The aim is to illuminate the range of ideas that have fashioned economic thinking and policy in the 20th Century. What are the unique trajectories of these influential thinkers in the interstitial space of international forums? How have their economic ideas, doubts, and dreams evolved and turned into actionable programs on a planetary scale? How are ideas about the world economy produced in Intergovernmental Organisations? Who are the visible and invisible actors and what are the visible and invisible processes, institutions and practices?
‘ECOINT talks with International Economic Thinkers’ is part of the research programme ‘Twentieth Century International Economic Thinking’ (2020-2025), funded by the European Research Council and based at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Florence School of Banking and Regulation, and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute.
Carmen M Reinhart is Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank Group, Minos A. Zombanakis Professor of the International Financial System at Harvard Kennedy School, and former Senior Policy Advisor and Deputy Director of the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund.
This event is upon invitation only