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Getting the Most out of Your Ph.D.

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After the initial excitement of starting the doctorate, researchers sometimes find themselves losing direction and momentum. This can occur as they deepen their understanding of their research and develop a clearer picture of the challenges. This phenomenon, which is widely recognised and described in the literature, is known as ‘doctoral liminality’ (Keefer, 2015). It can best be understood by imagining the uncomfortable sensation experienced by a tightrope walker at the moment when they lift their foot to take the next step, but before putting it safely down again. Some doctoral researchers experience unpleasant feelings of uncertainty, research misalignment and even ‘Imposter Syndrome’. 

How this Course Works and What You Will Learn

This session invites early-stage Ph.D. researchers to maximise the opportunities in their doctorate, offers practical guidance for promoting progress and guides researchers towards realising their potential.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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