Department of History
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Department of History

We investigate the global, comparative, and transnational history of Europe since 1400



Professors, fellows, Ph.D. researchers and administrative staff of the Department

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Summer School

Summer School in History - Intersectionality: Challenges and Opportunities for European History?

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Research highlight

Racialised memories of sex work

In this interview, EUI History researcher Khalil West discusses his oral history research and artistic project on the historical connections between race, sexuality and sex work, and on his contribution to a more informed public debate on sex work.

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The Department of History focuses primarily on the history of Europe, from the late medieval and early modern period to the present, in a transnational and global context.

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Interview with Beata Javorcik, Oxford's first female Economics Professor

In the second episode of a series spotlighting accomplished female economists working in international organisations, Beata Javorcik, Chief Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, delves into economic theories and her career trajectory.

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Department of History

Villa Salviati

Pedestrian access: Via Bolognese 156 / Via Faentina 261
Car access: Via Salviati 3B

50139 Firenze (FI)

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