The EUI, together with several local volunteer associations, will participate in a volunteer event, which will take place at the EUI Badia Fiesolana. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the charity programs involved in the initiative. A charity market will also be set up in the Badia cloister.
The associations involved are: Amici della Terra, Ars et Fides, Artemisia, Associazione Tumori Toscana, Associazione Via Maggio, Caritas, Croce Rossa Italiana, Le Curandaie, Dynamo Camp, Città Sostenibile, Girasole Associazione Culturale, Holi Onlus, La Nuova Tinaia, St. James’ Church – Food and Clothes Bank & Children’s Lending Library, Voce Amica, La Rosa dei Venti, Misericordia Firenze.
Can’t join in person? Follow the event on Zoom.