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Finding the gap: Output gap measurement in the Euro area

A conference organised by the Pierre Werner Chair and CEPR Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee

Add to calendar 2022-11-14 08:30 2022-11-14 18:30 Europe/Rome Finding the gap: Output gap measurement in the Euro area Cappella Villa Schifanoia - Chapel YYYY-MM-DD


14 November 2022

8:30 - 18:30 CET



Villa Schifanoia - Chapel

The conference will focus on potential output and output gap measurement, with a major interest on the Euro Area.

The Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee, in collaboration with the Pierre Werner Chair, is organising a conference on potential output and output gap measurement, aiming at shedding light on how theoretical and statistical concepts of potential output and the output gap relate and how to measure them in practice. The focus is the Euro Area - either taken as a whole or, possibly, for different constituent countries - with a particular interest on the relationship between cyclical fluctuations extracted with different methods and gaps.


Fabio Panetta (European Central Bank)

Prof. Fabio Canova (EUI - RSCAS & Norwegian Business School)

Máté Tóth (European Central Bank)

Hilde Bjørnland (BI Norwegian Business School)

Elmar Mertens (Deutsche Bundesbank)

Werner Roeger (European Commission, DG ECFIN)

Sarah Mouabbi (Banque de France)

Alvar Kangur (International Monetary Fund)

Filippo Pellegrino (Imperial College London)

Elisa Guglielminetti (Banca d’Italia)

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