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Florence School of Transnational Governance

Residential - Gender Dimensions and Women's Rights in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism

Programme Start Date



20,21, and 22 September 2021

Delivery mode



Badia Fiesolana


1.300 €

Application Deadline

31/07/2021 - 23:55 CEST

Programme Description

In the aftermath of terrorism, there are significant gender implications to state responses surrounding criminal justice, rehabilitation and reintegration of people associated with terrorist groups and support to victims. Ranging from the gender specific roles within terrorist groups to the gender implications of state response to the threat of terrorism, this executive training will explore the role of gender in terrorism and counter-terrorism; the role of women and men in terrorist groups and the impact terrorism has on victims with a highly significant gender dimension. This executive training is offered in joint collaboration with the UN Team of Experts Rule of Law/Sexual Violence in Conflict and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)


Fee 1.300 €

A discount of 25% will be applied to the charges for international European and national civil servants, as well as to members of the NGOs.

What you will gain

  • Understanding the gender specific motivations and roles of women and men in terrorist groups;
  • Examining the gender dimensions of programmes to prevent violent extremism and understanding their women’s rights implications;
  • Engaging with the gender implications of post-conflict attempts to prosecute, rehabilitate and/or reintegrate women and men exiting terrorist groups”.

Target Audience

  • Policy advocates from NGOs or interest groups
  • officials of International organisations and International and domestic NGOs
  • professionals of governments of International organisations and International and domestic NGOs
  • Professionals of International organisations and International and domestic NGOs


  • Portrait picture of Ruth Rubio Marin

    Ruth Rubio Marin

    Part-time Professor

    Department of History

    Florence School of Transnational Governance

  • Portrait picture of Sofia Coelho Candeias

    Sofia Coelho Candeias

    United Nations Team of Experts Rule of Law / Sexual Violence in Conflict

  • Portrait picture of Ulrich Garms

    Ulrich Garms

    Terrorism Prevention Branch, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


Application deadline:
31/07/2021 - 23:55CEST

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