Posted on 05 August 2020
The European University Institute (EUI) has signed a new partnership agreement with the Paris-based European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
The EUISS is the European Union’s Agency analysing foreign, security and defence policy issues, as well as strengthening the foresight and networking capacity in external action.
The EUI’s School of Transnational Governance (STG) has been working closely with the EUISS in recent years, co-organising the European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue in 2019 and in 2020. The European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue is meant to support the efforts of the European Union and its Member States in conducting strategic cyber engagements with other countries and stakeholders by providing a platform for regular exchanges between policymakers and scholars. The STG is also member of the EUISS African Futures 2030 Taskforce to explore trends affecting the future of Africa in the next ten years, emphasising challenges and opportunities for policymaking, particularly related to the process of continental economic integration. The STG and the EUISS will intensify their collaboration, but the new agreement extends to activities of the entire EUI.

The 2020 European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue was co-organised by EUISS, the EUI's School of Transnational Governance, and the EU Cyber Direct project.
The EUI and the EUISS will share and co-produce research papers, undertake joint projects, co-organise events and promote academic and administrative staff exchanges.