The HR Service will study the documents provided to decide whether the payment received is less than the income ceiling above which your child will no longer be regarded as dependent.
If so, it will have no effect on your allowances. If, on the other hand, your child's remuneration is more than the ceiling he or she will no longer be regarded as dependent, and all the family allowances paid in respect of that child and benefits derived from them will be stopped for the duration of the traineeship.
NB: A child aged between 18 and 26 (who is studying with an income) is regarded as a dependent child if his/her salary does not exceed the income threshold of 40% of the basic salary of an official in the first step of grade AST 1. (Amount after deduction of social security contributions but before deduction of tax, adjusted by the correction coefficient for the country in which the child is gainfully employed.)
Page last updated on 11 December 2017