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Digital Trade Integration Index

Pilot results and methodology

Add to calendar 2022-05-02 14:00 2022-05-02 16:00 Europe/Rome Digital Trade Integration Index Online YYYY-MM-DD


02 May 2022

14:00 - 16:00 CEST



This webinar provides the first results of the DTI pilot project, and discusses the alternative methodologies developed to create the final index score.

The Digital Trade Integration (DTI) is a project that aims to develop a dataset of digital trade policies and an index measuring the extent to which countries perform regarding digital trade integration.

This webinar provides the first results of the DTI pilot project, and discusses the alternative methodologies developed to create the final index score. To receive feedback on the construction of the index, the webinar will serve as an opportunity in which all participants are asked to give their comments on the methodologies used to create the DTI index based on the database of policy measures collected. Points that are going to be discussed are: type and choice of measures, weights and scoring, composition of pillars, and options for methods of aggregation to a full index score.

By invitation only.


Mia Saugman

Scientific Organiser(s):

Martina Francesca Ferracane (European University Institute)

Erik van der Marel

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