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EUI Doctoral Scholarships for Widening Countries

No separate funding application is required.

The application for admission to the EUI doctoral programme is automatically an application for a scholarship.

In the framework of its Widening Programme aimed at equalising research capacity across Europe, the EUI offers scholarships for early-stage researchers from the countries listed below.

Funding Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must hold the nationality of one of the countries listed in the table below:

  • Albania
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Georgia
  • Kosovo
  • Moldova
  • Montenegro
  • North Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Ukraine

Candidates are requested to submit a copy of their ID/Passport as part of their EUI Online Application Form, so as to confirm their nationality(ies). The copy of the ID document(s) will be processed only by the EUI Administration and the relevant funding authority(ies), it will not be distributed to the EUI departmental selection committee.

Degree Requirements

Candidates must have successfully completed a Master's or equivalent degree in an academic discipline relevant to the doctoral programme and for their research proposal. The degree must be awarded no later than 31 August 2024.

Application Procedure

Candidates wishing to apply for these fellowships should choose the 'EUI Doctoral Scholarships for Widening Countries ' option in the Grant Authority section of the online application form and indicate their nationality in the 'Justification' field.

There is no separate grant application procedure to follow. The application for admission to the EUI is automatically an application for the scholarships.

Grants and Allowances

  • Monthly grant: 1.620 € as of 1 January 2025 
  • Family allowance: Yes
  • Travel allowance: Yes
  • Insurance: Yes

Funding Authority

European University Institute


EUI Admissions Office

Academic Service

E: [email protected]

T: [+39] 055 4685 373

European University Institute

Via dei Roccettini 9, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy

Page last updated on 16/12/2024

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