019.


How France redistributes more from rich to poor than Sweden, an article citing Jean Pisani-Ferry Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, The Economist, 10 January 2019.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « N’arrêtons pas les réformes », an article by Jean Pisani-Ferry Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Le Monde, 10 January 2019.

Contribution des riches, fiscalité écologique: les sujets brûlants du «Grand Débat» sur les impôts, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSCAS, Challenges, 7 January 2019.



Threatened peace, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Director of the RSCAS and Director of the Global Governance Programme, jungeWelt, 4 January 2019.


 Elogio a la biblioteca, an article mentioning the EUI Library, El Nuevo Dia, 4 January 2019.



L’Eu Ets sta riducedo le emissioni di CO2 senza danneggiare la competività delle imprese, an article mentioning the Climate Policy Research Unit’s Life Side project,, 3 January 2019.



Charles Jaigu : «L'Europe, avec ou sans le Christ ?», an interview with Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Le Figaro, 9 January 2019.

Olivier Roy: "L'alliance des extrêmes en France est évidente", a radio interview with Olivier Roy,Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, france inter, 9 January 2019.

Peut-on dire de l'Europe qu'elle est toujours chrétienne?, a review of a new book by Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, L’express, 4 January 2019.

A Patient Observation of Human Beings, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, LA Review of Books, LA Review of Books, 3 January 2019.

Des racines et des zèles, a review of a new book by Olivier Roy, Joint Chair at the RSCAS and SPS Department and Chair in Mediterranean Studies, Liberation, 2 January 2019.


 Dark Threats Loom for Media in Central Europe, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom’s Media Pluralism Monitor, U.S. News, 2 January 2019.





Page last updated on 11 January 2021

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