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Joint Committee, Commission paritaire

In addition to the functions assigned to them by the Staff Regulations, the Joint Committee may be consulted by the Principal or by the Staff Committee on questions of a general nature which either of the latter thinks fit to submit.

In the absence of a Staff Regulations Committee, the Joint Committee shall also be consulted by the Principal on all proposals to revise the Staff Regulations and shall deliver its opinion within the time set by the Principal. It may also put forward suggestions for revising the Staff Regulations.

The Joint Committee shall meet when convened by the Principal or at the request of the Staff Committee.


The Joint Committee consists of:

  • a chairman appointed each year on 1 January by the Principal
  • members and alternates appointed at the same time in equal numbers by the Principal and by the Staff Committee; an alternate shall sit on the Committee only in the absence of the member

Current members (pdf)

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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