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Florence School of Transnational Governance

Migration Policy Centre

Effective Migration Governance: Policy Impacts and Trade-Offs

Programme Start Date



6, 7, & 8 October

Delivery mode



Badia Fiesolana


1.400 €

Discount options available

See the fees section

Application Deadline

08/09/2025 - 23:59 CEST

Programme Description

How can migration governance processes be effective?

In its 5th edition, this executive training course provides original strategies to navigate dilemmas and trade-offs in migration governance. The programme is based on cross-cutting research and provides instruments to manage value conflicts, apply critical thinking, and take advantage of exceptional networking opportunities with academics, civil society experts, journalists, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of migration governance.

A key strength of this course is the combination of theoretical principles, practical tools, and case studies. Knowledge from migration theory and empirical research will be combined with professional insights about tensions and trade-offs arising from political processes and practical perspectives that occur at the operational level. Through peer-learning activities, case study work, dedicated mentoring sessions, and interactive exchanges, the training provides a unique learning experience.

The trade-offs and policy dilemmas that will be studied in the course concern:

  • External action and migration partnerships
  • Integration policy
  • Labour migration
  • Policies to address irregular migration
  • Reception of asylum seekers
  • Refugee pathways
  • Service provision of civil society organisations to migrant populations
  • Transnational migration governance

This training is designed for early to mid-career professionals working on asylum and refugee protection, labour migration, migration management, border management, discrimination, displacement, emigration, human trafficking, immigration, integration, social cohesion, and statelessness. The training contents are primarily based on research in Europe, but examples from other regions will be provided and discussed. We welcome applications from individuals at an advanced stage of their PhD or postdoctoral level, those working for civil society organisations, media, government agencies, international organisations, and private companies.

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Learning outcomes

By the end of this programme, the participants will be able to:

  • Incorporate research findings about dynamics of migration and migration governance into policy design and practice;
  • Learn about migration policy implementation;
  • Understand how public institutions can identify and address public concerns around migration;
  • Connect with a range of important stakeholders in the field of migration management

Learning methods

  • Knowledge transfer sessions led by experienced policy-practitioners and academics;
  • Combination of theoretical approaches, case studies, and simulation activities;
  • Peer-learning setting with professionals with different backgrounds and roles in migration

Who should attend

  • Civil servants
  • Consultants and private experts
  • International organisations’ staff
  • Members of think tanks
  • Professionals working in NGOs
  • Journalists and communication professionals
  • Researchers

Information for applicants

  • The training course will take place in a fully residential mode on 6-7-8 October 2024. Registrants who are selected will be expected to be present on the EUI campus in Florence, Italy, on the days of the training;
  • The programme will include approximately 20 hours of training;
  • Participants will have access to an exclusive Virtual Learning Environment (Brightspace) through which they will have access to extensive course materials, including academic articles, policy reports, and research data
  • As trainers will guide you through the course content, participants will not be required to do readings or preparation before the start of the training, but instead can rely on the materials as a useful resource to go back to key arguments after the training


Scientific coordinators and instructors


Fee 1.400 €

Early bird and groups 1.260 € [ -10%]

Affiliation price 1.190 € [ -15%]

ETGN price 1.120 € [ -20%]

Early bird and groups

The early-bird discount (10%) is applicable for registrations by 5 July 2025 - 23:59 CET.

The same discount is applicable for groups (more than three people).

Affiliation price

The affiliation discount (15%) applies for NGO staff, national civil servants and EU officials (from EU institutions and bodies), international organisations, as well as EUI alumni, and former paying participants of STG courses.

ETGN price

The course is eligible for the ETGN Certificate with 20% discount over the total fee. Find out more.

We encourage early registrations for this course as places are given on a rolling basis.

More information about the cancellation policy applicable to this course.

Themes / Areas


Application deadline:
08/09/2025 - 23:59CEST

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