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Resilience in Academia



Working in an academic environment is challenging and sometimes stress-inducing due to many factors. Academic Resilience refers to the ability of researchers to succeed despite difficulties, setbacks, and unexpected events that may arise during the research work.

How this Course Works and What You Will Learn

This is a 2-hour, interactive workshop. We will look together at the most typical challenges of the academic environment and present different strategies to respond more effectively to them.

Topics include:

  • Finding a good working routine
  • Developing good boundaries around academic work
  • Tending the supervisory relationship
  • Recognising the difference between helpful and unhelpful feedback
  • Welcoming the feedback process
  • Managing academic rejection

At the end of the workshop you will be able to identify your personal skills and resources and to implement effective coping strategies to navigate the challenging academic environment.

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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