The Digital Trade Integration (DTI) project aims to increase transparency on digital trade restrictions. We are constructing a dataset of digital trade restrictions and an index on digital trade integration, which will be released in the coming months. The methodology is based on international best practices on how to regulate digital trade, leverage the cross-disciplinary exchange between the CIVICA partners.
As part of the DTI project, we are launching a webinar series to feed the methodology of the DTI index. The first webinar will address the issue of FDI screening. We will discuss general trends in state approaches to FDI screening, key provisions of relevant screening laws affecting digital trade integration and the actual operation of these mechanisms. The purpose of the discussion is to ensure an accurate measurement of the restrictiveness of FDI screening mechanisms on paper and in practice.
The webinar is hosted by Robert Basedow (LSE) and will benefit from the contribution of Joachim Pohl (OECD).
This webinar is supported by the Trade & Investment in Services (TIISA) Network.